(too old to reply)
2010-11-09 20:01:36 UTC
It is obvious that the source of this groups' technical problems is
the 135 degrees that was taking place between Saturn and Neptune, it
did actually stop any post to reach this group. That makes me wonder
about the prevailing no interest in discussions and lack of activity
here is it a new policy or is it the same effect of Saturn Neptune? I
wonder what is the ruling planet of this group?

======================================= MODERATOR'S COMMENT:
Let me repeat that posts not coming through has got nothing to do with them being rejected in moderation. The Charter is the basis for policy here, as always. To learn what the Charter says, read it. It is posted to the group in the beginning of every month, and is also available on our website.
2010-11-09 23:50:08 UTC
Post by MH
It is obvious that the source of this groups' technical problems is
the 135 degrees that was taking place between Saturn and Neptune, it
did actually stop any post to reach this group. That makes me wonder
about the prevailing no interest in discussions and lack of activity
here is it a new policy or is it the same effect of Saturn Neptune? I
wonder what is the ruling planet of this group?
Let me repeat that posts not coming through has got nothing to do with
them being rejected in moderation. The Charter is the basis for policy
here, as always. To learn what the Charter says, read it. It is posted to
the group in the beginning of every month, and is also available on our
I've been meaning for ages to examine the astrological correlates of the
recent drop in postings. I really will do that in the next few days, and
post the results (thus helping to get rid of said phenomenon).
For anyone else that's interested, here's the chart of a.a.mod:
I couldn't find it before, which is one reason I never did the analysis.

There's a bit more about the chart and the creation of the group on the
a.a.mod website:
All the best,
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, although I don't check
that account very often.
2010-11-09 23:51:07 UTC
Post by MH
It is obvious that the source of this groups' technical problems is
the 135 degrees that was taking place between Saturn and Neptune, it
did actually stop any post to reach this group. That makes me wonder
about the prevailing no interest in discussions and lack of activity
here is it a new policy or is it the same effect of Saturn Neptune? I
wonder what is the ruling planet of this group?
Let me repeat that posts not coming through has got nothing to do with
them being rejected in moderation. The Charter is the basis for policy
here, as always. To learn what the Charter says, read it. It is posted to
the group in the beginning of every month, and is also available on our
Forgot to say in my other reply: I've noticed a little circumstantial
evidence for Usenet groups in general coming under the 11th house. Mainly
things like people with Mars in the 11th tending to get into fights on
Usenet, people with Venus in the 11th being more peacemaking, somebody with
Pluto in the 11th breaking a long and acrimonious deadlock in alt.astrology.
Never had time to go into this much though.
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
2010-11-12 15:38:59 UTC
Post by A B
Post by MH
It is obvious that the source of this groups' technical problems is
the 135 degrees that was taking place between Saturn and Neptune, it
did actually stop any post to reach this group. That makes me wonder
about the prevailing  no interest in discussions and lack of activity
here is it a new policy or is it the same effect of Saturn Neptune? I
wonder what is the ruling planet of this group?
Let me repeat that posts not coming through has got nothing to do with
them being rejected in moderation. The Charter is the basis for policy
here, as always. To learn what the Charter says, read it. It is posted to
the group in the beginning of every month, and is also available on our
Forgot to say in my other reply: I've noticed a little circumstantial
evidence for Usenet groups in general coming under the 11th house.  Mainly
things like people with Mars in the 11th tending to get into fights on
Usenet, people with Venus in the 11th being more peacemaking, somebody with
Pluto in the 11th breaking a long and acrimonious deadlock in alt.astrology.
Never had time to go into this much though.
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at  zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
The chart that A. B. made available for us to see did confirm my
point of view as it actually includes a direct square between Neptune
at the end of Capricorn and Saturn at the end of Aries which even
though it takes place in cadent houses it is quite dynamic by sign. It
also explains the periodical lack of interest in discussions and the
rigidity of the rules that needs periodical disregard, Saturn in
Aries, to allow some space for Neptune to undo, then back again to
conformity and rules to prevail, Neptune square Saturn from Capricorn,

As for Regulus and N.N. conj. Asc. in Leo + Mercury conj. Pluto
sextiling Uranus, that should be a sign for us to expect to find here
occasionally depth and enlightenment..
2010-11-12 22:20:33 UTC
Post by MH
Post by A B
Post by MH
It is obvious that the source of this groups' technical problems is
the 135 degrees that was taking place between Saturn and Neptune, it
did actually stop any post to reach this group. That makes me wonder
about the prevailing no interest in discussions and lack of activity
here is it a new policy or is it the same effect of Saturn Neptune? I
wonder what is the ruling planet of this group?
Let me repeat that posts not coming through has got nothing to do with
them being rejected in moderation. The Charter is the basis for policy
here, as always. To learn what the Charter says, read it. It is posted to
the group in the beginning of every month, and is also available on our
Forgot to say in my other reply: I've noticed a little circumstantial
evidence for Usenet groups in general coming under the 11th house. Mainly
things like people with Mars in the 11th tending to get into fights on
Usenet, people with Venus in the 11th being more peacemaking, somebody with
Pluto in the 11th breaking a long and acrimonious deadlock in
Never had time to go into this much though.
The chart that A. B. made available for us to see did confirm my
point of view as it actually includes a direct square between Neptune
at the end of Capricorn and Saturn at the end of Aries which even
though it takes place in cadent houses it is quite dynamic by sign. It
also explains the periodical lack of interest in discussions and the
rigidity of the rules that needs periodical disregard, Saturn in
Aries, to allow some space for Neptune to undo, then back again to
conformity and rules to prevail, Neptune square Saturn from Capricorn,
As for Regulus and N.N. conj. Asc. in Leo + Mercury conj. Pluto
sextiling Uranus, that should be a sign for us to expect to find here
occasionally depth and enlightenment..
I've worked out the recent progressions and transits for the group, but I
haven't quite finished interpreting them. One problem is that I'm not sure
what each planet signifies in a chart like this. Any more on this subject
would be appreciated. I'm in a hurry now, but will discuss the chart some
more next time.
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
Kjell Pettersson
2010-11-13 08:03:28 UTC
    The chart that A. B. made available for us to see did confirm my
point of view as it actually includes a direct square between Neptune
at the end of Capricorn and Saturn at the end of Aries which even
though it takes place in cadent houses it is quite dynamic by sign. It
also explains the periodical lack of interest in discussions and the
rigidity of the rules that needs periodical disregard, Saturn in
Aries, to allow some space for Neptune to undo, then back again to
conformity and rules to prevail, Neptune square Saturn from Capricorn,
   As for Regulus and N.N. conj. Asc. in Leo + Mercury conj. Pluto
sextiling Uranus, that should be a sign for us to expect to find here
occasionally depth and enlightenment..
I would be very interested in learning how you arrived at your
conclusions. Especially what makes you associate Saturn with the

The Charter is the foundation on which the group is built. Foundations
are ruled by the fourth house, which is in Scorpio. Further, the IC is
conjunct Venus and the Sun. It is also ruled by Mars in Virgo. Virgo
makes it detailed, Scorpio gives it depth and also has to do with the
need for moderation, Venus says it is relatively balanced and the Sun,
ruling the twelfth house, would point to it being created to stave off
enemies of the group. As you may or may not be aware of, this group
has had its fair share of posters with no true interest in astrology,
being here only to provoke. (Compare with alt.astrology if you want
more insight into this.)

