On Jul 28, 3:21 pm, "A B" <@bleBaker.uk> wrote:
> Sydney Morning Herald, of all places), not 15th. Either way, the I
> A. B.><>
> My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
> account very often.
Moon and Venus has other aspects. I would say that the ones that you
listed are the closest aspects in the chart.
Moon in 22'18 Aries conjunct Eris in 22'29 Aries and square Venus in
22'32 Cancer.
Varuna is named after the Indian God of the
Waters who was supplanted by Vishnu. He was depicted as carrying a
noose. He judged the souls of the drowned. Varuna is said to be
associated with cosmic order,judgment,justice. Varuna has been
squaring Eris, and Venus is conjuncting Varuna and square Eris. Venus
acts like a trigger transit for the Varuna square Eris.
I thought Eris fit with bigotry,racism,equal rights/civil
rights,stirring stuff up,minorities
but astrologers here were giving me a hard time, and they thought my
ideas were ridiculous even though they actually made sense if you
considered the big picture which I actually did.
The reason why that I thought that Eris has to do with
bigotry,racism,equal rights/civil rights is
because I believe that Eris has to do with diversity, equality,
ideology that unites/divides that lead to inclusion/exclusion
I was not coming up with keywords from only the name of Eris. I was
actually going by the astronomy too.
For instance, Eris' discoverer, Michael Brown pointed out that Eris
has a Persephone-like orbit. He said that for half of its orbital
period, Eris is near Pluto and for its other half of its orbital
period,it's far from Pluto. Eris is a scattered disk object with
highly elliptical orbit. He thought Persephone or Proserpina would
be a good name for Eris. In mythology, Persephone split time with
Hades and Demeter.
Ceres and Pluto were made equals in Astronomy because of Eris.
Ceres is an asteroid that was classed as a planet for 40 years,and it
was stripped of its planetary status. Pluto was astronomically higher
ranked higher than Ceres for 70 years because Pluto was classed as a
planet for 70 years. Then after Pluto was stripped of its planetary
status and classed as a dwarf planet and Ceres was promoted to dwarf
planet, Pluto and Ceres became equals. That was due to Eris'
discovery. It was like Hades and Demeter being equals in regards to
sharing Persephone.
That made me think of equal/civil rights.
One of the things that REALLY got me thinking about Eris in regards to
equal/civil rights
There is an African American astrologer, Mu'Min Bey that discussed the
African American Slavery Chart
Aug 30 1619
Jamestown Virginia
This is the astrological representation of the moment when the first
shipment of African slaves were offloaded at Jamestown, Virginia. The
chart itself is based on the research of well known Mundane Astrologer
Marc Penfield, seen in the book Astrology Looks at History, edited
by Noel Tyl, 1995, in the chapter called, Lincoln, The South &
MuMin Bey calls it the chart representing Black America. When he does
charts pertaining to Black America,he checks out synastry,transits to
the Black America chart.
I looked at the chart, and I found that Eris is in 11'14 Gemini
(exactly conjunct my Midheaven).
The Sabian Symbol for 12 Gemini is A BLACK SLAVE-GIRL DEMANDS HER
Keywords: Rising above conditioning and limitations. Standing up for
ones self. Demanding better treatment. Seeking Recognition and self-
respect. Being in chart ones life. Breaking away from oppression.
Wanting a raise in pay or conditions. The need for freedom. Desiring
property and rewards. Rising up from an underdog position position
or situation. The quest for identity.
The Caution: Feeling hard done by. Being demanding. Blaming others.
Bucking authority. Demanding to be recognized or noticed. Feeling used
and abused. Oppression and slavery. Jealousy and envy. Exploitation.
It seems to me that Sabian Symbol Degree could pertain to civil/equal
rights matters, advocacy(standing up for ones self and
others),Affirmative Action,Reparations,Race Relations
Chiron and Centaur Expert Astrologer, Zane Stein wrote an article
about Eris.
He wrote the following keywords for Eris:
Loss of innocence, entrance into adulthood; child's trauma being
separated from parent; acceptance of unavoidable changes; dying and
being reborn (as opposed to Pluto which rules the causes/processes of
death and rebirth); internal split causing longing to be whole, the
longing of the soul for its other half; the subject/object of a
debate, argument, competition, conflict or war...what stirs people to
fight or disagree; fighting for one's rights; strife and discord;
pitting one side against the other; competition, contests and
tournaments; struggles for supremacy; rivalry; a test of skills or
abilities; love of fighting or debate; what one has at stake in a
competition, dispute or conflict, or one's perspective of what is
being fought over; refusing to relinquish one's hold on an ideal,
belief, cause, or object...'not budging an inch'; the problems
resulting from irreconcilable differences; contrasting different
perspectives; comparing thesis and antithesis in the search for truth;
contrasting opposing viewpoints to reveal each side more clearly, to
seek similarities as well as differences; contrasting logical thought
processes to show the limitations of logic; identifying with, or
trying to understand, first principles; incongruous juxtapositions to
force one to think outside of the box; the ethics connected with one's
motives and methods, and the coming to light of less than spotless
methods; the roots of one's motivations; piracy, defrauding,
swindling; society's ethics; race intent.
