Post by A BKjell: "I think it reflects the true nature of astrology, namely, that there
are several kinds of astrology and not one."
In theory, that doesn't really make sense.
It does, and I am certainly not the first one to propose the idea.
Already Ptolemy knew that the signs of tropical astrology did not
correlate with the signs as you see them on a celestial map. Ibn Arabi
also spoke of tropical astrology and seeing these twelve signs as
invisible, as they were not what you could see in the sky.
Post by A BTo take one example, it can't be
true both that someone talks impulsively and aggressively because they have
Mercury in tropical Aries, and that they do nothing of the sort because they
have Mercury in sidereal Pisces and not Aries.
You seem to be deluded by the Aristotelian idea of Tertium non
datur. Along with a great part of the Western world and in particular
the scientific-minded. However, if you check with Heraclitus, Nicolaus
Cusanus, great Taoists and quite a few others (alchemists for
instance, that other bransch of astrologers as they were once known)
you will find that this principle is not a given.
To start with. But let's leave that more philosophical discussion
aside for now and speak in more astrological terms.
What is tropical astrology? It is an astrology based upon the Sun's
path and the solstitial/equinoctial points. That tells us something
about how to understand tropical astrology.
Sidereal astrology is based upon the Heavens as they look to you if
you look up into the skies at night (simply expressed). That is a
quite different foundation, and it is certainly less theoretical than
the tropical. That tells us something about how to understand sidereal
Post by A BBut in practice, there must
be thousands of astrologers in India using the sidereal system, and they
don't seem to be going out of business, and neither are the tropical
astrologers. I don't see how to resolve this one, unless you take the view
that neither system works, which doesn't square with my experience.
I do not subscribe to the idea that A must not be not-A. See above.
Post by A BMH: "As for the invisible hand that steer things up, we can change it, to
become the visible hand of the Astrologers, when they unite their efforts,
to make their studies less chaotic, and more practical and realistic."
I think that's fair enough, in principle - "we" being, not a mythical
"elite", but all astrologers who are interested in testing which methods are
the most useful. Only, isn't that what astrologers have been doing for
centuries? Comparing notes, reading each others' writings, putting evidence
for their favourite theories - and agreeing to differ. Still, the same
could be said of any number of things in the sciences, where the scientists
got there in the end.
I must say that I find expressions like constrain the circle a bit
illboding when it comes to understand what precisely MH means by what
has been said. It sounds like wanting to assume a function of
censoring what is astrology and what is not. In modern times,
astrology is seen as ruled by Uranus, and I think few astrologers
would want a Central Astrological Authority, or anything like it.
Post by A BOf course, as Kjell says, this is only a little group - we ain't ISAR. But
that's no reason why we shouldn't compare notes a bit. Every little helps.
To me it did not sound as a call to compare notes. It sounded like
The question is are we to use all these and it sounded like
constrain the circle, both of which I take to mean something quite
different than compare notes.
Post by A BAnd this kind of group has its own advantages. I've got plenty of material
that I'd never dream of sending to ISAR or the Astrological Association
Journal. My observations are just too small for that level. And I'm not in
a position to join any local astrology groups. But it's still good stuff
that it would be a pity to waste. (The best are a dozen or so event charts
that I did a while ago. My idea was to work out what meanings for each
factor would make sense in all or most of the charts, and write it up for
the group. I'll do that as soon as I get the chance.)
I do not see what you describe having in mind as being what MH asks
for. Nor did MH explain why your post was a better answer than mine,
so we still do not know by what criteria to judge.
Post by A BThe mantic astrologers needn't read the statistics.
If they do not, how shall we ever be able to constrain the circle?
Post by A BMeanwhile, those of us
who expect to find some objective meaning in the chart are usually
interested in finding out the best ways of getting at it.
You speak for a limited group, those of us expecting..., MH not so.
MH seems to want some kind of general rules to steer everything up by,
and that is why I react with asking for a clarification of what really
is meant. So far, I have not heard a word saying that I have
misunderstood or that something else was meant.
Post by A BIf the "scientific" community are prepared to reject something that's
supported by experiment, just because the original idea was suggested by a
psychic, shame on them.
They would not accept, and do not now accept, ANY kind of evidence
pointing towards ANYTHING that in the least resembles astrology. If
you believe anything else, you are a romantic.
Post by A BKjell: "And do you really think it is even a possible goal to decide what
asteroids, or the Sabians symbols, are supposed to be used for and not? How
do you picture to have such a standardization enforced?"
Presumably in the same way that, say, gardening techniques are "enforced" -
if people know that the evidence points to late autumn being the best time
to plant trees, not many people are likely to plant them in March just from
contrariness. Seems plain enough to me.
Then again, do you know for certain that your rule covers it all? All
trees? Everywhere? What about Australia? Oh, but of course, autumn in
Australia would not be autumn in...
And there you have it. Do you see my point?