Edmond H. Wollmann
2009-12-24 21:12:25 UTC
Anmswer to the 100% Aquarian post.
On Nov 4, 8:51 pm, E H Wollmann Professional Astrologer
A. B.
But you see, this shows how little people pay attention to the
delineation steps and analysis proceedures I have laid out and
demonstrated as coherent many times.
I have seen this chart before, there was an eclipse at this time.
What is more important than the fact there is a stellium in Aquarius
(7 planets) is the fact that if you follow my rules for INITIAL
delineation, this gives us 11 points in fixed signs (rigidity-the
energy motion of belief) only 1 mutable (flexibility and the fluidity
of thought) and 10 air (plus MC) 1 fire, 1 earth and 1 water. Hence,
although without logical analysis the mind wishes to attach
significance to the pile-up in Aquarius, it is really what the
IMBALANCE indicates that is more telling. Please see :http://www.astroconsulting.com/FAQs/pyramids.htm
"The masculine Fire element represents the Trinity of Identity. Aries
(belief), Leo (emotion), Sagittarius (faith and trust apex/thought).
When positively balanced in representation reflects a healthy sense of
identity validity and effectual ego importance. When lacking or low (1
point or less) a mistrust of the self and its creative birthright.
There is difficulty entering into experiences with trust and
spontaneity. When overemphasized, zeal blinds the self to truths and
temperament reigns. Positive; inspired trust. Negative (or in Grand
Trine); a fear of being ignored and ego defensiveness.
Feminine Earth, the Trinity of Physicality. Taurus (emotion), Virgo
(thought), Capricorn (physical manifestation apex/belief). When
positively balanced a recognition that the Earth and materiality is a
spiritual experience through functional adequacy. It is not something
to be shunned and "overcome". It is the love of money above other
considerations that is the root of evil, not money. The physical world
is the material version of spirit. When it is low or lacking there is
the fear or belief that material things are base or dangerous. There
is difficulty with stability in day-to-day affairs. When excessive,
preoccupation with material things and strategy. Positive; functional
adequacy. Negative (or in Grand Trine); fear of losing control, and a
lack of imagination.
Masculine Air, the Trinity of Idea Interaction. Gemini (thought),
Libra (belief), and Aquarius (ideological validation apex/emotion).
When positively balanced there is a trust in the development, validity
and contribution of the identity's idea expression, interaction and
reflection socially, through ideological appreciation. All beings are
valid as one of the different ways that "All That Is" has of
expressing itself, because they are reflections of itself, as others
are reflections of ourselves. When low or lacking there is little
trust in the idea of others being of reflective service and therefore,
a lack of analytical discernment. There is an abbreviation of abstract
perspective abilities and difficulty seeing the self as others do.
When excessive there is a preoccupation with the self and its
perspectives. Positive; Social and intellectual appreciation and
vigor. Negative (or in Grand Trine); fears of being unappreciated and
overcompensatory rationalizations. The identity lives and dies by the
social mirror.
The feminine Water signs is the Trinity of Belief Momentum (E-motion).
Cancer (belief), Scorpio (emotion), and Pisces (empathic synchronous
accord apex/thought). When positively balanced there is a trust in the
sensibilities, instincts and intuition or empathic discernment. The
ability to walk in someone else's shoes helps dissolve the need to
dominate, breaks down the barriers between us and others, and
therefore between us and "All That Is". The barriers between us and
others is the same as the barrier between us and our higher self. When
low or lacking there is a difficulty or a lack of trust in the idea
that others are reflective in service. Things are taken extremely
personally. There is a fear of not being emotionally discerned, while
others emotions are not considered. When excessive the identity may
have difficulty with self definition through too much focus on forms
of sympathy. Positive; Intuitive access and appreciation of the
unconscious momentums. Negative (or in Grand Trine); A fear of being
taken advantage of and being hurt.
When there is a preponderance of the Cardinal quadruplicity of belief
Mode there is an exaggerated emphasis on action and leadership to
defend against the perceived threat of identity invalidity and status
concerns. When they are low or lacking there is a lack of recognition
that action reflects belief conviction.
When Fixed quadruplicity of emotion is emphasized there is a focus on
the consolidation of the identity and a rigid preoccupation with self
worth and creative prowess. When low or lacking there is an issue with
When Mutable quadruplicity of thought is the most predominant mode
there will be a focus on the diversity and dissemination of
information and perspectives. When excessive resources can be wasted
and scattered, and when lacking, critical thinking, discernment and
vision may suffer as well as an inability to see diverse points of
Therefore, this person would be fixated on self worth and creative (in
this case innovative) prowess. Magnified by the ruler Uranus, being in
Leo Rx. Massive air count indicates ideological validation as the
method of that fixation.
The LACKING elements and modes can be read from the delineations I
created above as well, i.e., 1 Mutable (Pluto Rx): "when lacking,
critical thinking, discernment and vision may suffer as well as an
inability to see diverse points of view."
So we get a sense right off the bat that BALANCE is missing in the
primal belief system functioning and the only thing striking about the
chart is how much the identity relies on certain aspects of reality
and discounts others.
The square with Neptune would indicate that this developmental process
to become more aware and flexible might come through creative
expression (acting, the arts, music). The Pluto is also the only point
in Earth: "When it is low or lacking there is the fear or belief that
material things are base or dangerous." Hence, there may be an
unrealistic or less than pragmatic appraoch to resolving issues, and
the need for stability becomes apparent as there might be difficulty
in dealing with the mundane. So we begin to see what I have termed in
my book "the law of momentum flow" taking shape already.
The questions to the client would then revolve around; what and how
did the parental relationship contribute to this overwhelming focus on
the uniqueness or ideology of the identity being so focused and in
such high profile?
Only Neptune is in Water. Low water indicates as I state above:" When
low or lacking there is a difficulty or a lack of trust in the idea
that others are reflective in service." so there would be social needs
mostly to validate the individuality, not as a mirror to broaden and
encourage diversity and allowance.
This is brief but hopefully helpful and more realistic way to begin
analysing charts. Because life is the experiencing of polarity and
opposites, it is BALANCE and integration of all that is that is
important, not being100% anything, which can indicate psychological
fears and overcompensation rather than balance, because a chart has
many factors and when they work together with equal validity all
around it is easier to be positive and flowing and reflects less
"issue" with any particular archetype which are all valid, equal and
all real.
"Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls
into lazy habits of thinking."
Albert Einstein
Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
© 2009 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting http://www.astroconsulting.com/
Artworks http://www.astroconsulting.com/personal/
The SUN http://www.edmondwollmann.com/
On Nov 4, 8:51 pm, E H Wollmann Professional Astrologer
Archetypes (astrological signs) are references to concepts and
consciousness, like genes they describe potentials, not dicta.
Of course. But as far as any chart goes, that is a pretty striking one.consciousness, like genes they describe potentials, not dicta.
A. B.
delineation steps and analysis proceedures I have laid out and
demonstrated as coherent many times.
I have seen this chart before, there was an eclipse at this time.
What is more important than the fact there is a stellium in Aquarius
(7 planets) is the fact that if you follow my rules for INITIAL
delineation, this gives us 11 points in fixed signs (rigidity-the
energy motion of belief) only 1 mutable (flexibility and the fluidity
of thought) and 10 air (plus MC) 1 fire, 1 earth and 1 water. Hence,
although without logical analysis the mind wishes to attach
significance to the pile-up in Aquarius, it is really what the
IMBALANCE indicates that is more telling. Please see :http://www.astroconsulting.com/FAQs/pyramids.htm
"The masculine Fire element represents the Trinity of Identity. Aries
(belief), Leo (emotion), Sagittarius (faith and trust apex/thought).
When positively balanced in representation reflects a healthy sense of
identity validity and effectual ego importance. When lacking or low (1
point or less) a mistrust of the self and its creative birthright.
There is difficulty entering into experiences with trust and
spontaneity. When overemphasized, zeal blinds the self to truths and
temperament reigns. Positive; inspired trust. Negative (or in Grand
Trine); a fear of being ignored and ego defensiveness.
Feminine Earth, the Trinity of Physicality. Taurus (emotion), Virgo
(thought), Capricorn (physical manifestation apex/belief). When
positively balanced a recognition that the Earth and materiality is a
spiritual experience through functional adequacy. It is not something
to be shunned and "overcome". It is the love of money above other
considerations that is the root of evil, not money. The physical world
is the material version of spirit. When it is low or lacking there is
the fear or belief that material things are base or dangerous. There
is difficulty with stability in day-to-day affairs. When excessive,
preoccupation with material things and strategy. Positive; functional
adequacy. Negative (or in Grand Trine); fear of losing control, and a
lack of imagination.
Masculine Air, the Trinity of Idea Interaction. Gemini (thought),
Libra (belief), and Aquarius (ideological validation apex/emotion).