Saturn rules houses six and seven, servants and enemies. Example of a
servant could be the technical stuff that helps the moderators, that
is, the robomoderator. We have had technical problems recently, so I
do not rule out that the aspect you have mentioned may have to do with
that. However, aside from that Saturn rather rules the (open) enemies
of the group than the group itself, and it certainly does not rule the

Neptune, conjunct the cusp of the sixth house and in Capricorn will
have influences on the sixth and seventh houses too. The square
between Saturn and Neptune more speaks of the state of the enemies the
group has to deal with than with anything of its inner workings.
Saturn is ”the other”, and Neptune is heavily involved with this
other, but not with the Charter/foundational house in any pronounced

In modern astrology Neptune rules, or co-rules, Pisces. But with
Jupiter in Pisces, personally I think a possible influence from
Neptune over Pisces and the eight house can be disregarded. Still, the
eight house does not have to do with the Charter either.

Again, it would be very interesting to hear how you make the
connections you make, as I cannot see at all how you arrive at them.

Todd Carnes
2010-11-14 01:41:56 UTC
On Nov 13, 3:03 am, Kjell Pettersson <***@kjellpettersson.com>

Post by Kjell Pettersson
I would be very interested in learning how you arrived at your
conclusions. Especially what makes you associate Saturn with the
Saturn = restrictions.... i.e. rules.
Kjell Pettersson
2010-11-14 12:52:23 UTC
I do not see it that way. Okay, I agree that Saturn is about
restrictions, but rules are not necessarily Saturnian. The law itself,
mundane or religious, is governed by Jupiter, and the law is a prime
example of a set of rules.

Still, I do not see a Charter as just a set of rules. It is more of a
declaration, and that our Charter is formulated in terms of rules is
incidental to its character. Perhaps one can think of charters as in
the line of the divine fiat, and so the ground upon which all else is
laid. The American Declaration of Independence is a kind of charter; a
foundational document.

So, in my eyes, a charter is the platform upon which something is
built. It speaks of intention, and through this is it made a reference

Post by Todd Carnes
Post by Kjell Pettersson
I would be very interested in learning how you arrived at your
conclusions. Especially what makes you associate Saturn with the
Saturn = restrictions.... i.e. rules.
2010-11-15 14:19:08 UTC
Post by Kjell Pettersson
I do not see it that way. Okay, I agree that Saturn is about
restrictions, but rules are not necessarily Saturnian. The law itself,
mundane or religious, is governed by Jupiter, and the law is a prime
example of a set of rules.
So, in my eyes, a charter is the platform upon which something is
built. It speaks of intention, and through this is it made a reference
The messages include lots of material for discussions, but since I am
the only one who is discussing, I 'll try to keep focusing on the role
of Saturn, as it is now exalted in Libra, getting ready to transit
the 3rd house of Astrology moderated, where the trend will be in using
some of the disciplines and finess
of the past, fortified by the transit of Neptune to Pisces. Saturn
known for its limitations and restrictions yes, but is a great teacher
especially if its position and aspects show that; and as ruler of the
sixth house, positioned in the 9th house and ruler of the 7th, opposes
to teach, restricts to keep the energy flowing for a long time. There
are lots of interpretations for this Saturn but for now this
interpretation is the right one.
Kjell Pettersson
2010-11-29 09:30:31 UTC
Post by MH
The messages include lots of material for discussions, but since I am
the only one who is discussing, [---]
Actually, I do not see that your reply answered any of the points that
I raised. What kind of discussion is it that you aim for that does not
have room for asking questions or answering them? Be that as it may,
if you do not mind, I would be very happy if you could make another
attempt at answering my previous post to you in this thread.

2010-11-29 16:55:07 UTC
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Post by MH
The messages include lots of material for discussions, but since I am
the only one who is discussing,  [---]
Actually, I do not see that your reply answered any of the points that
I raised. What kind of discussion is it that you aim for that does not
have room for asking questions or answering them? Be that as it may,
if you do not mind, I would be very happy if you could make another
attempt at answering my previous post to you in this thread.
Motivations, motivations, if you read in depth and in general, you
would understand the overall purpose of this post. But if you want
answers in simple direct words, you will have to ask questions one by
one, I would be more than happy to answer, and I'll be pleased to
discuss anything you choose.

best regards

Kjell Pettersson
2010-11-29 17:26:39 UTC
Post by MH
Motivations, motivations, if you read in depth and in general, you
would understand the overall purpose of this post. But if you want
answers in simple direct words, you will have to ask questions one by
one, I would be more than happy to answer, and I'll be pleased to
discuss anything you choose.
It does not help to think in general if there are no specifics that
make sense. Nor do I believe that what lacks an intelligible surface
has any depth worth investigating.

How come you think that a minor aspect between Saturn and Neptune,
that does not touch upon the positions of the natal Saturn-Neptune
square in the a.a.m chart, somehow activates that square?
Post by MH
From what you have said, it would be the minor aspect in the world
chart or that Saturn is right now in Libra, though it is hard to tell
what justification you have for the interpretation.

This is one question, and I would be happy with an answer to it. I'll
ask no other question for now, happily awaiting your answer.


If you are serious about wanting to get questions one by one, you
should only put one thing into your posts at the time. You will make
it difficult for others if you play out a dozen ideas but only accept
to have them questioned one by one. /K
2010-11-30 15:41:08 UTC
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Post by MH
Motivations, motivations, if you read in depth and in general, you
would understand the overall purpose of this post. But if you want
answers in simple direct words, you will have to ask questions one by
one, I would be more than happy to answer, and I'll be pleased to
discuss anything you choose.
It does not help to think in general if there are no specifics that
make sense. Nor do I believe that what lacks an intelligible surface
has any depth worth investigating.
How come you think that a minor aspect between Saturn and Neptune,
that does not touch upon the positions of the natal Saturn-Neptune
square in the a.a.m chart, somehow activates that square?
Post by MH
From what you have said, it would be the minor aspect in the world
chart or that Saturn is right now in Libra, though it is hard to tell
what justification you have for the interpretation.
This is one question, and I would be happy with an answer to it. I'll
ask no other question for now, happily awaiting your answer.
If you are serious about wanting to get questions one by one, you
should only put one thing into your posts at the time. You will make
it difficult for others if you play out a dozen ideas but only accept
to have them questioned one by one. /K
Being the upper hand and trying desperately to stay the upper hand,
does help some, but not everyone is promised fair play, if you are
asking for coordinates, then you have missed the purpose of this post,
and in the procedure you are asking for mechanical interpretation,
meanwhile you are limiting myself expression and trying to stop any
out of norm self expression from
taking place. If I felt genuine interest I would have answered.
Debating is different from discussing with genuine interest.

