2006-10-12 19:21:22 UTC
I feel that people can identify with wide orbed aspects because it's
another harmonic aspect that they have like a person who has a wide
orbed square might have a triundecile Also wide orbed planets could be
parallel in declination which can strengthen the conjunction. For
instance,I have Venus conj Neptune with a 10 degree orb. I wouldn't
count that at all. I do have Venus parallel Neptune with 47 minutes of
arc,and it is Venus conjunct Neptune with 3'07 orb in declination
longitude equivalent chart. Wide orbed oppositions could be
contraparallel in declination which can strengthen the opposition. Also
a wide conjunction can be involved in a midpoint configuration. For
instance,if that guy has Moon square Saturn/Neptune midpoint within 1
degree orb, then he would definitely feel the effects of Saturn conj
I don't use more than 7 degree orb for square..don't feel right using
more than 6 degree orb for a square. I am concerned about running into
other harmonic aspects. A wide orbed square could function differently
due to it being an aspect of a different harmonic.
For instance, My uncle has Moon in 14'27 Aquarius and his Neptune is in
6'57 Scorpio. A lot of astrologers would say that he has Moon
square(90'00) Neptune with 7'30 orb. However, his Moon is
triundecile(98'11) Neptune with 41 minutes of arc. That's an 11th
harmonic aspect. I read that 11th harmonic can be difficult too.
Also...11th harmonic could also be about inspiration like 11 in
Numerology. A master number,it has great potential but great
challenges. 11 is highly intuitive, even psychic, this Master number is
a channel between the sub-conscious and the conscious mind. Highly
charged. Can be neurotic. I have Mercury square Mars with 7'33 orb.
However,I have Mercury triundecile Mars with 38 minutes of arc,and part
of an 11th harmonic pattern. 11th harmonic is prominent in my chart. I
wouldn't have known this if I had used wide orbed squares. BTW..my
birthday is on 29th. 29 reduces to 11. 2 + 9 = 11.
I feel that if we overlook harmonic aspects by using wide orbs for
major aspects and commonly used minor aspects,we overlook other
harmonic aspects that can give more detail. I already pointed this out
to others about using wide orbs for quincunx(150'00,12th harmonic)
would end up overlooking the biquintile(144'00,5th harmonic) and
triseptile(154'17,7th harmonic). Using wide orbs for Noel Tyl's
quindecile(165'00) lead to overlooking the quinqueundecile(163'38,11th
harmonic). Using wide orbs for sextile lead to overlooking the
septile(51'26,7th harmonic). Using wide orbs for semisextile(30'00,12th
harmonic) lead to overlooking the undecile(32'44,11th harmonic).
I wouldn't let astrologers dismiss my triundecile just because they
think that I have a square nor would I let them dismiss my biquintile
because they think that I have a quincunx nor would I let them dismiss
my quinqueundecile because they think that I have a quindecile. I
wouldn't do that to any other's charts. We have harmonics for a reason.
You run into different harmonics when you use wide orbs. You can easily
overlook other aspect patterns. The wide orbed aspects can have a
combination influence of the wide orbed aspect and the actual harmonic
aspect that it is. I guess the combination of those can be confused and
stressful like 2 people fighting over the steering wheel and arguing
who is the better driver.
page 113 of HOROSCOPE SYMBOLS by Robert Hand
Though we do not yet know quite what do do with it in practical
work,recent research into harmonics has raised another consideration
about orbs. The work of John Addey and others makes it appear that
wide-orbed aspects differ qualitatively as well as quantitatively from
close-orbed aspects. Thus a square of 96 degrees may have nature quite
different from a square of exactly 90 degrees, because whereas 90
degrees is based on the fourth harmonic,96 degrees is based on the
fifteenth harmonic(4 x 360 degrees/15 = 96 degrees). Much research
remains to be done,however,before we can use this in practical chart
I can see My Moon square Neptune with 1'22 orb being an actual square.
I can see my Moon square Saturn with 1'58 being an an actual square. I
definitely feel them as a square,and they do form a t-square.
Therefore,I have Moon oppose Saturn/Neptune midpoint with 17 minutes of
arc. However,I wouldn't view my Mercury square Mars with over 7 degrees
to be a square at all. It's a triundecile and part of my 11th harmonic
aspect pattern with Ascendant,Saturn,and Uranus. Astrologers would use
wide orbed configurations,but those might not even be true
configurations. Also there could be midpoint configuration that helps
them relate to the aspect pattern. opposition of 2 points doesn't have
to be in orb to square another point. There can be wide separation of A
point to C and a wide applying of B to C so that A/B=C.
