2005-06-24 05:50:01 UTC
Christine wrote:
: Hi Hermes,
: I don't quite understand the point you are trying to make by Lilith and
: Chiron-NN, which do not aspect each other.
: Their Moons are also in different signs.
: But, at 1a.m, it could be my mind is a bit slow :-)
I only have a partial argument for the moment.
Like you, I see no connection between Lilith and Cheiron-NN in
the mentioned charts of Robert Hand and Alice Schwarzer.
However, in my experience, whenever I look at Lilith, Sagittarius
or Cheiron is often also prominently there. (In mythology, the
constellation of Sagittarius is Cheiron (or at least one of the
centaurs) that was put into the sky - so that Sagittarius and
Cheiron often appear together is no surprise, but provides no
direct link to Lilith).
Let me try to look a bit deeper, let me try to look back to the
time that the Black Moon Lilith was "invented".
In February 1930, a new planet, later called Pluto, was spotted
in the USA. Since Pluto is the god of the underworld, it was not
very far fetched to make him the ruler of Scorpio. However, it also
appears to me that Pluto does not capture all the elements of the
darker, female side of Mars. Pluto does go deep, but is he much
aggressive, compulsive ? Wars are not only won by the male, bright
side of Mars, with honor and high aspiration. Treason and going
lower than the enemy can also win a war ("female mud wrestling").
In the Middle Ages, Mars was feared along with Saturn as one of
the bringers of evil, death and destruction.
So, what I am saying is that taking away rulership of Scorpio from
Mars is something that must have created huge tensions in people,
more precisely collectively and largely unconsciously.
Black Moon Lilith was invented/named sometime in the early 1930's,
i.e. shortly after the discovery of Pluto. Thus Lilith and Pluto
are connected. And, since the discovery of Pluto had a grave impact
on the symbolism of Mars, there is naturally a also a connection
between Mars and Lilith.
It comes as no surprise to me that Lilith was invented in France,
since France is sort of the twin brother of the USA, seen from the
USA often as the evil twin ("Liberty Fries"). What made these two
essentially brothers were the modern revolutions of 1776 and 1789,
both with the sun in Cancer.
The guy who invented Black Moon Lilith was Pierre Rougie. "Rouge"
is French for "red", i.e. a reference to Mars (while "Pierre" means
rock, a reference to Saturn). He used the pseudonym Dom Neroman.
"Nero" is Italian/Latin for "black", i.e. a reference to Lilith
(while "Dom" reminds of "Domus", i.e. house).
That suggests quite strongly that Lilith is a creation of Mars,
his way of taking revenge for the loss of rulership over Scorpio
to Pluto: A guy with "red" in his real name, i.e. really Mars,
is using a pseudonym that contains "black", i.e. Lilith. As the
above suggests, he was maybe helped by Saturn ("Pierre"/"rock")
who himself had lost rulership over Aquarius in 1781. (And there
seems again to be a connection to astrological houses, but this
is rather a sidetrack from the main argument, and not something
that I understand much at the moment).
There are variants of the myth of Adam and Lilith in which they
were Siamese Wwins, grown together back to back. (That reminds a
bit of Janus, the roman god of January, thus related to Saturn).
Jewish religion is strongly linked to the Age of Aries, since it
emerged roughly around the beginning of it, according to legend
when Abraham, father of all Jews, left the city of Ur.
So, the myth of Adam and Lilith is clearly related to the Age of
Aries, in which one would expect people to focus mainly on the
male aspects of Mars, i.e. rather on Adam than on Eve. It is thus
not astonishing that Eve was banned in that myth and replaced by
a more docile, domesticated wife (again a hint at the houses).
Another reaction to the discovery of Pluto was the subsequent
rise of Fascism, World War II and also the Shoa/Holocaust.
Fascism had a mythology called "Blut und Boden", "Blood and Soil".
That is again related to Mars (blood is red, related to War and
also to menstruation) and to Earth (soil; again also related to
Saturn and I think also to houses, since they are probably more
often called "Felder", "fields" in German).