2010-11-16 04:14:00 UTC
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Post by Todd Carnes
Saturn = restrictions.... i.e. rules.
I do not see it that way. Okay, I agree that Saturn is about
restrictions, but rules are not necessarily Saturnian. The law itself,
mundane or religious, is governed by Jupiter, and the law is a prime
example of a set of rules.
Still, I do not see a Charter as just a set of rules. It is more of a
declaration, and that our Charter is formulated in terms of rules is
incidental to its character. Perhaps one can think of charters as in
the line of the divine fiat, and so the ground upon which all else is
laid. The American Declaration of Independence is a kind of charter; a
foundational document.
So, in my eyes, a charter is the platform upon which something is
built. It speaks of intention, and through this is it made a reference
The Charter fulfils quite a lot of functions, and perhaps it's not possible
to put it down to any one planet. It seems fair enough to say that the
rules about what cannot be posted, being clearly and simply restrictions,
belong to Saturn. The declarations of purpose might be more solar
(self-expression of group and particularly of group's leadership). If you
take the Charter as the founding document of the group, then in that
capacity it might, as Kjell suggested, belong to the IC.

Charles Carter in "An Introduction to Political Astrology" suggested that
the law in its restrictive capacity came under Saturn, while as a guarantee
of rights and freedoms it came under Jupiter. I don't know how this would
work in practice, mind.
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
Todd Carnes
2010-11-19 18:40:19 UTC
Post by Kjell Pettersson
I do not see it that way. Okay, I agree that Saturn is about
restrictions, but rules are not necessarily Saturnian. The law itself,
mundane or religious, is governed by Jupiter, and the law is a prime
example of a set of rules.
Still, I do not see a Charter as just a set of rules. It is more of a
declaration, and that our Charter is formulated in terms of rules is
incidental to its character. Perhaps one can think of charters as in
the line of the divine fiat, and so the ground upon which all else is
laid. The American Declaration of Independence is a kind of charter; a
foundational document.

I think I would tend to agree with you "in general", but when speaking
about this "specific" charter and how it has been wielded in the past,
I have to stick with my original Saturn = "rules & restrictions"

Also, I think I shall drop the whole subject after this post (lest any
salt finds its way into any old wounds, if you know what I mean).

Kjell Pettersson
2010-11-29 09:30:42 UTC
Post by Todd Carnes
I think I would tend to agree with you "in general", but when speaking
about this "specific" charter and how it has been wielded in the past,
I have to stick with my original Saturn = "rules & restrictions"
You may know more about the history of this group, so I certainly
shall not debate this point. Especially since you already agree with
me in general cases! ;-D
Post by Todd Carnes
Also, I think I shall drop the whole subject after this post (lest any
salt finds its way into any old wounds, if you know what I mean).
I think such an approach may have much to speak for it. Wisdom is not
only about saying the right things, but also knowing when not to say

Peter Larsen
2010-11-17 08:50:07 UTC
Post by Todd Carnes
Post by Kjell Pettersson
I would be very interested in learning how you arrived at your
conclusions. Especially what makes you associate Saturn with the
Saturn = restrictions.... i.e. rules.
I disagree as to the restrictions part of it, I'd rather use the word

Kind regards

Peter Larsen
2010-11-14 08:43:51 UTC
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Post by MH
The chart that A. B. made available for us to see did confirm my
point of view as it actually includes a direct square between Neptune
at the end of Capricorn and Saturn at the end of Aries which even
though it takes place in cadent houses it is quite dynamic by sign. It
also explains the periodical lack of interest in discussions and the
rigidity of the rules that needs periodical disregard, Saturn in
Aries, to allow some space for Neptune to undo, then back again to
conformity and rules to prevail, Neptune square Saturn from Capricorn,
As for Regulus and N.N. conj. Asc. in Leo + Mercury conj. Pluto
sextiling Uranus, that should be a sign for us to expect to find here
occasionally depth and enlightenment..
I would be very interested in learning how you arrived at your
conclusions. Especially what makes you associate Saturn with the
As you very well know Kjell a chart is interpreted as a whole we do
not focus on a part like the 1st and leave the rest like the seventh
so if the 1st is the action the 7th is the reaction, and in a leading
group reactions are of utmost importance for what is a group without
3rd ( communicating) 7th ( opposition) 9th (morals and high ideals)
11th ( enlightenment) now Saturn in the chart of this group is in the
9th and rules the sixth both are cadent houses and seem of no great
impact on the chart; now we can interpret Saturn important role as the
co-ruler of the 7th by starting with Mars as the ruler of Aries where
Saturn is positioned or we can jump to Jupiter Neptune as dispositors
of the chart. I am in a hurry and the rest needs extensive
explanation, I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Kjell Pettersson
2010-11-14 12:52:23 UTC
Post by MH
As you very well know Kjell a chart is interpreted as a whole we do
not focus on a part
You cannot make a whole without parts. And even though the whole may
be more than the sum of the parts, it is unlikely to be of an
altogether different character than the parts themselves.

like the 1st and leave the rest like the seventh
Post by MH
so if the 1st is the action the 7th is the reaction, and in a leading
group reactions are of utmost importance for what is a group without
3rd ( communicating) 7th ( opposition) 9th (morals and high ideals)
11th ( enlightenment) now Saturn in the chart of this group is in the
9th and rules the sixth both are cadent houses and seem of no great
impact on the chart;
You will have to simplify the language of this part of your sentence.
If you could make it into several sentences, that would be great. I
especially do not understand what you mean by this string of houses:
"3rd ( communicating) 7th ( opposition) 9th (morals and high ideals)
11th ( enlightenment)".

Clarity and precision would be of much help.

now we can interpret Saturn important role as the
Post by MH
co-ruler of the 7th by starting with Mars as the ruler of Aries where
Saturn is positioned
Yes? What do you want to say by this? That it is important what point
one chooses to start interpretation with?

or we can jump to Jupiter Neptune as dispositors
Post by MH
of the chart.
Why do you say that Jupiter and Neptune are dispositors of the chart?

