orb. (oh, shit! :-)
donh at audiosys dot com
There is more
he also had a powerful 5th and 10th harmonic configurations involving
using only 1 degree orb, extending only 10 minutes of arc over for
aspect configurations.
Moon biquintile Saturn - '49
Moon biquintile Neptune - '12
Saturn quintile Neptune - '36
Moon quintile Eris - '24
Neptune quintile Eris - '11
Mercury decile Neptune - '49
Mercury decile Eris -'37
Moon tridecile Mercury - 1'02
Mercury tredecile Saturn - '12
The configuration indicate that he had the creativity to put his
idealism,ideology into concrete reality that manifested in making
victims of
minorities. feelings,thoughts of idealistic bigotry.
also Adolf Hitler was an aspiring artist,but he failed to get into art
It was said that he was actually very good with architectural art, and
that he
even considered that could be his path. He couldn't go to
architectural school
because he never finished high school. The configuration can easily
fit with his
architectural potential.
Roy MacKinnon listed power abuse of minorities under one of his Eris
keywords. That fits
with Hitler who caused the death of many Jews,Gypsies,and even people
that he
thought were mentally deficient. I think that he killed a lot of
notice that he has Moon oppose Saturn/Neptune midpoint
In COSI, one of it's interpretations was low character.
I strongly believe Ebertin wrote that interpretation because of
I also believe that configuration fits with the health problems and
loss of his
mother as well as his own health problems. Of course, his Moon
conjunct Chiron
indicates emotional wounds,pain involving the mother. He was a bit of
a mama's
The configuration can also indicate possibility of mental illness.
One of Ruth Brummond's interpretations for Moon-Saturn-Neptune is
I also read that Hitler didn't drink alcoholic beverages,and I also
believe that
fits with that aspect.
his Midheaven/Imum Coeli axis in 4'10 Leo/Aquarius squares the
heliocentric Eris
nodal axis in 4'26 Taurus/Scorpio which also fits with collective
karma that
involves power abuse of minorities,diversity matters,and ideology
His Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels was born on October 29th
birthday as me), and so his Sun conjunct the heliocentric South Eris
I noticed that Hitler's cubewano dwarf planet candidate Varuna is in
4'25 Aquarius closely conjunct his Imum
Coeli in 4'10 Aquarius. Having one of those big kuiper belt
objects conjunct the Imum Coeli could indicate
domestic environment.
of course he has the heliocentric dwarf planet plutoid Eris nodes
square that
when I think of Varuna, I think of judge,jury,and executioner
with the Eris Nodes involve......judge,jury,executioner of minorities
Varuna is named after the Indian god who was once supreme god but
demoted to god of the waters..
he is depicted with a noose, and he is said to judge the souls after
He has plutino dwarf planet candidate Orcus semisquare his Moon-
Jupiter conjunction with 51 and 45 minutes of
arc respectively too.
the emotions seem very intense with that one. not sure what else to
could fit with the death of his mother strongly affecting him
In Right Ascension, he has dwarf planet plutoid, MakeMake square
Midheaven with 29 minutes of arc and
trine Moon with 10 minutes of arc
In Right Ascension,he has cubewano dwarf planet candidate Quaoar
square Mercury with 1'13 orb and Ascendant with
In Right Ascension, he has dwarf planet plutoid, Haumea semisquare Sun
with 18 minutes of arc. With
large kuiper belt object in hard aspect to his Sun,this could fit with
trauma,abuse involving
He has Sun conjunct dwarf planet plutoid, MakeMake with 1'07 orb which
could indicate possible trauma,abuse involving the father
In Right Ascension,he has dwarf planet plutoid Eris trine Midheaven
with 45 minutes of arc
In Right Ascension, he has dwarf planet candidate Sedna square Moon
with 1'01 orb
I can't help thinking that indicate feelings of victimization, but
also fits
with being a mama's boy but also victimizing women in his
Adolf Hitler has all this strong kuiper belt energy, but we
astrologers seem to
attribute all this to Pluto in the past..especially with it being in
the 8th
The Right Ascension Eris trine Midheaven and the Eris Nodes square
show a strong theme of using power to abuse minorities. The Eris trine
seems like the ease that he had in doing it.
Other astrologers and I are discussing Hitler's chart in Centaurs2
yahoo astrology group. What a synchronicity.
I am very interested in being a 21st Century Astrologer
I feel that the discovery of the big kuiper belt objects, starting
with Varuna in 2000
with the discovery of Eris in 2005 redefining astronomical planetary
I agree with Philip Sedgwick that kuiper belt objects (that includes
Pluto) are intensified evolutionary objects.
People strong in kuiper belt energy could have intensified
evolutionary lessons.
I am very strong in kuiper belt energy myself, and Pluto is not much
of factor......it's mainly Ixion,Varuna,Sedna,Quaoar,Haumea,Orcus,and
Eris. I have Sun conjunct Heliocentric South Eris Node with 10
minutes of arc, and so strong collective Eris energy........I think
that I do have strong karma involving diversity......that's why I
incarnated as a multiracial,neurodivergent male that doesn't fit male
stereotypes that enable me to sympathize with gay rights and women's
rights. My life purpose is to be a neurodiversity advocate.
I want to be like the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. of neurodiversity.
he and I share Moon in Pisces and unaspected Uranus dispositing a
personal planet in Aquarius. for him, it's Mercury. for me, it's
I have a dream that neurodivergents will be accepted and tolerated in
society and won't be seen as disordered and needing to be fixed with
medication,etc. Different doesn't mean deficient.