And, of course, the Holocaust consisted of a systematic destruction
(although fortunately an incomplete one) of Jews, i.e. of the male
side of Mars. So, Pluto, Mars, Lilith and also Saturn and Houses
are related to the Holocaust, World War II and Fascism.
Both Robert Hand and Alice Schwarzer have Jewish origins and they
were born during World War II. That relates them strong to these
issues, as well as many other prominent astrologers, like also Liz
Greene (born in New Jersey, like Robert Hand, just after the war).
In my orginal discoveries document,
I write the following about Cheiron (section 3.14):
: Psychologically, Chiron is intended to provide a balance to Pluto,
: to heal rather than to penetrate boundaries and to head the wounds
: of the holocaust.
Summing things up, I am tempted to give the following definition
of the meaning of Lilith:
Lilith := Mars - male Mars - Pluto + elements of male Saturn*
(+ a relation to houses ?)
* i.e. some of those elements that had been removed from Saturn when
he lost his rulership over Aquarius to Uranus.
Of course, the above definition, since it is rather abstract and
mathematical and formulated in words, is male (element Air), i.e.
it cannot fully describe something that is largely female.
: > I have just posted two articles to alt.astrology.tropical. One
: > of them is about houses, in reply to Larry Swain's three part
: > post there. Part of the ideas that I present there originated
: > from things that I heard here in this thread, including Juan's
: > emphasis on the higher aspects of Lilith, which fits well with
: > the Earth/Air signature of houses (see post there when it will
: > appear, probably within the next 24 hours).
: > The second post is more personal, but also clearly related to
: > Lilith.
: I read Larry's post....twice... a while back. I felt he side-tracked from a
: point he was attempting to make, but that I never fully understood. Once
: again, it might just be my level of level of comprehension that failed.
: I'll hope to catch up on your posts soon. Are comments welcome?
I certainly read and consider all replies. A lack of reply from my
side will thus practically never imply a lack of appreciation.
: Hi Hermes,
: I don't quite understand the point you are trying to make by Lilith and
: Chiron-NN, which do not aspect each other.
: Their Moons are also in different signs.
: But, at 1a.m, it could be my mind is a bit slow :-)
I only have a partial argument for the moment.
Like you, I see no connection between Lilith and Cheiron-NN in
the mentioned charts of Robert Hand and Alice Schwarzer.
However, in my experience, whenever I look at Lilith, Sagittarius
or Cheiron is often also prominently there. (In mythology, the
constellation of Sagittarius is Cheiron (or at least one of the
centaurs) that was put into the sky - so that Sagittarius and
Cheiron often appear together is no surprise, but provides no
direct link to Lilith).
Let me try to look a bit deeper, let me try to look back to the
time that the Black Moon Lilith was "invented".
In February 1930, a new planet, later called Pluto, was spotted
in the USA. Since Pluto is the god of the underworld, it was not
very far fetched to make him the ruler of Scorpio. However, it also
appears to me that Pluto does not capture all the elements of the
darker, female side of Mars. Pluto does go deep, but is he much
aggressive, compulsive ? Wars are not only won by the male, bright
side of Mars, with honor and high aspiration. Treason and going
lower than the enemy can also win a war ("female mud wrestling").
In the Middle Ages, Mars was feared along with Saturn as one of
the bringers of evil, death and destruction.
So, what I am saying is that taking away rulership of Scorpio from
Mars is something that must have created huge tensions in people,
more precisely collectively and largely unconsciously.
Black Moon Lilith was invented/named sometime in the early 1930's,
i.e. shortly after the discovery of Pluto. Thus Lilith and Pluto
are connected. And, since the discovery of Pluto had a grave impact
on the symbolism of Mars, there is naturally a also a connection
between Mars and Lilith.
It comes as no surprise to me that Lilith was invented in France,
since France is sort of the twin brother of the USA, seen from the
USA often as the evil twin ("Liberty Fries"). What made these two
essentially brothers were the modern revolutions of 1776 and 1789,
both with the sun in Cancer.