I believe that looking at the harmonic chart can help see if you
actually have that aspect in the 1st harmonic chart.
For instance, to see if I actually have a biquintile(5th harmonic) in
my 1st harmonic chart,I would check my 5th harmonic chart to see if I
have any conjunctions in that chart. 5th harmonic aspects in 1st
harmonic chart appear as conjunctions in 5th harmonic chart. If they
appear as conjunction in 5th harmonic,then they actually are in
biquintile. I am not sure about the orbs yet. I read that harmonic orbs
are different from conjunction regular orbs in 1st harmonic chart. I
read that they can be considerably wider than in a 1st harmonic chart.
I was reading that it can be past 15 degrees. I have Sun trine(3rd
harmonic) Moon with 2'10 orb that appears Sun conjunct Moon with 6'28
orb in the 3rd harmonic. It seems it's multiplying the harmonic number
with the orb to get the orb in the harmonic chart. I have Moon
square(4th harmonic) Neptune with 1'22 orb, and it appears as Moon conj
Neptune with 5'31 orb in the 4th harmonic chart. Trines are tricky too.
Trine is also trinovile. A trine within 2 degree orb will appear as a
conjunction in 9th harmonic chart. My girlfriend's Sun trine Uranus
with 14 minutes of arc appear as Sun conjunct Uranus with 2'07 orb in
9th harmonic chart. Her Sun trine Jupiter with 1'41 orb appear as Sun
conjunct Jupiter with around 15 degree orb in 9th harmonic. BTW..If a
synastry involves trines 2 degrees and less,they form conjunctions in
9th harmonic chart. My girlfriend's Venus trines my Ascendant with 3
minutes of arc. In our 9th harmonic chart synastry,her Venus conjuncts
my Ascendant with 29 minutes of arc. 9th harmonic chart is used for
marriage in Vedic Astrology. It's called the navamsha.
I can't wait to receive my book SABIAN ASPECT ORBS....It has so much
stuff on harmonic aspects.
It's all Geometry.
another harmonic aspect that they have like a person who has a wide
orbed square might have a triundecile Also wide orbed planets could be
parallel in declination which can strengthen the conjunction. For
instance,I have Venus conj Neptune with a 10 degree orb. I wouldn't
count that at all. I do have Venus parallel Neptune with 47 minutes of
arc,and it is Venus conjunct Neptune with 3'07 orb in declination
longitude equivalent chart. Wide orbed oppositions could be
contraparallel in declination which can strengthen the opposition. Also
a wide conjunction can be involved in a midpoint configuration. For
instance,if that guy has Moon square Saturn/Neptune midpoint within 1
degree orb, then he would definitely feel the effects of Saturn conj
I don't use more than 7 degree orb for square..don't feel right using
more than 6 degree orb for a square. I am concerned about running into
other harmonic aspects. A wide orbed square could function differently
due to it being an aspect of a different harmonic.
For instance, My uncle has Moon in 14'27 Aquarius and his Neptune is in
6'57 Scorpio. A lot of astrologers would say that he has Moon
square(90'00) Neptune with 7'30 orb. However, his Moon is
triundecile(98'11) Neptune with 41 minutes of arc. That's an 11th
harmonic aspect. I read that 11th harmonic can be difficult too.
Also...11th harmonic could also be about inspiration like 11 in
Numerology. A master number,it has great potential but great
challenges. 11 is highly intuitive, even psychic, this Master number is
a channel between the sub-conscious and the conscious mind. Highly
charged. Can be neurotic. I have Mercury square Mars with 7'33 orb.
However,I have Mercury triundecile Mars with 38 minutes of arc,and part
of an 11th harmonic pattern. 11th harmonic is prominent in my chart. I
wouldn't have known this if I had used wide orbed squares. BTW..my
birthday is on 29th. 29 reduces to 11. 2 + 9 = 11.
