Discovery of Astraea
(too old to reply)
2011-12-14 09:25:08 UTC
I am interested in Astraea. It wasn't just the 5th asteroid and 5th
minor planet discovered. It was the first minor planet discovered in
the solar system since the discoveries of Ceres, Pallas,Juno,and
Vesta. The discovery of Astraea proved to be the starting point for
the eventual demotion of the four original asteroids,
Ceres,Pallas,Juno,and Vesta which were regarded as planets at the

I checked to see what Eris was doing in the Astraea Discovery. The
reason why I checked because it was Eris' discovery that led to the
downgrade of Pluto. Of course, Eris is known for discord and
controversy, and those things were definitely generated by the
discovery of Eris. The downgrade of Pluto by the IAU was a
controversial decision which has been constantly debated even to this
very day. That fits perfectly with Eris.

It would make sense for Eris to be doing something significantly at
the time when Astraea was discovered which generated controversy at
the expense of Ceres,Pallas,Juno,and Vesta.

December 8, 1845
Drezdenko, Poland
Used noon because don't know time

Eris in 29'49 Aquarius
conjunct Ceres in 29'38 Aquarius

Discord and Controversy for Ceres. It was Ceres that was the first
minor planet that was classed as an asteroid. Eris was like saying
"Hold on! You got it all wrong!" and then astronomers start arguing.
Man.......I love Eris! hahahahha

2011-12-18 15:27:54 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.com
I am interested in Astraea. It wasn't just the 5th asteroid and 5th
minor planet discovered. It was the first minor planet discovered in
the solar system since the discoveries of Ceres, Pallas,Juno,and
Vesta. The discovery of Astraea proved to be the starting point for
the eventual demotion of the four original asteroids,
Ceres,Pallas,Juno,and Vesta which were regarded as planets at the
I checked to see what Eris was doing in the Astraea Discovery. The
reason why I checked because it was Eris' discovery that led to the
downgrade of Pluto. Of course, Eris is known for discord and
controversy, and those things were definitely generated by the
discovery of Eris. The downgrade of Pluto by the IAU was a
controversial decision which has been constantly debated even to this
very day. That fits perfectly with Eris.
It would make sense for Eris to be doing something significantly at
the time when Astraea was discovered which generated controversy at
the expense of Ceres,Pallas,Juno,and Vesta.
December 8, 1845
Drezdenko, Poland
Used noon because don't know time
Eris in 29'49 Aquarius
conjunct Ceres in 29'38 Aquarius
Discord and Controversy for Ceres. It was Ceres that was the first
minor planet that was classed as an asteroid. Eris was like saying
"Hold on! You got it all wrong!" and then astronomers start arguing.
Man.......I love Eris! hahahahha
Now, this I understand. Usually there seem to be so many possibly relevant
objects that some of them can't help but be involved, and I haven't enough
experience with minor planets to narrow it down. But looking at Eris makes
sense even to me; she did for Pluto much what Astraea did for Ceres and the
others. Of course, that hadn't happened yet... but you can't argue with an
11' conjunction! And Aquarius is perfect for Ceres's transition into just
one of many equals.

Chart including the asteroids you used in the Downgrading of Pluto chart,
which mostly sound relevant here. I notice the other three known asteroids
were rather uncomfortable too; Pallas conj Saturn, although only within 4
degrees; Juno closely opp Jupiter, squ Venus and semisq Sun, without easy
aspects; and Vesta conj Astraea herself (which was how Astraea was
discovered - the astronomer was really looking for Vesta).
A. B.
Post by ***@yahoo.com
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
Post unto others as you would have them post unto you.