Suggested online classes or CD's
(too old to reply)
2009-06-14 13:28:09 UTC
I am relatively new to astrology. I can read charts in a rudimentary
way and know the basics. I would like to take the next step in
learning astrology. I was given Solar Fire 7 as a gift and I'm slowly
learning it, but I need to also take a class to guide me through
things I do not know, mostly aspects (other than the main ones),
declinations, stars, things like that.

I want to learn more, for own self knowledge. I am not interested in
going into business or charge for any services. Can anyone recommend
CD learning, or an economical online class?

I did take a look at Kepler but that is far beyond what I am able to

Thanks so much,
2009-06-15 10:43:18 UTC
why not just post questions,.. i have had students in the past, do still
i'm sure others about here may also have,..


Has recently become a great resource for many Astrologers, go and search
a way there if you like,..

Post by s***@cox.net
I am relatively new to astrology. I can read charts in a rudimentary
way and know the basics. I would like to take the next step in
learning astrology. I was given Solar Fire 7 as a gift and I'm slowly
learning it, but I need to also take a class to guide me through
things I do not know, mostly aspects (other than the main ones),
declinations, stars, things like that.
I want to learn more, for own self knowledge. I am not interested in
going into business or charge for any services. Can anyone recommend
CD learning, or an economical online class?
I did take a look at Kepler but that is far beyond what I am able to
Thanks so much,
2009-06-16 10:45:28 UTC
Post by dionysus
why not just post questions,.. i have had students in the past, do still
i'm sure others about here may also have,..

If it's not a problem I would love to post questions, I just felt that
you all are so much more intelligent about this than I am
and I didn't want to post questions that were lower than the
intelligence level than you guys are.

But here we go:
1. I know the main aspects, (opposition, square, trine)
What are the lesser known aspects?
2. When dealing with oppositions, squares, trines, conjuncitons
I tend to bunch them in categories of good and bad, i.e. a conjunciton
or trine being
good and oppositions and squares being bad. I have been told that is
a good thing to do. Can anyone elaborate?
2009-06-16 15:35:50 UTC
Post by s***@cox.net
Post by dionysus
why not just post questions,.. i have had students in the past, do still
i'm sure others about here may also have,..
If it's not a problem I would love to post questions, I just felt that
you all are so much more intelligent about this than I am
and I didn't want to post questions that were lower than the
intelligence level than you guys are.
1. I know the main aspects, (opposition, square, trine)
What are the lesser known aspects?
An equally known and "friendly" aspect is the sextile (half the trine).
that is enough for the time being, then, later you can
venture into "quintiles!, "septiles" and on, but those are the
aspects most frequently used.
Post by s***@cox.net
2. When dealing with oppositions, squares, trines, conjuncitons
I tend to bunch them in categories of good and bad, i.e. a conjunciton
or trine being good
and oppositions and squares being bad. I have been told that is
not a good thing to do. Can anyone elaborate?
Its like with everything, if two or more unpleasant things - in this case
planets (like Mars, Saturn, Uranus or Pluto) gang up on the chart-owner
(like making conjunctions, squares, or oppositions) things can get quite
If this happens by transits, we have to just endure those hard times of
"trials and tribulations" and hopefully learn from them.
If this is indicated in the birth chart, it can make for a very
"challenging" life,
depending the theme of the part of life it affects (one of the twelve

Conjunctions (or any other aspect) of two or more of the nicer planets,
Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Jupiter can definitely enable the good
in a chart, and - like with everything in life, it depends on the "house"
where it happens. Plus: a "hard" aspect (conjunction, square or oppositions)
among these friendlier planets can make life challenging in an energized
i.e. Challenge vs. Stress.
As you (most likely) know, the houses are determined by the correct TIME
of birth. So, for example, if a good, or bad thing happens in our way of
communicating, it will show somehow in our third house, if it is in the
house, it will affect our personal belongings, our income, etc.
So every of the 12 houses connects to a different vital part of the life of
the chart-owner. -

So much for right now.
Have a great day and
be well,
2009-06-16 16:56:53 UTC
Post by s***@cox.net
1. I know the main aspects, (opposition, square, trine)
What are the lesser known aspects?
omo,... how does this suit you!?

