Post by AstralisPost by HermesAnyway, I find it not a good idea how the E.U. is
trying to "handle" Greece, not wise and open enough in my feeling
(Greece has Jupiter in Pisces).
Interesting your comments. Concerning EU, I think that keeping Greece inside
EU is strategic and that's why they decided to handle that way. Politically
more than economically.
Sure, a unified Europe without Greece would just not be "Europe" in my
feeling. I just meant to say that a "saturnian straightjacket" over a
Jupiter in Pisces seems not like the best or healthiest imaginable
approach for the future of Greece and Europe. Time will tell...
Post by AstralisPost by HermesIn Switzerland, where I live, it is
normal that larger cantons ("states") with lots of industry pay to the
less populated ones, like say the ones in the mountains. Nature and
heritage and community is also considered something important; money
is just the means for achieving things like freedom and justice, but
not the goal. The chart for the independence of Switzerland - partly
real, partly mythological - of August 1291 features almost all planets
and the n.node in Leo, opposite only Pluto in Aquarius.
How do you figure the recent crise between Switzerland and Libya?
Unfortunately I have no certain date for Libya constitution to compare but
maybe it's possible to find out something interesting from the chart of your
Here are two charts for Switzerland:
Federal state of 1848 (event is the vote in parliament on the
constitution, if my memory is correct):
Loading Image...Source:
Mythological founding date (Bundesbrief "early August 1291",
Loading Image...Bundesbrief (Swiss Federal Charter) translated to english:
I have not looked specifically at the issue with Libya. Things are
generally quite settled in Switzerland anyway, like a very old lion,
business as usual, the issue will likely be settled by some kind of
rather secret deal between Libya (Ghadafi), Switzerland, and likely
other countries, sometime in the midterm future. As a citizen, often
all I have to worry about in Switzerland is that politicians move too
much in a direction I do not want things to move, which can usually be
moderated by popular vote a bit later on. Regarding UBS, for example,
such control by direct democracy was practically impossible in the
past decade due to globalization (Pluto in Sagittarius, Uranus/Neptune
in Aquarius) - a Swiss law would simply have driven them out of
Switzerland. This year, for example, there will be a popular vote on a
law that would restrict bonuses for managers (would be voted on by
stock holders) and more, plus a more moderate counter proposal by
parliament (this often happens in such cases), looks like one of them
has a good chance of passing. I see a lot of this reflected in the old
chart of 1291.
Besides the charts of Libya, I would also look at the chart of
Ghadafi, after all he is the one who will decide on the side of Lybia.
Lybia is apparently the ancient Greek name for "Africa" and the issues
of pride would likely hint at some Leo, too, I guess?
Post by AstralisI also would ask you for permission to insert your comment even on my blog -
in case you won't do it on your own -.
OK, feel free to insert it (and this one, if you like)... (I hope I
got all facts and charts right...)
Post by AstralisRegards.