I am in a hurry and the rest needs extensive
Post by MH
explanation, I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
I would really appreciate that. Your clarification did not help at

Post by MH
Kjell Pettersson
2010-11-14 14:18:47 UTC
Post by MH
As you very well know Kjell a chart is interpreted as a whole we do
not focus on a part
Also, I do not see why you level this at me? It was you who chose to
point out Saturn (and Neptune) and who had ideas on how it should be
interpreted. I was but replying to the only concrete thing you have

It would be kind of strange if I could not reply to your
interpretation without making my own interpretation of the selfsame
factors, wouldn't it?

2010-11-16 04:10:42 UTC
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Post by MH
The chart that A. B. made available for us to see did confirm my
point of view as it actually includes a direct square between Neptune
at the end of Capricorn and Saturn at the end of Aries which even
though it takes place in cadent houses it is quite dynamic by sign. It
also explains the periodical lack of interest in discussions and the
rigidity of the rules that needs periodical disregard, Saturn in
Aries, to allow some space for Neptune to undo, then back again to
conformity and rules to prevail, Neptune square Saturn from Capricorn,
As for Regulus and N.N. conj. Asc. in Leo + Mercury conj. Pluto
sextiling Uranus, that should be a sign for us to expect to find here
occasionally depth and enlightenment..
I would be very interested in learning how you arrived at your
conclusions. Especially what makes you associate Saturn with the
The Charter is the foundation on which the group is built. Foundations
are ruled by the fourth house, which is in Scorpio. Further, the IC is
conjunct Venus and the Sun. It is also ruled by Mars in Virgo. Virgo
makes it detailed, Scorpio gives it depth and also has to do with the
need for moderation, Venus says it is relatively balanced and the Sun,
ruling the twelfth house, would point to it being created to stave off
enemies of the group. As you may or may not be aware of, this group
has had its fair share of posters with no true interest in astrology,
being here only to provoke. (Compare with alt.astrology if you want
more insight into this.)
Saturn rules houses six and seven, servants and enemies. Example of a
servant could be the technical stuff that helps the moderators, that
is, the robomoderator. We have had technical problems recently, so I
do not rule out that the aspect you have mentioned may have to do with
that. However, aside from that Saturn rather rules the (open) enemies
of the group than the group itself, and it certainly does not rule the
Neptune, conjunct the cusp of the sixth house and in Capricorn will
have influences on the sixth and seventh houses too. The square
between Saturn and Neptune more speaks of the state of the enemies the
group has to deal with than with anything of its inner workings.
Saturn is ”the other”, and Neptune is heavily involved with this
other, but not with the Charter/foundational house in any pronounced
In modern astrology Neptune rules, or co-rules, Pisces. But with
Jupiter in Pisces, personally I think a possible influence from
Neptune over Pisces and the eight house can be disregarded. Still, the
eight house does not have to do with the Charter either.
Again, it would be very interesting to hear how you make the
connections you make, as I cannot see at all how you arrive at them.
You seem to be interpreting it rather like a horary chart - I mean,
assigning meanings to planets based on the houses they rule in that
particular chart, rather than their own intrinsic meanings. Why is that?

