Charts with nothing in one element
(too old to reply)
2010-08-21 11:38:45 UTC
I've often been puzzled by the few charts that have nothing in a certain
element. Of course, it's obvious enough what it should mean; but it doesn't
seem to work that way. Often it even seems to emphasise the missing
element. For instance, somebody with nothing at all in Air signs might seem
very obviously intellectual, rational and that, besides various other "airy"
Any thoughts? Has anyone else noticed this?
All the best,
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
2010-08-22 07:16:50 UTC
Post by A B
I've often been puzzled by the few charts that have nothing in a certain
element. Of course, it's obvious enough what it should mean; but it doesn't
seem to work that way. Often it even seems to emphasise the missing
element. For instance, somebody with nothing at all in Air signs might seem
very obviously intellectual, rational and that, besides various other "airy"
Any thoughts? Has anyone else noticed this?
IMO, planets in a house or planetary aspects can more or less fill in
the so-called 'missing' element.

Here's a long thread from some few months back about this topic:



Most of the contributors didn't agree with me.

cfa at alt dot net
2010-08-22 15:32:24 UTC
Post by CFA
Post by A B
I've often been puzzled by the few charts that have nothing in a certain
element.  Of course, it's obvious enough what it should mean; but it doesn't
seem to work that way.  Often it even seems to emphasise the missing
element.  For instance, somebody with nothing at all in Air signs might seem
very obviously intellectual, rational and that, besides various other "airy"
Any thoughts?  Has anyone else noticed this?
IMO, planets in a house or planetary aspects can more or less fill in
the so-called 'missing' element.
Here's a long thread from some few months back about this topic:http://groups.google.com/group/alt.astrology.moderated/browse_thread/...
Most of the contributors didn't agree with me.
cfa at alt dot net
I agree, Ken. I have no earth, but I have Moon conj Neptune in Libra
in the 2nd house. It's about as earthy as you can get. If I can't sell
it, sleep on it or eat it, it is not worth bothering with. Those two
bodies in the 2nd conj and in Libra would suggest some lucy-goosey
spiritual dippy girl into karmic relationships, but I am strictly
about 'business' and that is selling products for $$$ and the
relationship has to be 'substantial' and involve 'mutual benefit', not
karma. They operate like two 'earth' bodies.
2010-08-23 20:03:10 UTC
Post by LibraLove
Post by CFA
Post by A B
I've often been puzzled by the few charts that have nothing in a certain
element. Of course, it's obvious enough what it should mean; but it
seem to work that way. Often it even seems to emphasise the missing
element. For instance, somebody with nothing at all in Air signs might
very obviously intellectual, rational and that, besides various other "airy"
Any thoughts? Has anyone else noticed this?
IMO, planets in a house or planetary aspects can more or less fill in
the so-called 'missing' element.
Post by LibraLove
Post by CFA
Most of the contributors didn't agree with me.
That was a pretty good row, sorry, theoretical debate, wasn't it? :-)
Post by LibraLove
I agree, Ken. I have no earth, but I have Moon conj Neptune in Libra
in the 2nd house. It's about as earthy as you can get. If I can't sell
it, sleep on it or eat it, it is not worth bothering with. Those two
bodies in the 2nd conj and in Libra would suggest some lucy-goosey
spiritual dippy girl into karmic relationships, but I am strictly
about 'business' and that is selling products for $$$ and the
relationship has to be 'substantial' and involve 'mutual benefit', not
karma. They operate like two 'earth' bodies.
Something in what you say. Even without any planets in a certain element, a
chart can have aspects and so on that have similar connotations to that
element, filling the gap a bit. I've got no Air, objective, literate and
analytical to a fault (and built like a coat-rack). But I do have Mercury
in Virgo in the 3rd conj IC. It also forms a Grand Trine with bodies in the
7th and 11th. I suppose that might account for it in this case. Where's
LibraLove's Saturn, by the way?