Is said to be easy, and can well be easier than a Trine in my experience,..
One pointer is that it is one generation closer than a Trine,..
Say 5th hse,.. This is your child,.. 30yrs age diff,..
Although a sextile is either 11th /your mate,. or 3rd/ your peer or
sibling,.. Same generation,..
So hence too,. to delineate a sextile,.. well its like the whole
peer/friends concept,.. i see you and i see your frineds,. i understand
you more by seeing you in your peerage backdrop,.. So as such a mars
with a 11th sextile venus,.. his female friend,.. aspects to that venus
and her sign placing will obviously describe her further,.. Or Mars with
Venus 3rd Hse Sextile,.. thats now his sister or peer,..not a actual
female friend,..
Your peer is stuck in the same position as you,.. 11th Hse sextile is
something that helps the planet out of its condition,.. Like a mate from
abroad can send you a ticket over,.. etc,..

similar to sextile,. but 'less intense'?,. well,. if your planet is 12th
or 2nd to the planet in question,.. You can see how this leads on to the
Sextile storylines,.. 12th is a product of the 11th relations,. so if
bad relations,. then 12th is detrimental in terms of fates and
'undoing',.. 2nd hse 30deg semi sextile is like a possession/tool
youhave to your disposal,.. or the planet you are looking at aspects

You should get the technique i am using here,. it allows you to
delineate your own aspects if you understand their phase relations and
house definitions,..

Similar to square but less intense,.. Its past 9oclock and heading to
midday, the day is in session, time to swing to afternoon soon,..,.. Its
past 3pm,.. the afternoon is drawing on,. time to swing to eve soon,..

45deg 11th,.. drive effects from your social network,..
45deg 2nd,.. drive effects from your own rescource pool,..

you can see how social deception issues follow latter 11th 12th
aspects,.. Sextile, Semi Square and Semi Sextile,..
you can see how personal strength/resource issues follow the 2nd 3rd hse

for the sake of time and space, see Inconjunct for now,..

comes up often, classically for it is a 6th hse relation to whatever
planet you are considering,..
Thus as if a lawyer you were looking at,. 6th/his body language would be
naturally 'lawyer' like,.. Hence off the 150deg you can often spot good
tracers to the actual characters composition,..
Like Jupiter say with a Mars 150deg from it,.. You would expect some
issues regards nobility of character/disposition,.. They could be a tad
abrupt say./ known for brash body language,..

Again you can see the 8th hse to the 1st inconjunct,.. as again,. in the
outer hemisphere, it is 8th hse reactions from the outer

As in the brash body language example above,. the 8th is more like a
taboo/social judgement as if the person is stigmatised by the
judgement,. so like Mars with an 8th inconjunct Saturn,.. or Jupiter,..
As if they carry a guilty vibe as the father caught them doing something

Others which are said to be less effective, but we are learning to read
them more is the Pentile range and Septile range of aspects,..
Too the novile and decile although not often used,. the above is regular
and all that is considered necessary really,.

Enquire on individual aspects if you require,. ie 144 or 108 etc,..
Post by s***@cox.net
2. When dealing with oppositions, squares, trines, conjuncitons
I tend to bunch them in categories of good and bad, i.e. a conjunciton
or trine being
good and oppositions and squares being bad. I have been told that is
a good thing to do. Can anyone elaborate?
If there is an aspect between two planets,. you will see the two blended
together on the ground, in the real life,..
It is really simple,. But you will,.. So for starters say,.. //as far as
i reckon,..
Venus Pluto,.. No matter which way you pair these too, you get a Venus
sucked down to Hades to be tested with the pomegranate story,..
If its a square/inconjunct/semi-square she gets raped and held against
her will,.. when she is free, odds are she will always be a shock
victim, and suffer anxieties,...
If its a Trine/Sextile and possibly or Conjunction too,.. She will be
cool with the rape scene to the extent she may prostitute her body
further after the experience,.. She may not do so forever,. but will not
be bodily anxious thereafter, she will manipulate more,..

Initially there, you can see how both Venus's deal with the rape
experience differently,. Or as such, the experience occurs to them
differently,.. Hence they are able to grasp it differently,. hence they
relate to the "Rape" concept very differently in time,..

Hard aspects are said to be growth aspects for they are, from our
duality based conciousness, the contrasting measures in our perception
of things,. Half past 3,.. Full moon,.. last quarter,.. Half way
there,... When we try to follow a cycle like the moon,. The quarters are
the most standardisable/recognisable contrasts in its phases,.. hence as
in the seasons,.. "change comes in 90 days/degrees"
So 45deg is ,..135deg Gibbiobalsamicus Phases,. also the halfways
between the quarters,.. [semi sextile ranges]

But yes,. as such,. look outside at the sky outside,.. all four day
positions are experienceing contrasting things,. the ascendant is all
'risey',.. obviously excitable,.. The top of the sky /90deg,. has much
more of a vantage point,.. no hiding there,. everyone can see you,..
The opposition or setting aspect/sky,. well its totally opposite to the
'riser',. more of a dissapearing act at 180degrees,..
The Bottom of the sky,. 270deg say,.. well we can see anything down
here,.. But yes,. they are all transitory phase changes too,. hence hte
change in the difficult aspects,..

Like say a Mars square Saturn,.. would eb about the father and his
boy,.. the boy jostling for position with hs dad,. when he grows up it
will be with his boss,. odds are he may start his own business to sort
that issue out,. but end up having an issue with his mortgage/saturn
again,.. for he spends beyond the budget,..

So yes,. The candidate there will have 'growth' issues with those
planets/features of them self,.. i.e. ego expansion vs literal limits,..

What you see in the trines/ sextiles then say,..is a less contrasting
sort of a relationship,.. as in the rape,. it was him or me,. he stole
my insides,.. that would eb the square rape scene,..
Whereas,. the trine where i made it into the mind of my assailant,.. i
understood his pain and could see and feel his trembling,. it struck a
chord in me during the experience,..

BUt yes,. i don't do the regular "good" "bad",.. there are things that
are good for you that are bad for you too,.. its all about measure and
what you do with what's available,..

i mean a Venus square Jupiter say,. a girl who acts like a brat,.
obviously that's bad,. but its part of growth for her,.. every time in
her day that the stations change, she will be reminded of this,.. a
Venus trine Jupiter or say a Venus sextile Jupiter will have so many
friends/peers that are bratty too,.. well then, she won't even
realise,.. so which is actually worse!?

As far as i have seen, bad personality traits through hard angles see
themselves quicker in the mirror,..