I agree about the twelfth house. The old "secret enemies" meaning is very
appropriate here, given the bombardment of undesirable postings that nobody
except the moderators even sees! (Anyone who wants to know what the group
is REALLY up against should take a look at the "rejected postings" page on
the a.a.mod website. Thank goodness for the modbot - not to mention the
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
2010-11-16 09:04:41 UTC
Post by A B
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Post by MH
The chart that A. B. made available for us to see did confirm my
point of view as it actually includes a direct square between Neptune
at the end of Capricorn and Saturn at the end of Aries which even
though it takes place in cadent houses it is quite dynamic by sign. It
also explains the periodical lack of interest in discussions and the
rigidity of the rules that needs periodical disregard, Saturn in
Aries, to allow some space for Neptune to undo, then back again to
conformity and rules to prevail, Neptune square Saturn from Capricorn,
As for Regulus and N.N. conj. Asc. in Leo + Mercury conj. Pluto
sextiling Uranus, that should be a sign for us to expect to find here
occasionally depth and enlightenment..
I would be very interested in learning how you arrived at your
conclusions. Especially what makes you associate Saturn with the
The Charter is the foundation on which the group is built. Foundations
are ruled by the fourth house, which is in Scorpio. Further, the IC is
conjunct Venus and the Sun. It is also ruled by Mars in Virgo. Virgo
makes it detailed, Scorpio gives it depth and also has to do with the
need for moderation, Venus says it is relatively balanced and the Sun,
ruling the twelfth house, would point to it being created to stave off
enemies of the group. As you may or may not be aware of, this group
has had its fair share of posters with no true interest in astrology,
being here only to provoke. (Compare with alt.astrology if you want
more insight into this.)
Saturn rules houses six and seven, servants and enemies. Example of a
servant could be the technical stuff that helps the moderators, that
is, the robomoderator. We have had technical problems recently, so I
do not rule out that the aspect you have mentioned may have to do with
that. However, aside from that Saturn rather rules the (open) enemies
of the group than the group itself, and it certainly does not rule the
Neptune, conjunct the cusp of the sixth house and in Capricorn will
have influences on the sixth and seventh houses too. The square
between Saturn and Neptune more speaks of the state of the enemies the
group has to deal with than with anything of its inner workings.
Saturn is ᅵthe otherᅵ, and Neptune is heavily involved with this
other, but not with the Charter/foundational house in any pronounced
In modern astrology Neptune rules, or co-rules, Pisces. But with
Jupiter in Pisces, personally I think a possible influence from
Neptune over Pisces and the eight house can be disregarded. Still, the
eight house does not have to do with the Charter either.
Again, it would be very interesting to hear how you make the
You seem to be interpreting it rather like a horary chart - I mean,
assigning meanings to planets based on the houses they rule in that
particular chart, rather than their own intrinsic meanings.  Why is that?
I agree about the twelfth house.  The old "secret enemies" meaning is very
appropriate here, given the bombardment of undesirable postings that nobody
except the moderators even sees!  (Anyone who wants to know what the group
is REALLY up against should take a look at the "rejected postings" page on
the a.a.mod website.  Thank goodness for the modbot - not to mention the
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at  zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
Not all Astrologers A. B. are ruled just by Saturn Uranus, many of
them have the influence of Pluto as well, but few have the influence
of Neptune accentuated, which helps them in sensing the undercurrents,
broadens their outlook, and blends their knowledge to reach the needed
2010-11-18 18:53:04 UTC
Post by MH
Post by A B
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Post by MH
The chart that A. B. made available for us to see did confirm my
point of view as it actually includes a direct square between Neptune
at the end of Capricorn and Saturn at the end of Aries which even
though it takes place in cadent houses it is quite dynamic by sign. It
also explains the periodical lack of interest in discussions and the
rigidity of the rules that needs periodical disregard, Saturn in
Aries, to allow some space for Neptune to undo, then back again to
conformity and rules to prevail, Neptune square Saturn from Capricorn,
As for Regulus and N.N. conj. Asc. in Leo + Mercury conj. Pluto
sextiling Uranus, that should be a sign for us to expect to find here
occasionally depth and enlightenment..
I would be very interested in learning how you arrived at your
conclusions. Especially what makes you associate Saturn with the
The Charter is the foundation on which the group is built. Foundations
are ruled by the fourth house, which is in Scorpio. Further, the IC is
conjunct Venus and the Sun. It is also ruled by Mars in Virgo. Virgo
makes it detailed, Scorpio gives it depth and also has to do with the
need for moderation, Venus says it is relatively balanced and the Sun,
ruling the twelfth house, would point to it being created to stave off
enemies of the group. As you may or may not be aware of, this group
has had its fair share of posters with no true interest in astrology,
being here only to provoke. (Compare with alt.astrology if you want
more insight into this.)
Saturn rules houses six and seven, servants and enemies. Example of a
servant could be the technical stuff that helps the moderators, that
is, the robomoderator. We have had technical problems recently, so I
do not rule out that the aspect you have mentioned may have to do with
that. However, aside from that Saturn rather rules the (open) enemies
of the group than the group itself, and it certainly does not rule the
Neptune, conjunct the cusp of the sixth house and in Capricorn will
have influences on the sixth and seventh houses too. The square
between Saturn and Neptune more speaks of the state of the enemies the
group has to deal with than with anything of its inner workings.
Saturn is �the other�, and Neptune is heavily involved with this
other, but not with the Charter/foundational house in any pronounced
In modern astrology Neptune rules, or co-rules, Pisces. But with
Jupiter in Pisces, personally I think a possible influence from
Neptune over Pisces and the eight house can be disregarded. Still, the
eight house does not have to do with the Charter either.
Again, it would be very interesting to hear how you make the
You seem to be interpreting it rather like a horary chart - I mean,
assigning meanings to planets based on the houses they rule in that
particular chart, rather than their own intrinsic meanings. Why is that?
I agree about the twelfth house. The old "secret enemies" meaning is very
appropriate here, given the bombardment of undesirable postings that nobody
except the moderators even sees! (Anyone who wants to know what the group
is REALLY up against should take a look at the "rejected postings" page on
the a.a.mod website. Thank goodness for the modbot - not to mention the
Not all Astrologers A. B. are ruled just by Saturn Uranus, many of
them have the influence of Pluto as well, but few have the influence
of Neptune accentuated, which helps them in sensing the undercurrents,
broadens their outlook, and blends their knowledge to reach the needed
True. Care to explain some of this for me?
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
2010-11-19 09:16:29 UTC
Post by MH
Post by A B
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Post by MH
The chart that A. B. made available for us to see did confirm my
point of view as it actually includes a direct square between Neptune
at the end of Capricorn and Saturn at the end of Aries which even
though it takes place in cadent houses it is quite dynamic by sign. It
also explains the periodical lack of interest in discussions and the
rigidity of the rules that needs periodical disregard, Saturn in
Aries, to allow some space for Neptune to undo, then back again to
conformity and rules to prevail, Neptune square Saturn from Capricorn,
As for Regulus and N.N. conj. Asc. in Leo + Mercury conj. Pluto
sextiling Uranus, that should be a sign for us to expect to find here
occasionally depth and enlightenment..
I would be very interested in learning how you arrived at your
conclusions. Especially what makes you associate Saturn with the
The Charter is the foundation on which the group is built. Foundations
are ruled by the fourth house, which is in Scorpio. Further, the IC is
conjunct Venus and the Sun. It is also ruled by Mars in Virgo. Virgo
makes it detailed, Scorpio gives it depth and also has to do with the
need for moderation, Venus says it is relatively balanced and the Sun,
ruling the twelfth house, would point to it being created to stave off
enemies of the group. As you may or may not be aware of, this group
has had its fair share of posters with no true interest in astrology,
being here only to provoke. (Compare with alt.astrology if you want
more insight into this.)
Saturn rules houses six and seven, servants and enemies. Example of a
servant could be the technical stuff that helps the moderators, that
is, the robomoderator. We have had technical problems recently, so I
do not rule out that the aspect you have mentioned may have to do with
that. However, aside from that Saturn rather rules the (open) enemies
of the group than the group itself, and it certainly does not rule the
Neptune, conjunct the cusp of the sixth house and in Capricorn will
have influences on the sixth and seventh houses too. The square
between Saturn and Neptune more speaks of the state of the enemies the
group has to deal with than with anything of its inner workings.
Saturn is the other , and Neptune is heavily involved with this
other, but not with the Charter/foundational house in any pronounced
In modern astrology Neptune rules, or co-rules, Pisces. But with
Jupiter in Pisces, personally I think a possible influence from
Neptune over Pisces and the eight house can be disregarded. Still, the
eight house does not have to do with the Charter either.
Again, it would be very interesting to hear how you make the
You seem to be interpreting it rather like a horary chart - I mean,
assigning meanings to planets based on the houses they rule in that
particular chart, rather than their own intrinsic meanings. Why is that?
I agree about the twelfth house. The old "secret enemies" meaning is very
appropriate here, given the bombardment of undesirable postings that nobody
except the moderators even sees! (Anyone who wants to know what the group
is REALLY up against should take a look at the "rejected postings" page on
the a.a.mod website. Thank goodness for the modbot - not to mention the
Not all Astrologers A. B. are ruled just by Saturn Uranus, many of
them have the influence of Pluto as well, but few have the influence
of Neptune accentuated, which helps them in sensing the undercurrents,
broadens their outlook, and blends their knowledge to reach the needed
True.  Care to explain some of this for me?
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at  zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
When Saturn and Uranus are dominant, one tends to focus on the
structure and co-ordinates of a chart, follow the already set rules
and cliches, imagination and sensation are not used, while if we take
a closer look at the history of Astrology and how it really started,
imagination, feeling the undercurrents and receptivity, was a major
asset to the Astrologer. Modern Astrology needed to put solid base and
structure in order to make it as close as possible to a science,
respected and approved by scientists, whether that
worked out or not it's not for me to say, but this helped in allowing
a bigger number of people to understand and practice Astrology, yet in
the procedure, the gift of prophecy has decreased and the mechanical
Astrology has increased.