When positively balanced there is a trust in the development, validity
and contribution of the identity's idea expression, interaction and
reflection socially, through ideological appreciation. All beings are
valid as one of the different ways that "All That Is" has of
expressing itself, because they are reflections of itself, as others
are reflections of ourselves. When low or lacking there is little
trust in the idea of others being of reflective service and therefore,
a lack of analytical discernment. There is an abbreviation of abstract
perspective abilities and difficulty seeing the self as others do.
When excessive there is a preoccupation with the self and its
perspectives. Positive; Social and intellectual appreciation and
vigor. Negative (or in Grand Trine); fears of being unappreciated and
overcompensatory rationalizations. The identity lives and dies by the
social mirror.
The feminine Water signs is the Trinity of Belief Momentum (E-motion).
Cancer (belief), Scorpio (emotion), and Pisces (empathic synchronous
accord apex/thought). When positively balanced there is a trust in the
sensibilities, instincts and intuition or empathic discernment. The
ability to walk in someone else's shoes helps dissolve the need to
dominate, breaks down the barriers between us and others, and
therefore between us and "All That Is". The barriers between us and
others is the same as the barrier between us and our higher self. When
low or lacking there is a difficulty or a lack of trust in the idea
that others are reflective in service. Things are taken extremely
personally. There is a fear of not being emotionally discerned, while
others emotions are not considered. When excessive the identity may
have difficulty with self definition through too much focus on forms
of sympathy. Positive; Intuitive access and appreciation of the
unconscious momentums. Negative (or in Grand Trine); A fear of being
taken advantage of and being hurt.
When there is a preponderance of the Cardinal quadruplicity of belief
Mode there is an exaggerated emphasis on action and leadership to
defend against the perceived threat of identity invalidity and status
concerns. When they are low or lacking there is a lack of recognition
that action reflects belief conviction.
When Fixed quadruplicity of emotion is emphasized there is a focus on
the consolidation of the identity and a rigid preoccupation with self
worth and creative prowess. When low or lacking there is an issue with
When Mutable quadruplicity of thought is the most predominant mode
there will be a focus on the diversity and dissemination of
information and perspectives. When excessive resources can be wasted
and scattered, and when lacking, critical thinking, discernment and
vision may suffer as well as an inability to see diverse points of
Therefore, this person would be fixated on self worth and creative (in
this case innovative) prowess. Magnified by the ruler Uranus, being in
Leo Rx. Massive air count indicates ideological validation as the
method of that fixation.
The LACKING elements and modes can be read from the delineations I
created above as well, i.e., 1 Mutable (Pluto Rx): "when lacking,
critical thinking, discernment and vision may suffer as well as an
inability to see diverse points of view."
So we get a sense right off the bat that BALANCE is missing in the
primal belief system functioning and the only thing striking about the
chart is how much the identity relies on certain aspects of reality
and discounts others.
The square with Neptune would indicate that this developmental process
to become more aware and flexible might come through creative
expression (acting, the arts, music). The Pluto is also the only point
in Earth: "When it is low or lacking there is the fear or belief that
material things are base or dangerous." Hence, there may be an
unrealistic or less than pragmatic appraoch to resolving issues, and
the need for stability becomes apparent as there might be difficulty
in dealing with the mundane. So we begin to see what I have termed in
my book "the law of momentum flow" taking shape already.
The questions to the client would then revolve around; what and how
did the parental relationship contribute to this overwhelming focus on
the uniqueness or ideology of the identity being so focused and in
such high profile?
Only Neptune is in Water. Low water indicates as I state above:" When
low or lacking there is a difficulty or a lack of trust in the idea
that others are reflective in service." so there would be social needs
mostly to validate the individuality, not as a mirror to broaden and
encourage diversity and allowance.
This is brief but hopefully helpful and more realistic way to begin
analysing charts. Because life is the experiencing of polarity and
opposites, it is BALANCE and integration of all that is that is
important, not being100% anything, which can indicate psychological
fears and overcompensation rather than balance, because a chart has
many factors and when they work together with equal validity all
around it is easier to be positive and flowing and reflects less
"issue" with any particular archetype which are all valid, equal and
all real.
"Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls
into lazy habits of thinking."
Albert Einstein
© 2009 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting http://www.astroconsulting.com/
Artworks http://www.astroconsulting.com/personal/
The SUN http://www.edmondwollmann.com/