Post by Kjell PetterssonAs you may know, the Charter states that skeptics arguing against
astrology do not have a place in this newsgroup. However, it IS
allowed to bash skeptics, especially so when they are uninformed and
unreasonable. The other day I posted a link to the blog of astrologer
Chris Brennan. Here is another, an article about Richard Dawkins, an
enemy of not only astrology, but also of reason.
Four howlers in one sentence - that's bad even for Dawkins in full rant!
He's brilliant on biology, you must give him that, but not historical detail
(and logic often deserts him when he gets onto his hobby-horse). I had a
funny book a while ago called "The Dawkins Delusion" by Alistair McGrath.
He details all the historical gaffes in "The God Delusion"; at one point he
tracks down a mistranslation of Origen to the particular website Dawkins got
it from.
I came across another of his astrology articles while trying (and failing)
to get his birth time. It's rather pitiful to see a scientist I admire
talking such tosh in public. He seems to think that because (he thinks)
astrology is beneath contempt, he doesn't actually need to know anything
about it to refute it. Not wise...
I've his chart here:;btyp=w2gw&nhor=1&cid=a5ofileHfH5gn-u1327695884
Sun in Aries (of COURSE), but Mercury (and Venus) in Pisces - he's rather
disconcerting if you see him on TV, making inflammatory remarks in a voice
like a very mild-mannered stage vicar! The Pisces influence shows in his
misty-eyed writings on "the wonder of science", and his fondness for
poetry - especially, of all people, Yeats. He does get embarrassed when
taken up on that; Neptune influences him, but not comfortably (opp Sun &
Venus). The two sides are rather noticeable if you pay attention, and
they're right there in his chart, though no doubt he would be purple to hear
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
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