2010-11-20 10:56:16 UTC
Post by MH
Post by MH
Post by A B
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Post by MH
The chart that A. B. made available for us to see did confirm my
point of view as it actually includes a direct square between Neptune
at the end of Capricorn and Saturn at the end of Aries which even
though it takes place in cadent houses it is quite dynamic by sign. It
also explains the periodical lack of interest in discussions and the
rigidity of the rules that needs periodical disregard, Saturn in
Aries, to allow some space for Neptune to undo, then back again to
conformity and rules to prevail, Neptune square Saturn from Capricorn,
As for Regulus and N.N. conj. Asc. in Leo + Mercury conj. Pluto
sextiling Uranus, that should be a sign for us to expect to find here
occasionally depth and enlightenment..
I would be very interested in learning how you arrived at your
conclusions. Especially what makes you associate Saturn with the
The Charter is the foundation on which the group is built. Foundations
are ruled by the fourth house, which is in Scorpio. Further, the IC is
conjunct Venus and the Sun. It is also ruled by Mars in Virgo. Virgo
makes it detailed, Scorpio gives it depth and also has to do with the
need for moderation, Venus says it is relatively balanced and the Sun,
ruling the twelfth house, would point to it being created to stave off
enemies of the group. As you may or may not be aware of, this group
has had its fair share of posters with no true interest in astrology,
being here only to provoke. (Compare with alt.astrology if you want
more insight into this.)
Saturn rules houses six and seven, servants and enemies. Example of a
servant could be the technical stuff that helps the moderators, that
is, the robomoderator. We have had technical problems recently, so I
do not rule out that the aspect you have mentioned may have to do with
that. However, aside from that Saturn rather rules the (open) enemies
of the group than the group itself, and it certainly does not rule the
Neptune, conjunct the cusp of the sixth house and in Capricorn will
have influences on the sixth and seventh houses too. The square
between Saturn and Neptune more speaks of the state of the enemies the
group has to deal with than with anything of its inner workings.
Saturn is the other , and Neptune is heavily involved with this
other, but not with the Charter/foundational house in any pronounced
In modern astrology Neptune rules, or co-rules, Pisces. But with
Jupiter in Pisces, personally I think a possible influence from
Neptune over Pisces and the eight house can be disregarded. Still, the
eight house does not have to do with the Charter either.
Again, it would be very interesting to hear how you make the
You seem to be interpreting it rather like a horary chart - I mean,
assigning meanings to planets based on the houses they rule in that
particular chart, rather than their own intrinsic meanings. Why is that?
I agree about the twelfth house. The old "secret enemies" meaning is very
appropriate here, given the bombardment of undesirable postings that nobody
except the moderators even sees! (Anyone who wants to know what the group
is REALLY up against should take a look at the "rejected postings" page on
the a.a.mod website. Thank goodness for the modbot - not to mention the
Not all Astrologers A. B. are ruled just by Saturn Uranus, many of
them have the influence of Pluto as well, but few have the influence
of Neptune accentuated, which helps them in sensing the undercurrents,
broadens their outlook, and blends their knowledge to reach the needed
True.  Care to explain some of this for me?
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at  zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
When Saturn and Uranus are dominant, one tends to focus on the
structure and co-ordinates of a chart, follow the already set rules
and cliches, imagination and sensation are not used, while if we take
a closer look at the history of Astrology and how it really started,
imagination, feeling the undercurrents and receptivity, was a major
asset to the Astrologer. Modern Astrology needed to put solid base and
structure in order to make it as close as possible to a science,
respected and approved by scientists, whether that
 worked out or not it's not for me to say, but this helped in allowing
a bigger number of people to understand and practice Astrology, yet in
the procedure, the gift of prophecy has decreased and the mechanical
Astrology has increased.
Neptune's function is to blend and dissolve boundaries, if it
influences in any way the logical function, the collected knowledge,
classifications, and deductions acquired by logic, Mercury, are all
blended and classifications are lost, what remains is just knowledge.
If this influence is not balanced by a strong Pluto,discrimination,
then one could be easily swayed off track.

Peter Larsen
2010-11-21 13:31:36 UTC
Post by MH
Neptune's function is to blend and dissolve boundaries, if it
influences in any way the logical function, the collected knowledge,
classifications, and deductions acquired by logic, Mercury, are all
blended and classifications are lost, what remains is just knowledge.
If this influence is not balanced by a strong Pluto,discrimination,
then one could be easily swayed off track.
Pluto is the octave of Tellus, not of Mars. Which also leads to broad
statements like "root chakra", "kundalini" and "forces of nature", to
reichians also "sexual energy".
Post by MH
Kind regards

Peter Larsen
2010-11-21 14:57:44 UTC
Post by Peter Larsen
Post by MH
Neptune's function is to blend and dissolve boundaries, if it
influences in any way the logical function,  the collected knowledge,
classifications, and deductions acquired by logic, Mercury, are all
blended and classifications are lost, what remains is just knowledge.
If this influence is not balanced by a strong Pluto,discrimination,
then one could be easily swayed off track.
Pluto is the octave of Tellus, not of Mars. Which also leads to broad
statements like "root chakra", "kundalini" and "forces of nature", to
reichians also "sexual energy".
Post by MH
  Kind regards
  Peter Larsen
I agree with the general meaning, but link the root shakra to Mars,
while Pluto rules the crown shakra, I wonder what do you mean by
statements? the words or the influence or both?

Best regards.

M. H.
2010-11-21 19:49:45 UTC
Post by MH
Post by Peter Larsen
Post by MH
Neptune's function is to blend and dissolve boundaries, if it
influences in any way the logical function,  the collected knowledge,
classifications, and deductions acquired by logic, Mercury, are all
blended and classifications are lost, what remains is just knowledge.
If this influence is not balanced by a strong Pluto,discrimination,
then one could be easily swayed off track.
Pluto is the octave of Tellus, not of Mars. Which also leads to broad
statements like "root chakra", "kundalini" and "forces of nature", to
reichians also "sexual energy".
Post by MH
  Kind regards
  Peter Larsen
I agree with the general meaning, but link the root shakra to Mars,
while Pluto rules the crown shakra, I wonder what do you mean by
statements? the words or the influence or both?
Best regards.
M. H.
Tellus, best I can tell, was the first (Roman) god, and gave birth to
and married Uranus. The word means or represents Mother Earth (Gaia).
So it doesn't make sense to me that Pluto is a higher octave of Earth.
I do agree with the "root chakra" interpretation, though. Just
glancing in Google search, there is apparently no consensus about that

cfa at alt dot net
Peter Larsen
2010-11-22 02:42:08 UTC
Post by CFA
Post by Peter Larsen
Pluto is the octave of Tellus, not of Mars. Which also leads to
broad statements like "root chakra", "kundalini" and "forces of
nature", to reichians also "sexual energy".
Tellus, best I can tell, was the first (Roman) god, and gave birth to
and married Uranus. The word means or represents Mother Earth (Gaia).
So it doesn't make sense to me that Pluto is a higher octave of Earth.
I do agree with the "root chakra" interpretation, though. Just
glancing in Google search, there is apparently no consensus about that
I'll get back to M.H. and supplement.