But it's odd how often this seems to happen. There can't ALWAYS be a handy
aspect-pattern to make up the deficiency and a bit over. It's almost as if
the lack of planets in an element was in itself an emphasis on the element.
Of course, it could be a coincidence - it's not as if I've seen THAT many
charts like that. Has anyone got any handy?

A planet making no aspects at all often seems to have a disproportionate
influence. Some authors suggest that such a planet can't act alongside any
other - some of the time its principle doesn't appear at all, the rest of
the time
nothing else does. In my limited experience, that description usually seems
very accurate. Might a missing element work something like that?
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
2010-08-25 08:05:14 UTC
Post by CFA
Post by LibraLove
Post by CFA
Post by A B
I've often been puzzled by the few charts that have nothing in a certain
element. Of course, it's obvious enough what it should mean; but it
seem to work that way. Often it even seems to emphasise the missing
element. For instance, somebody with nothing at all in Air signs might
very obviously intellectual, rational and that, besides various other "airy"
Any thoughts? Has anyone else noticed this?
IMO, planets in a house or planetary aspects can more or less fill in
the so-called 'missing' element.
Post by LibraLove
Post by CFA
Most of the contributors didn't agree with me.
That was a pretty good row, sorry, theoretical debate, wasn't it? :-)
Oh yeah. I know better, and I knew better, and I still couldn't let it
Post by CFA
Post by LibraLove
I agree, Ken. I have no earth, but I have Moon conj Neptune in Libra
in the 2nd house. It's about as earthy as you can get. If I can't sell
it, sleep on it or eat it, it is not worth bothering with. Those two
bodies in the 2nd conj and in Libra would suggest some lucy-goosey
spiritual dippy girl into karmic relationships, but I am strictly
about 'business' and that is selling products for $$$ and the
relationship has to be 'substantial' and involve 'mutual benefit', not
karma. They operate like two 'earth' bodies.
Something in what you say. Even without any planets in a certain element, a
chart can have aspects and so on that have similar connotations to that
element, filling the gap a bit. I've got no Air, objective, literate and
analytical to a fault (and built like a coat-rack). But I do have Mercury
in Virgo in the 3rd conj IC. It also forms a Grand Trine with bodies in the
7th and 11th. I suppose that might account for it in this case. Where's
LibraLove's Saturn, by the way?
What are the other planets?
Post by CFA
But it's odd how often this seems to happen. There can't ALWAYS be a handy
aspect-pattern to make up the deficiency and a bit over. It's almost as if
the lack of planets in an element was in itself an emphasis on the element.
Of course, it could be a coincidence - it's not as if I've seen THAT many
charts like that. Has anyone got any handy?
A planet making no aspects at all often seems to have a disproportionate
influence. Some authors suggest that such a planet can't act alongside any
other - some of the time its principle doesn't appear at all, the rest of
the time
nothing else does. In my limited experience, that description usually seems
very accurate. Might a missing element work something like that?
Sure. It's called compensation. The lack can trigger an emphasis on
the element involved.