I feel that if we overlook harmonic aspects by using wide orbs for
major aspects and commonly used minor aspects,we overlook other
harmonic aspects that can give more detail. I already pointed this out
to others about using wide orbs for quincunx(150'00,12th harmonic)
would end up overlooking the biquintile(144'00,5th harmonic) and
triseptile(154'17,7th harmonic). Using wide orbs for Noel Tyl's
quindecile(165'00) lead to overlooking the quinqueundecile(163'38,11th
harmonic). Using wide orbs for sextile lead to overlooking the
septile(51'26,7th harmonic). Using wide orbs for semisextile(30'00,12th
harmonic) lead to overlooking the undecile(32'44,11th harmonic).
I wouldn't let astrologers dismiss my triundecile just because they
think that I have a square nor would I let them dismiss my biquintile
because they think that I have a quincunx nor would I let them dismiss
my quinqueundecile because they think that I have a quindecile. I
wouldn't do that to any other's charts. We have harmonics for a reason.
You run into different harmonics when you use wide orbs. You can easily
overlook other aspect patterns. The wide orbed aspects can have a
combination influence of the wide orbed aspect and the actual harmonic
aspect that it is. I guess the combination of those can be confused and
stressful like 2 people fighting over the steering wheel and arguing
who is the better driver.
page 113 of HOROSCOPE SYMBOLS by Robert Hand
Though we do not yet know quite what do do with it in practical
work,recent research into harmonics has raised another consideration
about orbs. The work of John Addey and others makes it appear that
wide-orbed aspects differ qualitatively as well as quantitatively from
close-orbed aspects. Thus a square of 96 degrees may have nature quite
different from a square of exactly 90 degrees, because whereas 90
degrees is based on the fourth harmonic,96 degrees is based on the
fifteenth harmonic(4 x 360 degrees/15 = 96 degrees). Much research
remains to be done,however,before we can use this in practical chart
I can see My Moon square Neptune with 1'22 orb being an actual square.
I can see my Moon square Saturn with 1'58 being an an actual square. I
definitely feel them as a square,and they do form a t-square.
Therefore,I have Moon oppose Saturn/Neptune midpoint with 17 minutes of
arc. However,I wouldn't view my Mercury square Mars with over 7 degrees
to be a square at all. It's a triundecile and part of my 11th harmonic
aspect pattern with Ascendant,Saturn,and Uranus. Astrologers would use
wide orbed configurations,but those might not even be true
configurations. Also there could be midpoint configuration that helps
them relate to the aspect pattern. opposition of 2 points doesn't have
to be in orb to square another point. There can be wide separation of A
point to C and a wide applying of B to C so that A/B=C.
I believe that looking at the harmonic chart can help see if you
actually have that aspect in the 1st harmonic chart.
For instance, to see if I actually have a biquintile(5th harmonic) in
my 1st harmonic chart,I would check my 5th harmonic chart to see if I
have any conjunctions in that chart. 5th harmonic aspects in 1st
harmonic chart appear as conjunctions in 5th harmonic chart. If they
appear as conjunction in 5th harmonic,then they actually are in
biquintile. I am not sure about the orbs yet. I read that harmonic orbs
are different from conjunction regular orbs in 1st harmonic chart. I
read that they can be considerably wider than in a 1st harmonic chart.
I was reading that it can be past 15 degrees. I have Sun trine(3rd
harmonic) Moon with 2'10 orb that appears Sun conjunct Moon with 6'28
orb in the 3rd harmonic. It seems it's multiplying the harmonic number
with the orb to get the orb in the harmonic chart. I have Moon
square(4th harmonic) Neptune with 1'22 orb, and it appears as Moon conj
Neptune with 5'31 orb in the 4th harmonic chart. Trines are tricky too.
Trine is also trinovile. A trine within 2 degree orb will appear as a
conjunction in 9th harmonic chart. My girlfriend's Sun trine Uranus
with 14 minutes of arc appear as Sun conjunct Uranus with 2'07 orb in
9th harmonic chart. Her Sun trine Jupiter with 1'41 orb appear as Sun
conjunct Jupiter with around 15 degree orb in 9th harmonic. BTW..If a
synastry involves trines 2 degrees and less,they form conjunctions in
9th harmonic chart. My girlfriend's Venus trines my Ascendant with 3
minutes of arc. In our 9th harmonic chart synastry,her Venus conjuncts
my Ascendant with 29 minutes of arc. 9th harmonic chart is used for
marriage in Vedic Astrology. It's called the navamsha.
I can't wait to receive my book SABIAN ASPECT ORBS....It has so much
stuff on harmonic aspects.
It's all Geometry.