Some of his keywords weren't just based on Eris' name. Some of his
keywords were based on the symbolism of Eris' Persephone-like orbit,
and he even acknowledged that.
Please note some of his keywords that fit well with my keywords:
what stirs people to fight or disagree
fighting for one's rights
struggles for supremacy
refusing to relinquish one's hold on an ideal,belief,cause,or object
society's ethics
race intent
It was his article that inspired me to get more interested in Eris. I
gave him a lot of credit. He's an astrologer that I have always
admired. It's not just his broadmindedness and curiosity, but also for
his kindness and humbleness. He communicates with others like he's
just an ordinary person. I have never seen him being condescending
nor patronizing. I have met Steven Forrest. He shows a rare
combination of wisdom and humbleness too. These are types of people
that I'd like to emulate. Nobody wants to be an astrologer who is
has a lot of knowledge but is condescending and patronizing. I tend
to have an issue with condescending and patronizing people in
connection to my very humble experiences as a special education
student who was treated like he had low intelligence.
It's intolerance of diversity that leads to bigotry,racism which leads
to minorities having civil rights/equal rights issues that leads to
the need for advocacy. That's because of ideology that divides us and
lead to exclusion.
This doesn't just apply to racial/ethnic minorities.
This also can apply to sexuality minorities like homosexuals
This can apply to religious minorities
This can even apply to people with disabilities
This can apply to people who just have different minds
It can also fit with women because of their history of being oppressed
by men and not being treated equally even though they are not
technically minorities because women tend to outnumber men.
I believe that Dr. Michael Brown gave us the clue behind Eris'
He said the following:
She causes strife by causing arguments among men, by making them
think their opinions are right and everyone elses is wrong, Brown
said. It really is just perfect.
That fits perfectly with ideology that unites or divides leading to
inclusion or exclusion.
It fits with my keywords. It fits with Zane Stein's keywords.
I even explained the astronomy of Eris in much detail
Some Eris Characteristics Given To Uranus
I have a strong personal interest in Eris because of my own Eris
Midheaven/Imum Coeli sextile/trine Eris
Lunar Nodes sextile/trine Eris
(Midheaven square Eris/Node midpoint - '08)
Mercury biquintile Eris - '06
Moon semisquare Eris - '08 in Right Ascension
Saturn semisquare Eris - '56
(Eris conjunct Moon/Saturn midpoint - '32
My most significant Eris stuff is actually what most astrologers
dismiss and ignore. It has to do with the nodes of an object.
Sun conjunct Geocentric South Eris Node - '09
Sun oppose Geocentric North Eris Node - '10
Sun oppose/conjunct Heliocentric Eris Nodes - '10 (same as Earth
conjunct/oppose Heliocentric Eris Nodes - '10)
Grant Lewi, Carl Payne Tobey, and Dane Rudhyar used the Heliocentric
Planetary Nodes. Cosmobiologist Pamela Rowe does too.
They actually believed that aspects to the node of a planet were more
important than the aspects to the planet itself.
They pointed out how very slow moving the planetary nodes were, and
that they can be associated with collective themes.
They even said that a person with strong connections to planetary
nodes can be like a spokesperson for that energy.
Theodor Landscheidt and Zipporah Dobyns used the Geocentric Planetary
Nodes. Jeffrey Wolf Green does too.
Diversity is the main theme in my life
I am a neurodivergent with Dyslexia,Dyspraxia,ADHD. I was in special
education classes for 3 years.
I am an American of multiracial ancestry that is part Black which gets
me viewed as Black, African American even though I have dark tan/light
brown skin.
I am a male with high estrogen levels and don't fit with male
stereotypes. I even have very feminine finger ratio (index fingers
longer than ring fingers which suggest exposed to more estrogen in my
mother's womb)
I am a person that doesn't have mainstream religious beliefs - Mine
fit with New Age,New Thought,Unitarian Universalism.
I happen to be born exactly 4 years after the founding of National
Organization for Women (NOW)
Therefore, NOW and I share not only an October 29th birthday but
also Sun-Earth-Eris Node alignment.
NOW is an equal rights organization for women, but it is also involved
in equal rights of other people. That fits with is strong connection
to collective Eris energy.