Post by CFAPost by Kjell PetterssonPost by CFAPost by Kjell PetterssonAre you saying everyone abused is abused because of they are engaging
it? That is the very point I am opposing.
Sometimes it's blatantly obvious a person is inviting it, sometimes
not. I believe the situation we've been discussing is definitely the
You are using the present tense; "inviting". Yet what you have
described is all long past.
No, it continues to this day, just at a much slower pace. People pop
in every few weeks or once a month now, vs every day at its peak.
I do not see our example doing that. Popping in, yes, but inviting
it, no. He may say he did not make a post someone faked in his name
or some such, but that is all I have seen for quite some time now.
Do you think that is also too much? If you point out you did not make
a post, you become guilty of that post having been made? I hardly
think you do, but it *almost* seems like you are saying that.
Post by CFAPost by Kjell PetterssonPost by CFAPost by Kjell PetterssonPost by CFAOn a friendship basis, I agree. But in the context of basing your
acceptance of them on their acceptance of astrology? You're just
asking for a fight.
That is not what I ask for. I do not even ask for anything, actually.
I am saying "They are in the wrong".
I don't disagree, but I'm saying that's a subjective perspective. No
ISP or law enforcement agency would step in.
I meant wrong also in the legal sense, not only in a personally
subjective sense. Defamation is wrong. If there is a history behind
it, that STILL does not justify present transgressions.
Then where are the successful legal actions to stop said abuse? I
asked this earlier: 14 years and no court cases? Really? 14 years?
I have been part of a forum here in Sweden (a non-astrological one)
where there was hardly any moderation. There were a group of racists
there, posting addresses to work and home of people they considered
offended their racial sensibilities. As such people are wont to do.
(It is a common strategy among racists, with the goal of getting the
wrong people to shut up.)
If a person tried to take this to police, all the answer they got were
Sorry, we can't deal with this, there are too many offended people on
the Internet and we don't have the resources to investigate quarrels.
I do not think it works, or has worked in the last decades, very much
differently in the US, or with Usenet. I'd be flabbergasted to hear
that there would have been a significant number of court cases
touching upon Usenet defamation and direct lying, at all.
Or are you proposing a more general principle that would say that not
only is the person we have mentioned himself to blame, the same goes
for each and everyone attacked on the Usenet (at least if they have
been trying to defend themselves)?
If you do, then I think you are wrong.
Post by CFAIt's not possible to maintain the integrity of your example by
ignoring the past. Stripping it of its past allows one to portray
certain people as victims when that is not really the case.
Well, I have tried to make the point that this example can be
disregarded. There was another one that is familiar to many here
present. Then I have lots from an astrological forum (back home in
Sweden, again) where I helped to clean up improper posts (moderation
post factum), and where similar things could be seen. I didn't use any
of these, though, since they are not commonly known in the same way as
the example I chose to use. THAT was my main reason for choosing the
particular examples I chose.
BTW, moderating, one also gets to see a lot that the group members
don't get to see.
Post by CFAPost by Kjell PetterssonPost by CFAPost by Kjell PetterssonWe are worlds apart if you do not think that the level of defamation
and attack against this person is WAY beyond what could or should
possibly, ever, be tolerated. No matter what his own role may be or
Yes, we have different views. I was there at the time.
Others were there at the time that do not share your views. Obviously
being there is not an ultimate criterion for ending up with your
point of view.
Post by CFAEvery known legal authority in the western hemisphere (I seriously
doubt I'm exaggerating much at all) has been apprised of the things
happening in aa, and have been since 1997. Where are the legal
repercussions? It's not from lack of trying or threatening.
You are very obviously exaggerating, and there is probably a reason
why you do so. You seem to have invested quite a lot in your opinion,
or I don't see why you would exaggerate the way you do.
Post by CFAPost by Kjell PetterssonYou are still in the past. What can be seen in a.a. if you go over
there right now is certainly not of a "factual" nature. And the
methods they use are despicable.
Right there is where you might be too involved in this. It will only
suck you under because you won't be able to stop it, and the harder
you try, the more energy it will drain from the rest of your life.
You are still, or again, misunderstanding me. I am not saying anyone,
least of all myself, should devote their energies to trying to
convince skeptics, tell them they are bad because they use dishonest
methods or anything.
To acknowledge the nature of the their actions does not mean you have
to start fighting WITH them.