cfa at alt dot net

======================================= MODERATOR'S COMMENT:
Respondents, please note: Only LibraLove can answer the question regarding her planets, if she wants to. A mistake was done in allowing the previous post with the question, but let's not add to it. (Charter, § 2.7b http://www.altastrologymoderated.info/charter)
2010-08-31 02:11:58 UTC
Post by CFA
Post by CFA
Post by LibraLove
Post by CFA
Post by A B
I've often been puzzled by the few charts that have nothing in a certain
element. Of course, it's obvious enough what it should mean; but it
seem to work that way. Often it even seems to emphasise the missing
element. For instance, somebody with nothing at all in Air signs might
very obviously intellectual, rational and that, besides various other "airy"
Any thoughts? Has anyone else noticed this?
IMO, planets in a house or planetary aspects can more or less fill in
the so-called 'missing' element.
Post by LibraLove
Post by CFA
Most of the contributors didn't agree with me.
That was a pretty good row, sorry, theoretical debate, wasn't it? :-)
Oh yeah. I know better, and I knew better, and I still couldn't let it
Post by CFA
Post by LibraLove
I agree, Ken. I have no earth, but I have Moon conj Neptune in Libra
in the 2nd house. It's about as earthy as you can get. If I can't sell
it, sleep on it or eat it, it is not worth bothering with. Those two
bodies in the 2nd conj and in Libra would suggest some lucy-goosey
spiritual dippy girl into karmic relationships, but I am strictly
about 'business' and that is selling products for $$$ and the
relationship has to be 'substantial' and involve 'mutual benefit', not
karma. They operate like two 'earth' bodies.
Something in what you say.  Even without any planets in a certain element, a
chart can have aspects and so on that have similar connotations to that
element, filling the gap a bit.  I've got no Air, objective, literate and
analytical to a fault (and built like a coat-rack).  But I do have Mercury
in Virgo in the 3rd conj IC.  It also forms a Grand Trine with bodies in the
7th and 11th.  I suppose that might account for it in this case.  Where's
LibraLove's Saturn, by the way?
What are the other planets?
Post by CFA
But it's odd how often this seems to happen.  There can't ALWAYS be a handy
aspect-pattern to make up the deficiency and a bit over.  It's almost as if
the lack of planets in an element was in itself an emphasis on the element.
Of course, it could be a coincidence - it's not as if I've seen THAT many
charts like that.  Has anyone got any handy?
A planet making no aspects at all often seems to have a disproportionate
influence.  Some authors suggest that such a planet can't act alongside any
other - some of the time its principle doesn't appear at all, the rest of
the time
nothing else does.  In my limited experience, that description usually seems
very accurate.  Might a missing element work something like that?
Sure. It's called compensation. The lack can trigger an emphasis on
the element involved.
cfa at alt dot net
 Respondents, please note: Only LibraLove can answer the question regarding her planets, if she wants to. A mistake was done in allowing the previous post with the question, but let's not add to it. (Charter, § 2.7bhttp://www.altastrologymoderated.info/charter)
I'm not fussy about my data. Most everyone has my data from the old
days here and I have theirs as well. I am old enough to know that
whatever it is, it's all in there in one symbol or another and there's
no getting around it. They may interpret me anyway they wish and they
have in the past. :)

The thing I have noticed is -- I can be considered loosey-goosey on
occasion and a fliberty-gibbit, but also highly structured, grounded
and logical -- without any earth except my MC in Taurus. What I have
found over the years, none of that can be reconciled easily without
the asteroid Pallas that is positioned in my 4 planet Cancer bundle
sandwiched between Saturn (1) and Mercury (3) at (3) also and ALL
square that 2nd house Moon con Neptune in Libra. I have an aspected
Magi Quad.

I have Jupiter + Pluto </L/> [Mercury conjunct Pallas conjunct Saturn]
+ Neptune. This can be interpreted as super business success (Jupiter-
Pluto) with masterful ideas and dominate search and seeking skills
(Mercury-Pallas-Saturn) in science or film (Neptune) or it could be
super-success (Jupiter-Pluto) communicating technical/scientific ideas
(Mercury-Pallas-Saturn) creatively (Neptune).

I have a Double Aspected Magi Quad Yod in Geo longitudes which is
written like this:

[Jupiter conjunct Mars] + [Saturn conjunct Mercury] </L/> Uranus +
Chiron </L/> North Node.

In the Geo Decs I have one a very, very powerful one that can be
written a few ways, but it goes like this:

Jupiter + [Sun parallel Mercury parallel Venus parallel Pluto] </D/>
[Uranus parallel Saturn] + Mars

That's a Double (because I have aspects in two corners) Super Aspected
Magi Quad. Any time you have a Super Aspect in one of the corners the
power of the quad increases exponentially.