I have had the great good fortune of restoring some recordings, video and
audio, of Thomas Ring's Astrology Seminar in Copenhagen in 1974, but
unfortunately not been able to negotiate a transfer of rights from the
people - the original arrangers - they are distributed between. In this
seminar Thomas Ring illustrates the octave correspondances while drawing on
a blackboard, ie.

Mercury - Uranus

Venus - Neptune

Mars - Pluto

but the actual interpretation of pluto doesn't really fit the image. Nor
should it, because he overlooked the fourth planet, add it and suddenly
things make sense:

Mercury - Uranus

Venus - Neptune

Earth - Pluto (pluto even is a double planet, just like earth)

asteroids - oort cloud
Post by CFA
Kind regards

Peter Larsen
2010-11-22 15:33:05 UTC
ard, ie> >
Post by Peter Larsen
but the actual interpretation of pluto doesn't really fit the image. Nor
should it, because he overlooked the fourth planet, add it and suddenly
Mercury - Uranus
Venus - Neptune
Earth - Pluto (pluto even is a double planet, just like earth)
asteroids - oort cloud
   Kind regards
   Peter Larsen
In this sense then Earth should rule Taurus or Libra, correct me
please if I am wrong, and please be kind enough to clarify (pluto even
is a double planet, just like earth) do you mean double as in dual?

Best regards

M. H.
2010-11-23 07:33:31 UTC
Post by MH
ard, ie> >
Post by Peter Larsen
but the actual interpretation of pluto doesn't really fit the image. Nor
should it, because he overlooked the fourth planet, add it and suddenly
Mercury - Uranus
Venus - Neptune
Earth - Pluto (pluto even is a double planet, just like earth)
asteroids - oort cloud
   Kind regards
   Peter Larsen
In this sense then Earth should rule Taurus or Libra, correct me
please if I am wrong, and please be kind enough to clarify (pluto even
is a double planet, just like earth) do you mean double as in dual?
Seems like it starts getting complicated... are we talking about helio
or geo?
Post by MH
Best regards
M. H.
cfa at alt dot net
2010-11-23 17:47:38 UTC
Post by MH
Post by Peter Larsen
but the actual interpretation of pluto doesn't really fit the image. Nor
should it, because he overlooked the fourth planet, add it and suddenly
Mercury - Uranus
Venus - Neptune
Earth - Pluto (pluto even is a double planet, just like earth)
asteroids - oort cloud
In this sense then Earth should rule Taurus or Libra, correct me
please if I am wrong, and please be kind enough to clarify (pluto even
is a double planet, just like earth) do you mean double as in dual?
I think he means that Pluto and Earth each have one unusually large moon,
approaching their own size. You could at a pinch describe them as pairs of
two planets, one a bit bigger than the other. Looked at that way, the
sequence is rather striking. If you want to keep it to bodies that are
usually used in astrology, you could say that Pluto (with its "twin",
Charon) corresponds to the Moon (with its "twin", Earth). I don't know
off-hand what interpretation that would lead to.
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
2010-11-24 11:03:22 UTC
Post by A B
Post by MH
Post by Peter Larsen
but the actual interpretation of pluto doesn't really fit the image. Nor
should it, because he overlooked the fourth planet, add it and suddenly
Mercury - Uranus
Venus - Neptune
Earth - Pluto (pluto even is a double planet, just like earth)
asteroids - oort cloud
In this sense then Earth should rule Taurus or Libra, correct me
please if I am wrong, and please be kind enough to clarify (pluto even
is a double planet, just like earth) do you mean double as in dual?
I think he means that Pluto and Earth each have one unusually large moon,
approaching their own size.  You could at a pinch describe them as pairs of
two planets, one a bit bigger than the other.  Looked at that way, the
sequence is rather striking.  If you want to keep it to bodies that are
usually used in astrology, you could say that Pluto (with its "twin",
Charon) corresponds to the Moon (with its "twin", Earth).  I don't know
off-hand what interpretation that would lead to.
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at  zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
To talk about bodies and their sizes, Pluto's size is closest to
Mercury's, and if there is a twin relation then it should be between
Pluto and Mercury, the Earth's Moon is a lot smaller than the Earth,
and controls' several functions. Meanwhile I don't know if Charon
controls anything on the control freak Pluto, as there is no water nor
life there, if it has any function then it should be on the magnetic
field. If the Earth should have a twin, then Venus is the most suited
for that description, with the Taurus influence to emphasize it.
2010-11-23 07:35:10 UTC
Post by Peter Larsen
but the actual interpretation of pluto doesn't really fit the image.
How do you interpret Pluto?

cfa at alt dot net
Kjell Pettersson
2010-12-01 06:25:21 UTC
Post by Peter Larsen
Mercury - Uranus
Venus - Neptune
Earth - Pluto (pluto even is a double planet, just like earth)
The idea of a higher octave does indeed become strange if we do not
consider that the Earth itself is a planet, and this presentation
certainly seems to solve that. I also understand that many do not see
Pluto as a likely higher octave of Mars, and I can see a point in

We would also get Eris as the higher octave of Mars, which certainly
seems sensible.

