Post by AstralisThe Solstice this winter is characterized by a Total Lunar Eclipse plus also
Mercury retrograde motion. This combination already complex becomes even
more problematic because of the double T-square that this phase shape with
the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction.
I want to point out that the eclipse also has to do with evolutionary
intensification and dealing with oaths,promises that involve the past
The Lunar Eclipse is conjunct the Geocentric South Orcus Node in 28'43
Gemini and Heliocentric Orcus Node in 28'43 Gemini
if you look at it fully
Moon in 29'20 Gemini
Sun in 29'20 Sagittarius
Heliocentric Orcus Nodes in 28'43 Sagittarius/Gemini
Geocentric North Orcus Node in 28'43 Sagittarius
Geocentric South Orcus Node in 28'43 Gemini
As you see, the Heliocentric and Geocentric Orcus Nodes are in exact
alignment with each other now, and the Eclipse is aligned with those
Nodes. The North and South Heliocentric Nodes of objects are always
opposite each other like an axis. This not the case with the
Geocentric Nodes of objects. The Heliocentric Nodes are usually not in
exact alignment with the Geocentric Nodes. Therefore, when the
Heliocentric and Geocentric Nodes are in exact alignment with each
other, it's a significant period. This usually happens when the Sun is
alignment with those nodes.
Here is some information on Orcus
preliminary keywords from Philip Sedgwick:
Orcus - A lord of the underworld. Orbital Period: 248.01 yr.
Positive: a person of ones word, challenges broken promises, aligned
with a spiritual creed, accountable for personal thought, word and
Negative: hypocritical, fault finding in the ways of others, blame
assigning, ducks responsibility for word and actions, unable to keep
Mundane: contracts, oaths to organizations, religions or countries,
Ceremonial: declaring faith, writing creeds, channeling the latest
cosmic downloads and formatting it into doctrine
Vanth and Orcus. The Astrology of a New Guide Who Will Light the Way
By Alison Chester-Lambert