some additional ext cut from the above,..
If you have a planet before your mars say, //as in examples/technique
above, say semi sextile,....
Your Mars is approaching it, the planet/person,.. if your mars is
leaving the planet,. you are walking away from that person or
experience,.. so as such you should always see things on the ground and
persons having a relationship with such,. Coming to or going away
from,.. Venus saturn,. your girlfriends watch, her clothing,.. mars
venus,. your mans clothing, his scent, manner of speech,.. Mars
Jupiter,.. your boyfriends philosophy,.. whichever characters are
involved you will see their issues melded,..
Edmond H. Wollmann
2010-02-05 14:41:30 UTC
Post by dionysus
Post by s***@cox.net
1. I know the main aspects, (opposition, square, trine)
What are the lesser known aspects?
omo,... how does this suit you!?
Is said to be easy, and can well be easier than a Trine in my experience,..
One pointer is that it is one generation closer than a Trine,..
Say 5th hse,.. This is your child,.. 30yrs age diff,..
Although a sextile is either 11th /your mate,. or 3rd/ your peer or
sibling,.. Same generation,..
So hence too,. to delineate a sextile,.. well its like the whole
peer/friends concept,.. i see you and i see your frineds,. i understand
you more by seeing you in your peerage backdrop,.. So as such a mars
with a 11th sextile venus,.. his female friend,.. aspects to that venus
and her sign placing will obviously describe her further,.. Or Mars with
Venus 3rd Hse Sextile,.. thats now his sister or peer,..not a actual
female friend,..
Your peer is stuck in the same position as you,.. 11th Hse sextile is
something that helps the planet out of its condition,.. Like a mate from
abroad can send you a ticket over,.. etc,..
similar to sextile,. but 'less intense'?,. well,. if your planet is 12th
or 2nd to the planet in question,.. You can see how this leads on to the
Sextile storylines,.. 12th is a product of the 11th relations,. so if
bad relations,. then 12th is detrimental in terms of fates and
'undoing',.. 2nd hse 30deg semi sextile is like a possession/tool
youhave to your disposal,.. or the planet you are looking at aspects
You should get the technique i am using here,. it allows you to
delineate your own aspects if you understand their phase relations and
house definitions,..
Similar to square but less intense,.. Its past 9oclock and heading to
midday, the day is in session, time to swing to afternoon soon,..,.. Its
past 3pm,.. the afternoon is drawing on,. time to swing to eve soon,..
45deg 11th,.. drive effects from your social network,..
45deg 2nd,.. drive effects from your own rescource pool,..
you can see how social deception issues follow latter 11th 12th
aspects,.. Sextile, Semi Square and Semi Sextile,..
you can see how personal strength/resource issues follow the 2nd 3rd hse
for the sake of time and space, see Inconjunct for now,..
comes up often, classically for it is a 6th hse relation to whatever
planet you are considering,..
Thus as if a lawyer you were looking at,. 6th/his body language would be
naturally 'lawyer' like,.. Hence off the 150deg you can often spot good
tracers to the actual characters composition,..
Like Jupiter say with a Mars 150deg from it,.. You would expect some
issues regards nobility of character/disposition,.. They could be a tad
abrupt say./ known for brash body language,..
Again you can see the 8th hse to the 1st inconjunct,.. as again,. in the
outer hemisphere, it is 8th hse reactions from the outer
As in the brash body language example above,. the 8th is more like a
taboo/social judgement as if the person is stigmatised by the
judgement,. so like Mars with an 8th inconjunct Saturn,.. or Jupiter,..
As if they carry a guilty vibe as the father caught them doing something
Others which are said to be less effective, but we are learning to read
them more is the Pentile range and Septile range of aspects,..
Too the novile and decile although not often used,. the above is regular
and all that is considered necessary really,.
Enquire on individual aspects if you require,. ie 144 or 108 etc,..
Post by s***@cox.net
2. When dealing with oppositions, squares, trines, conjuncitons
I tend to bunch them in categories of good and bad, i.e. a conjunciton
or trine being
good and oppositions and squares being bad. I have been told that is
a good thing to do. Can anyone elaborate?
If there is an aspect between two planets,. you will see the two blended
together on the ground, in the real life,..
It is really simple,. But you will,.. So for starters say,.. //as far as
i reckon,..
Venus Pluto,.. No matter which way you pair these too, you get a Venus
sucked down to Hades to be tested with the pomegranate story,..
If its a square/inconjunct/semi-square she gets raped and held against
her will,.. when she is free, odds are she will always be a shock
victim, and suffer anxieties,...
If its a Trine/Sextile and possibly or Conjunction too,.. She will be
cool with the rape scene to the extent she may prostitute her body
further after the experience,.. She may not do so forever,. but will not
be bodily anxious thereafter, she will manipulate more,..
Initially there, you can see how both Venus's deal with the rape
experience differently,. Or as such, the experience occurs to them
differently,.. Hence they are able to grasp it differently,. hence they
relate to the "Rape" concept very differently in time,..
Hard aspects are said to be growth aspects for they are, from our
duality based conciousness, the contrasting measures in our perception
of things,. Half past 3,.. Full moon,.. last quarter,.. Half way
there,... When we try to follow a cycle like the moon,. The quarters are
the most standardisable/recognisable contrasts in its phases,.. hence as
in the seasons,.. "change comes in 90 days/degrees"
So 45deg is ,..135deg Gibbiobalsamicus Phases,. also the halfways
between the quarters,.. [semi sextile ranges]
But yes,. as such,. look outside at the sky outside,.. all four day
positions are experienceing contrasting things,. the ascendant is all
'risey',.. obviously excitable,.. The top of the sky /90deg,. has much
more of a vantage point,.. no hiding there,. everyone can see you,..
The opposition or setting aspect/sky,. well its totally opposite to the
'riser',. more of a dissapearing act at 180degrees,..
The Bottom of the sky,. 270deg say,.. well we can see anything down
here,.. But yes,. they are all transitory phase changes too,. hence hte
change in the difficult aspects,..
Like say a Mars square Saturn,.. would eb about the father and his
boy,.. the boy jostling for position with hs dad,. when he grows up it
will be with his boss,. odds are he may start his own business to sort
that issue out,. but end up having an issue with his mortgage/saturn
again,.. for he spends beyond the budget,..
So yes,. The candidate there will have 'growth' issues with those
planets/features of them self,.. i.e. ego expansion vs literal limits,..
What you see in the trines/ sextiles then say,..is a less contrasting
sort of a relationship,.. as in the rape,. it was him or me,. he stole
my insides,.. that would eb the square rape scene,..
Whereas,. the trine where i made it into the mind of my assailant,.. i
understood his pain and could see and feel his trembling,. it struck a
chord in me during the experience,..
BUt yes,. i don't do the regular "good" "bad",.. there are things that
are good for you that are bad for you too,.. its all about measure and
what you do with what's available,..
i mean a Venus square Jupiter say,. a girl who acts like a brat,.
obviously that's bad,. but its part of growth for her,.. every time in
her day that the stations change, she will be reminded of this,.. a
Venus trine Jupiter or say a Venus sextile Jupiter will have so many
friends/peers that are bratty too,.. well then, she won't even
realise,.. so which is actually worse!?
As far as i have seen, bad personality traits through hard angles see
themselves quicker in the mirror,..
some additional ext cut from the above,..
If you have a planet before your mars say, //as in examples/technique
above, say semi sextile,....
Your Mars is approaching it, the planet/person,.. if your mars is
leaving the planet,. you are walking away from that person or
experience,.. so as such you should always see things on the ground and
persons having a relationship with such,. Coming to or going away
from,.. Venus saturn,. your girlfriends watch, her clothing,.. mars
venus,. your mans clothing, his scent, manner of speech,.. Mars
Jupiter,.. your boyfriends philosophy,.. whichever characters are
involved you will see their issues melded,..
I outlined some aspects here:

Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
© 2010 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting http://www.astroconsulting.com/
Youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/EHWollmann
Twitter http://twitter.com/Altairtheflyer
Tony Howard
2009-07-07 08:39:32 UTC
I am relatively new to astrology.  I can read charts in a rudimentary
way and know the basics.  I would like to take the next step in
learning astrology.  I was given Solar Fire 7 as a gift and I'm slowly
learning it, but I need to also take a class to guide me through
things I do not know, mostly aspects (other than the  main ones),
declinations, stars, things like that.
I want to learn more, for own self knowledge.  I am not interested in
going into business or charge for any services.  Can anyone recommend
CD learning, or an economical online class?
I did take a look at Kepler but that is far beyond what I am able to
Thanks so much,
I highly recommend Steven and Jodie Forrest's work. I'm a student of
theirs. They have several inexpensive talks available for download on
their website www.stevenforrest.com.
2009-09-08 22:06:57 UTC
Post by s***@cox.net
I am relatively new to astrology. I can read charts in a rudimentary
way and know the basics. I would like to take the next step in
learning astrology. I was given Solar Fire 7 as a gift and I'm slowly
learning it, but I need to also take a class to guide me through
things I do not know, mostly aspects (other than the main ones),
declinations, stars, things like that.
I want to learn more, for own self knowledge. I am not interested in
going into business or charge for any services. Can anyone recommend
CD learning, or an economical online class?
I did take a look at Kepler but that is far beyond what I am able to
Thanks so much,
If you investigate the NCGR's web site, I think they may have an
online study course. They also have a curriculum, reading list,
and certification program (in 4 levels).

