Kjell Pettersson
2012-08-12 19:15:04 UTC
Prince Carl Philip of Sweden, third in line of succession after his sister, Crown Princess Victoria, and her daughter, Princess Estelle, was attacked and hit by a stranger after a visit to a night club in Cannes early Saturday morning.
AFP news report: http://goo.gl/oTZcH
I think I have already shown in this group that I have an interest in the astrology of the Swedish Royal Family, and this event seemed to me to be one that possibly could show up in a chart.
I found something, but I dont think it is quite enough.
What I found is that the prince has his progressed Mars on his natal Sun[1]. However, it has passed the Sun by almost half a degree. Then again, Mars is in almost exact antiscion to his progressed Jupiter.
The progressed chart[2] has got Jupiter in the 12th house, and so does the event chart[3].
Transiting Mars is in quincunx (that aspect you all know I do not really believe in!) progressed Mars, closely. The Mars/Mars midpoint is at CAN/CAP 7°15, and transiting Pluto Rx is at 7°18 CAP. Pluto is also very close to or possibly directly upon the Descendant, that house of open enemies, at the time of the assault.
Pluto is really looking for an outlet these days, charged with the square to Uranus, but I feel the above is not quite enough of an explanation, astrologywise, as to what happened. Am I asking too much for what turned out not to be a serious event, after all, or do you see things I cannot see? And is this the end of the story for Prince Carl Philip, or is there more to come from this set-up?
1. Birth chart of Prince Carl Philip is available via AstroDataBank at:
2. For the progressed chart, see:
3. For event chart I have used 03.00 local time. For chart, see:
AFP news report: http://goo.gl/oTZcH
I think I have already shown in this group that I have an interest in the astrology of the Swedish Royal Family, and this event seemed to me to be one that possibly could show up in a chart.
I found something, but I dont think it is quite enough.
What I found is that the prince has his progressed Mars on his natal Sun[1]. However, it has passed the Sun by almost half a degree. Then again, Mars is in almost exact antiscion to his progressed Jupiter.
The progressed chart[2] has got Jupiter in the 12th house, and so does the event chart[3].
Transiting Mars is in quincunx (that aspect you all know I do not really believe in!) progressed Mars, closely. The Mars/Mars midpoint is at CAN/CAP 7°15, and transiting Pluto Rx is at 7°18 CAP. Pluto is also very close to or possibly directly upon the Descendant, that house of open enemies, at the time of the assault.
Pluto is really looking for an outlet these days, charged with the square to Uranus, but I feel the above is not quite enough of an explanation, astrologywise, as to what happened. Am I asking too much for what turned out not to be a serious event, after all, or do you see things I cannot see? And is this the end of the story for Prince Carl Philip, or is there more to come from this set-up?
1. Birth chart of Prince Carl Philip is available via AstroDataBank at:
2. For the progressed chart, see:
3. For event chart I have used 03.00 local time. For chart, see: