Horary for prospects of present Government - can anyone comment?
(too old to reply)
2010-09-04 20:02:54 UTC
I've been experimenting with some horary charts recently, with surprising
success considering that I've never done it before. Basically I've just
been following the recipes in "Christian Astrology" - many thanks to Todd
Carnes for providing the e-book.

I was particularly interested to see how this one came out:
31st August 2010, 14:50 DST (13:50 GMT), Milnrow, UK.
Will the present coalition government of the UK last a full term, or will
they have to have an election before then? And why?
I've done it with Regiomontanus houses, which I seem to remember are usual
for horary astrology. (Though I prefer Equal House otherwise). I know you
only use the traditional planets for horary, but I can't make out how to
stop it displaying the others.

But unfortunately Lilly doesn't give instructions for any question at all
similar to that. Does anyone have any ideas about how to read this chart?
All the best,
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
2010-09-04 22:57:44 UTC
know you only use the traditional planets for horary, but I can't make
out how to stop it displaying the others.
You get your own copy of an astrology program and change the display
settings to suit. using a web interface you will only get a subset of
what the program can do for you.
donh at audiosys dot com
Edmond H. Wollmann
2010-09-05 15:19:25 UTC
Post by A B
I've been experimenting with some horary charts recently, with surprising
success considering that I've never done it before.  Basically I've just
been following the recipes in "Christian Astrology" - many thanks to Todd
Carnes for providing the e-book.
31st August 2010, 14:50 DST (13:50 GMT), Milnrow, UK.
Will the present coalition government of the UK last a full term, or will
they have to have an election before then?  And why?http://www.astro.com/cgi/chart.cgi?cid=133filelKas7n-u1283629807&lang...
I've done it with Regiomontanus houses, which I seem to remember are usual
for horary astrology.  (Though I prefer Equal House otherwise).  I know you
only use the traditional planets for horary, but I can't make out how to
stop it displaying the others.
But unfortunately Lilly doesn't give instructions for any question at all
similar to that.  Does anyone have any ideas about how to read this chart?
You can use the chart you have, and yes I know how to read it. But I
don't like these kinds of charts, I like them clear with MC overhead,
like at my website. Easier to read.

Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
© 2010 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting http://www.astroconsulting.com/
Artworks http://www.astroconsulting.com/personal/
Todd Carnes
2010-09-14 18:50:28 UTC
Post by Edmond H. Wollmann
You can use the chart you have, and yes I know how to read it. But I
don't like these kinds of charts, I like them clear with MC overhead,
like at my website. Easier to read.
I'm not really sure if this is the "real" Ed or not, but...

He gave you the data. You could run the chart for yourself, if you
didn't like the one provided.


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This is OT, but I verify whenever there may be any fakers around, so posts that make it into THIS group should not again be of fakers.