With an analogy:
Leprosy is not the infections per se. Leprosy starts as a numbness,
making the person not receive signals from their end nervcells. This
leads to them not even noticing bumping in to things and hurting
themselves, which leads to infections.
And on it goes. The problem that starts the process is not the
infections, they come later on. The problem is that they are unaware
of what happens to their physical bodies.
In a similar vein I think it is necessary, not only for us, but for
everyone, to acknowledge, realistically and objectively, what threats
to one's integrity that occurs and what injuries that happen. If the
warning signals are cut off, the body will start to decay.
If we, as a group (astrologers in general that is, not aamodders),
shield ourselves and play along in our own little world, disregarding
the abuse and the external world, we will loose touch with reality,
and our work will suffer. Because the abuse tells us something, and we
need to put that something into our calculations. Not acknowledging
the state of affairs means goofing off into some kind of la-la-land.
Naturally, by this I do not mean that we should think those who
dislike our profession may be right (though even that can be a
sobering thought once in a while). On the contrary, I think it can
give birth to a fighting spirit. I'll prove them wrong!, for
Also it will help people see how empty is so much of the argumentation
they put forth. Rhetorics and ad hominem, not to mention they do not
even know a thing about the topic they attack.
Post by CFAPost by Kjell PetterssonMy main intention with this discussion had nothing to do with the
person we have mentioned AS SUCH. It was an example, chosen because it
was readily available and known.
Absolutely, so let's use it to examine the phenomenon- it's one of the
best examples in the whole of usenet precisely because it's been so
polarizing and so stuck-right-there for so long.
Again: I am not discussing Usenet. I am not even discussing this
group. I am making more general statements about elements in the
skeptics' subculture. But you do not want to let go of the example.
It's like you say: stuck-right-there, but being stuck applies to you
as well.
Post by CFAUnite? Not when the crowd as a whole can't agree on how to approach
the situation. I seriously doubt it would be any easier with any crowd
at any other time: it split the group (of proponents).
The example is not the general idea. Try to see what I was using the
example FOR. You are stuck in your conviction I chose the wrong
example. I say, OK, then let go of that example. Ignore it.
Post by CFAPost by Kjell PetterssonIt is often said that the creation of an external enemy is a great way
to create cohesion within a group. But if that external enemy actually
exists, cohesion becomes an actual need and not a propaganda ploy. I
am pointing towards an actual enemy and hoping that when seeing the
enemy, some will come to realize that our differences are nothing
compared to that.
I think you've set up a straw man. Skeptics are a symptom, not the
I certainly do not think the existence of skeptics is caused by the
existence of astrologers. Or else I do not understand what you say
Skeptics are not only a symptom, anyhow. They are a driving force,
promoting a culture that is directly hostile to anything in the
slightest tinted with astrology.
Post by CFAThe cause is dealing with the various issues the study of astrology
provokes: appropriate use of power, 'betraying' family and scientific
traditions/guilt, figuring out self-employment, etc. Skeptics just
sniff an opening. But they're no real threat. They only have the power
we give them. You're looking at one happening in the other group at
this very moment.
In one sense, I agree. They have only the powerover usthat we give
them. But they have power in the real world too. They have positions
in academia and science. Their hostile culture thus has consequences
that are very real, for us as well.
You know, they even use a magician who once tried to fake as
astrologer as some kind of reference. That can be done only because
they share a common hatred, not because magicians or fakes have any
certain scientific credentials.
Post by CFAPost by Kjell PetterssonPost by CFA'They' don't care and won't hear you. All they see is fear, and that's
what bullies feed on.
But my call has got nothing to do with THEM. It is for OUR sake I make
it's wholly based on that perceived threat), why don't we stop
including them in the conversation at all? It doesn't require an
external threat to unite a group.
Let me clarify: It has got nothing to do with us engaging in battles
with them. That does not mean that they cease to exist in the
equation, though. And please note that when I use they here I am
doing so in a more generalized sense than I think you do. You seem to
the whole time be referring to the events in a.a., who's to blame and
who is not, etc. I am referring to the entire cultural mindset. And I
do not abhor skepticism in the proper sense, it is a valid and
worthwhile part of many kinds of intellectual work.
But when it becomes like a religion in itself, complete with demons
to attack and exorcise and everything, then it is not skepticism
proper and more. Then it has become an ideology rather than a method.
And the ideology that has risen, it is just flawed. When did you ever
see a skeptic apply skepticism to their own ideology, for instance?
So, you think one of my examples was a bad one. But what do you think
about the general thought I am reaching for?