A bit late, but I've been amusing myself with these charts while I was away
on holiday.
Queen Beatrix's chart is remarkable, with that stellium in the 10th - I
haven't come across many queens' charts that actually looked that queenly!
Also a perfect fit for her name, with both the Fortunes in there.
I'm working blind, knowing nothing about her except that she abdicated.
I'll be interested to find out how much of what I'm saying is true.
The stellium suggests a noteworthy and popular ruler - certainly one of the
Queens schoolchilldren remember from their history lessons, if there's any
justice! Glamour and charisma with Sun con Venus in Aquarius - Aquarius and
the Uranus square suggest idealism, egalitarian, unconventional, but could
be hard to relate to, and could be too unconventional or disruptive,
headstrong - especially with Aries rising. Certainly the chart of someone
who does something as unheard-of as abdicate!
Those squares to Uranus are all *closing*, so (according to Charles Carter's
theory, [...] , which I've found to work well myself)
Uranus will always exert a gravitational force - with the personal
unconventionality in the 1st tugging the stellium down from the 10th to
their final end. It happens that one, Venus, has recently gone to
conjunction by progression.
Quick look at the rest of the chart: Mars (ruler) in Aries, trine Pluto:
could well be quarrelsome; highly energetic and self-willed, does her own
thing. According to one of my books the Pluto trine is associated with the
willpower and energy to make drastic changes, new beginnings, possibly
expressed through house ruled by Pluto - here 8th. (legacy??) Mars con
Sat, here v close indeed, usually works out as a stopping and starting
influence - the dynamic activity indicated above may be in bursts followed
by spells of inactivity. 12th, with trine to 4th and Cancer: breaks
enforced by ill-health and/or psychological strain?
Mercury in Capricorn 10th trine Neptune in Virgo 7th: a cannier element here
to back up all that fiery stuff. Rational mind, good organising ability,
sci/maths ability, may be narrow-minded (but the Neptune trine should cancel
that out). Mercury in 10th: good communication skills help career; must
have intellectual stimulation from career. May be "professionally" involved
in many things at once. Trine Neptune: imaginative; if rest of Chart
creative, then poetry, fiction, dancing or acting may be promising.
Sensitivity - easily hurt by words. Neptune 7th: may mislead or be misled
by partners, and/or he may be religious or artistic (or involved with the
Well that's enough. Interested to know your opinion, and whether it's borne
out in fact. Thoughts on progressions to follow.
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
Post unto others as you would have them post unto you.