If you can't afford to buy all the books, see if there is an NCGR
chapter in your area (they're pretty much international, but can
be focused in one area of one country). They might be able to
arrange a book-borrowing for you, especially if you hook up with
anyone who's a good teacher (s/he'd probably lend you hir own

Not free, but less expensive than Kepler. And you are going
about this in the right way - books, study, and teachers. Later
on, your own experience will negate much of what you may have
read in the books. :-)
2009-09-08 22:23:38 UTC
Post by s***@cox.net
I am relatively new to astrology. I can read charts in a rudimentary
way and know the basics. I would like to take the next step in
learning astrology. I was given Solar Fire 7 as a gift and I'm slowly
learning it, but I need to also take a class to guide me through
things I do not know, mostly aspects (other than the main ones),
declinations, stars, things like that.
I want to learn more, for own self knowledge. I am not interested in
going into business or charge for any services. Can anyone recommend
CD learning, or an economical online class?
I did take a look at Kepler but that is far beyond what I am able to
Thanks so much,
Come to think of it, I'd rather recommend looking at Deb
Houlding's site, which I think is www.skyscript.com for teachers.
You'd learn astrology as it was practiced before the 19th
century, and it would be more focused and, IMO, more accurate.

Bernadette Brady may also offer online courses - Google for her
web site (but it's probably linked to skyscript, anyway).
don hindenach
2009-09-08 23:28:31 UTC
Post by ***@twixtntween.com
Post by s***@cox.net
I am relatively new to astrology. I can read charts in a rudimentary
way and know the basics. I would like to take the next step in
learning astrology. I was given Solar Fire 7 as a gift and I'm slowly
learning it, but I need to also take a class to guide me through
things I do not know, mostly aspects (other than the main ones),
declinations, stars, things like that.
I want to learn more, for own self knowledge. I am not interested in
going into business or charge for any services. Can anyone recommend
CD learning, or an economical online class?
I did take a look at Kepler but that is far beyond what I am able to
Thanks so much,
Come to think of it, I'd rather recommend looking at Deb
Houlding's site, which I think is www.skyscript.com for teachers.
You'd learn astrology as it was practiced before the 19th
century, and it would be more focused and, IMO, more accurate.
Bernadette Brady may also offer online courses - Google for her
web site (but it's probably linked to skyscript, anyway).
There is also a lot of nice information provided by the nice folks at
donh at audiosys dot com
2009-09-09 05:15:57 UTC
And let me take the opportunity to once again push for the
astrological search engine I have created for us, which is located at


Just making a search with the two words


will yield quite a few answers, and the very majority should be
adequate answers. I think the first answer is to a course in
astronomy, but the absolute majority of the hits are about astrology

(The astronomy course is because I have included some related topics
as well, such as some astronomy pages, some mythology, but the focus
of the search engine is directly astrological.)

Post by don hindenach
Post by ***@twixtntween.com
I am relatively new to astrology.  I can read charts in a rudimentary
way and know the basics.  I would like to take the next step in
learning astrology.  I was given Solar Fire 7 as a gift and I'm slowly
learning it, but I need to also take a class to guide me through
things I do not know, mostly aspects (other than the  main ones),
declinations, stars, things like that.
I want to learn more, for own self knowledge.  I am not interested in
going into business or charge for any services.  Can anyone recommend
CD learning, or an economical online class?
I did take a look at Kepler but that is far beyond what I am able to
Thanks so much,
Come to think of it, I'd rather recommend looking at Deb
Houlding's site, which I think iswww.skyscript.comfor teachers.
You'd learn astrology as it was practiced before the 19th
century, and it would be more focused and, IMO, more accurate.
Bernadette Brady may also offer online courses - Google for her
web site (but it's probably linked to skyscript, anyway).
There is also a lot of nice information provided by the nice folks at
donh at audiosys dot com
Edmond H. Wollmann
2010-01-28 08:34:14 UTC
Post by s***@cox.net
I am relatively new to astrology. I can read charts in a rudimentary
way and know the basics. I would like to take the next step in
learning astrology. I was given Solar Fire 7 as a gift and I'm slowly
learning it, but I need to also take a class to guide me through
things I do not know, mostly aspects (other than the main ones),
declinations, stars, things like that.
I want to learn more, for own self knowledge. I am not interested in
going into business or charge for any services. Can anyone recommend
CD learning, or an economical online class?
I did take a look at Kepler but that is far beyond what I am able to
Thanks so much,
Grant Lewi, Heaven Knows What.
Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
© 2010 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting http://www.astroconsulting.com/
Youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/EHWollmann
Twitter http://twitter.com/Altairtheflyer