So.... then what does that speak to? A sexy, babe (when younger) who
works in a field she never received any instruction for in high
science. I now sell jewelry and handbags at night while producing
scientific illustrations in the morning for a prestigious scientific
journal. In my spare time, I raise egg producing chickens and I'm
writing a screenplay. Scriptwriting is Pallas ruled. It is highly
structured like genetic code, and logical, which I utilize a lot for
human genetics and illustrations. It all must make money eventually or
it is tossed aside much as astrology has been in the past few years.
If it doesn't put any food in our mouths or clothes on our bodies, I
have better fish to fry. Earthy one that I am, NOT!
2010-09-01 04:52:44 UTC
Post by LibraLove
Post by CFA
 Respondents, please note: Only LibraLove can answer the question
regarding her planets, if she wants to. A mistake was done in allowing
the previous post with the question, but let's not add to it. (Charter,
§ 2.7bhttp://www.altastrologymoderated.info/charter)
I'm not fussy about my data. Most everyone has my data from the old
days here and I have theirs as well. I am old enough to know that
whatever it is, it's all in there in one symbol or another and there's
no getting around it. They may interpret me anyway they wish and they
have in the past. :)
The thing I have noticed is -- I can be considered loosey-goosey on
occasion and a fliberty-gibbit, but also highly structured, grounded
and logical -- without any earth except my MC in Taurus. What I have
found over the years, none of that can be reconciled easily without
the asteroid Pallas that is positioned in my 4 planet Cancer bundle
sandwiched between Saturn (1) and Mercury (3) at (3) also and ALL
square that 2nd house Moon con Neptune in Libra. I have an aspected
Magi Quad.
I think the Me/Sa conjunction qualifies, or substitutes, for the earth
experience, without necessarily getting into the asteroids. (They
might work fine; I just don't use them.) Me/Sa could be interpreted
like Me in Cap.
Post by LibraLove
I have Jupiter + Pluto </L/> [Mercury conjunct Pallas conjunct Saturn]
+ Neptune. This can be interpreted as super business success (Jupiter-
Pluto) with masterful ideas and dominate search and seeking skills
(Mercury-Pallas-Saturn) in science or film (Neptune) or it could be
super-success (Jupiter-Pluto) communicating technical/scientific ideas
(Mercury-Pallas-Saturn) creatively (Neptune).
I have a Double Aspected Magi Quad Yod in Geo longitudes which is
[Jupiter conjunct Mars] + [Saturn conjunct Mercury] </L/> Uranus +
Chiron </L/> North Node.
In the Geo Decs I have one a very, very powerful one that can be
Jupiter + [Sun parallel Mercury parallel Venus parallel Pluto] </D/>
[Uranus parallel Saturn] + Mars
That's a Double (because I have aspects in two corners) Super Aspected
Magi Quad. Any time you have a Super Aspect in one of the corners the
power of the quad increases exponentially.
So.... then what does that speak to? A sexy, babe (when younger) who
works in a field she never received any instruction for in high
science. I now sell jewelry and handbags at night while producing
scientific illustrations in the morning for a prestigious scientific
journal. In my spare time, I raise egg producing chickens and I'm
writing a screenplay. Scriptwriting is Pallas ruled. It is highly
structured like genetic code, and logical, which I utilize a lot for
human genetics and illustrations. It all must make money eventually or
it is tossed aside much as astrology has been in the past few years.
If it doesn't put any food in our mouths or clothes on our bodies, I
have better fish to fry. Earthy one that I am, NOT!
cfa at alt dot net
2010-09-04 07:38:47 UTC
Post by CFA
I think the Me/Sa conjunction qualifies, or substitutes, for the earth
experience, without necessarily getting into the asteroids. (They
might work fine; I just don't use them.) Me/Sa could be interpreted
like Me in Cap.
Hey Ken,

Como esta? :)

I think in general Mer con Saturn is like Mer in Cap works, sort of
generally, but I always like to draw the whiskers on the cat. There
were many years I did not understand how I was so good at pattern
perception and ended up spending so much time typing GACTTAGCTTACG,
etc. Pallas is smack dab in the middle of that Cancer bundle in the
11th and exactly conjunct Mercury. So if I am not typing "patterns",
then I am writing a "script" -- all Pallas. The fact it is in the
11th means there is an Aquarius flavor to it all - -- the latest
breaking lab news in the sciences of molecular biology, cell biology,
protein science, immunology and human genetics.
Post by CFA
cfa at alt dot net