The guy who invented Black Moon Lilith was Pierre Rougie. "Rouge"
is French for "red", i.e. a reference to Mars (while "Pierre" means
rock, a reference to Saturn). He used the pseudonym Dom Neroman.
"Nero" is Italian/Latin for "black", i.e. a reference to Lilith
(while "Dom" reminds of "Domus", i.e. house).
That suggests quite strongly that Lilith is a creation of Mars,
his way of taking revenge for the loss of rulership over Scorpio
to Pluto: A guy with "red" in his real name, i.e. really Mars,
is using a pseudonym that contains "black", i.e. Lilith. As the
above suggests, he was maybe helped by Saturn ("Pierre"/"rock")
who himself had lost rulership over Aquarius in 1781. (And there
seems again to be a connection to astrological houses, but this
is rather a sidetrack from the main argument, and not something
that I understand much at the moment).
There are variants of the myth of Adam and Lilith in which they
were Siamese Wwins, grown together back to back. (That reminds a
bit of Janus, the roman god of January, thus related to Saturn).
Jewish religion is strongly linked to the Age of Aries, since it
emerged roughly around the beginning of it, according to legend
when Abraham, father of all Jews, left the city of Ur.
So, the myth of Adam and Lilith is clearly related to the Age of
Aries, in which one would expect people to focus mainly on the
male aspects of Mars, i.e. rather on Adam than on Eve. It is thus
not astonishing that Eve was banned in that myth and replaced by
a more docile, domesticated wife (again a hint at the houses).
Another reaction to the discovery of Pluto was the subsequent
rise of Fascism, World War II and also the Shoa/Holocaust.
Fascism had a mythology called "Blut und Boden", "Blood and Soil".
That is again related to Mars (blood is red, related to War and
also to menstruation) and to Earth (soil; again also related to
Saturn and I think also to houses, since they are probably more
often called "Felder", "fields" in German).
And, of course, the Holocaust consisted of a systematic destruction
(although fortunately an incomplete one) of Jews, i.e. of the male
side of Mars. So, Pluto, Mars, Lilith and also Saturn and Houses
are related to the Holocaust, World War II and Fascism.
Both Robert Hand and Alice Schwarzer have Jewish origins and they
were born during World War II. That relates them strong to these
issues, as well as many other prominent astrologers, like also Liz
Greene (born in New Jersey, like Robert Hand, just after the war).
In my orginal discoveries document,
I write the following about Cheiron (section 3.14):
: Psychologically, Chiron is intended to provide a balance to Pluto,
: to heal rather than to penetrate boundaries and to head the wounds
: of the holocaust.
Summing things up, I am tempted to give the following definition
of the meaning of Lilith:
Lilith := Mars - male Mars - Pluto + elements of male Saturn*
(+ a relation to houses ?)
* i.e. some of those elements that had been removed from Saturn when
he lost his rulership over Aquarius to Uranus.
Of course, the above definition, since it is rather abstract and
mathematical and formulated in words, is male (element Air), i.e.
it cannot fully describe something that is largely female.
: > I have just posted two articles to alt.astrology.tropical. One
: > of them is about houses, in reply to Larry Swain's three part
: > post there. Part of the ideas that I present there originated
: > from things that I heard here in this thread, including Juan's
: > emphasis on the higher aspects of Lilith, which fits well with
: > the Earth/Air signature of houses (see post there when it will
: > appear, probably within the next 24 hours).
: > The second post is more personal, but also clearly related to
: > Lilith.
: I read Larry's post....twice... a while back. I felt he side-tracked from a
: point he was attempting to make, but that I never fully understood. Once
: again, it might just be my level of level of comprehension that failed.
: I'll hope to catch up on your posts soon. Are comments welcome?
I certainly read and consider all replies. A lack of reply from my
side will thus practically never imply a lack of appreciation.