2010-11-22 11:10:08 UTC
Post by MH
Post by MH
Post by MH
Post by A B
You seem to be interpreting it rather like a horary chart - I mean,
assigning meanings to planets based on the houses they rule in that
particular chart, rather than their own intrinsic meanings. Why is that?
I agree about the twelfth house. The old "secret enemies" meaning is very
appropriate here, given the bombardment of undesirable postings that nobody
except the moderators even sees! (Anyone who wants to know what the group
is REALLY up against should take a look at the "rejected postings"
the a.a.mod website. Thank goodness for the modbot - not to mention the
Not all Astrologers A. B. are ruled just by Saturn Uranus, many of
them have the influence of Pluto as well, but few have the influence
of Neptune accentuated, which helps them in sensing the
broadens their outlook, and blends their knowledge to reach the needed
True. Care to explain some of this for me?
When Saturn and Uranus are dominant, one tends to focus on the
structure and co-ordinates of a chart, follow the already set rules
and cliches, imagination and sensation are not used, while if we take
a closer look at the history of Astrology and how it really started,
imagination, feeling the undercurrents and receptivity, was a major
asset to the Astrologer. Modern Astrology needed to put solid base and
structure in order to make it as close as possible to a science,
respected and approved by scientists, whether that
worked out or not it's not for me to say, but this helped in allowing
a bigger number of people to understand and practice Astrology, yet in
the procedure, the gift of prophecy has decreased and the mechanical
Astrology has increased.
Neptune's function is to blend and dissolve boundaries, if it
influences in any way the logical function, the collected knowledge,
classifications, and deductions acquired by logic, Mercury, are all
blended and classifications are lost, what remains is just knowledge.
If this influence is not balanced by a strong Pluto,discrimination,
then one could be easily swayed off track.
I understood what you meant about Saturnian or Neptunian astrology (though
your explanation of it was still interesting - always good to see a new
perspective on these things). I just meant that since you seem to be better
at the Neptune stuff than I am, perhaps you could explain what Kjell was
doing? (Unless Kjell himself would like to?) I still can't quite see why
the planets should be defined in this particular chart by their house
rulership, rather than by their natural meanings as usual. Come on, show
some consideration for someone with Mercury in Virgo trine Saturn.
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
2010-11-22 15:33:41 UTC
Post by A B
Post by MH
Post by MH
Post by MH
Post by A B
You seem to be interpreting it rather like a horary chart - I mean,
assigning meanings to planets based on the houses they rule in that
particular chart, rather than their own intrinsic meanings. Why is that?
I agree about the twelfth house. The old "secret enemies" meaning is very
appropriate here, given the bombardment of undesirable postings that nobody
except the moderators even sees! (Anyone who wants to know what the group
is REALLY up against should take a look at the "rejected postings"
the a.a.mod website. Thank goodness for the modbot - not to mention the
Not all Astrologers A. B. are ruled just by Saturn Uranus, many of
them have the influence of Pluto as well, but few have the influence
of Neptune accentuated, which helps them in sensing the
broadens their outlook, and blends their knowledge to reach the needed
True. Care to explain some of this for me?
When Saturn and Uranus are dominant, one tends to focus on the
structure and co-ordinates of a chart, follow the already set rules
and cliches, imagination and sensation are not used, while if we take
a closer look at the history of Astrology and how it really started,
imagination, feeling the undercurrents and receptivity, was a major
asset to the Astrologer. Modern Astrology needed to put solid base and
structure in order to make it as close as possible to a science,
respected and approved by scientists, whether that
worked out or not it's not for me to say, but this helped in allowing
a bigger number of people to understand and practice Astrology, yet in
the procedure, the gift of prophecy has decreased and the mechanical
Astrology has increased.
Neptune's function is to blend and dissolve boundaries, if it
influences in any way the logical function,  the collected knowledge,
classifications, and deductions acquired by logic, Mercury, are all
blended and classifications are lost, what remains is just knowledge.
If this influence is not balanced by a strong Pluto,discrimination,
then one could be easily swayed off track.
I understood what you meant about Saturnian or Neptunian astrology (though
your explanation of it was still interesting - always good to see a new
perspective on these things).  I just meant that since you seem to be better
at the Neptune stuff than I am, perhaps you could explain what Kjell was
doing?  (Unless Kjell himself would like to?)  I still can't quite see why
the planets should be defined in this particular chart by their house
rulership, rather than by their natural meanings as usual.  Come on, show
some consideration for someone with Mercury in Virgo trine Saturn.
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at  zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
In my opinion, an Astrologer should use all his knowledge and common
sense in interpreting a chart, whether a planet should be interpreted
by its natural meaning or by house rulership, all is allowed as long
as one arrives to the needed interpretation, you might ask what is the
needed interpretation? it is the conclusion that satisfies your logic
and common sense, a chart is like a map, where you keep adding lines
and signs and erasing lines and signs, until you are satisfied with
the outcome to be the closest one to reality.

Kjell Pettersson
2010-11-29 09:30:33 UTC
Post by MH
Not all Astrologers A. B. are ruled just by Saturn Uranus, many of
them have the influence of Pluto as well, but few have the influence
of Neptune accentuated, which helps them in sensing the undercurrents,
broadens their outlook, and blends their knowledge to reach the needed
From where do you have the fact (?) that astrologers are ”plutonic”?
Or saturnian?

Traditionally, Mercury signified astrology, and modern astrologers see
Uranus as the astrological planet. If you are speaking of astrology as
such and making generalized statements, neither Saturn, Pluto nor
Neptune are seen as ”astrological”.

Todd Carnes
2010-11-19 18:45:20 UTC
On Nov 15, 11:10 pm, "A B" <***@a.uk> wrote:

Post by A B
I agree about the twelfth house.  The old "secret enemies" meaning is very
appropriate here, given the bombardment of undesirable postings that nobody
except the moderators even sees!  (Anyone who wants to know what the group
is REALLY up against should take a look at the "rejected postings" page on
the a.a.mod website.  Thank goodness for the modbot - not to mention the
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at  zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
Having been in Kjell's position (literally), I can attest to the fact
that the job is a LOT harder than it seems. Luckily, Kjell does a lot
better job at it, than I was apparently capable of doing. :)

Kjell Pettersson
2010-11-29 09:30:34 UTC
Post by A B
You seem to be interpreting it rather like a horary chart - I mean,
assigning meanings to planets based on the houses they rule in that
particular chart, rather than their own intrinsic meanings.  Why is that?
I am not certain what your question is, but perhaps the answer is that
making an interpretation is not an either/or-thing. And this is true
regardless of what kind of chart you are interpreting; horary or birth
chart or what-will-you. A planet has its own intrinsic meaning, part
of which is (for every planet) that it is an agent. The planet has a
sphere of influence, determined by which house or houses it is the
ruler of.

If you do not apply planets to houses, you will end up making a very
generalized interpretation valid for everyone born the same day, more
or less. Birthday astrology. The ascendant is the individualizing
factor, and so, consequently, are the houses.

2010-11-30 21:21:00 UTC
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Post by A B
You seem to be interpreting it rather like a horary chart - I mean,
assigning meanings to planets based on the houses they rule in that
particular chart, rather than their own intrinsic meanings. Why is that?
I am not certain what your question is, but perhaps the answer is that
making an interpretation is not an either/or-thing. And this is true
regardless of what kind of chart you are interpreting; horary or birth
chart or what-will-you. A planet has its own intrinsic meaning, part
of which is (for every planet) that it is an agent. The planet has a
sphere of influence, determined by which house or houses it is the
ruler of.
If you do not apply planets to houses, you will end up making a very
generalized interpretation valid for everyone born the same day, more
or less. Birthday astrology. The ascendant is the individualizing
factor, and so, consequently, are the houses.
True. Houses are vital, of course, but I just thought the particular way
you were using them was a bit unusual. I mean, for instance:
"Saturn rules houses six and seven, servants and enemies. Example of a
servant could be the technical stuff that helps the moderators, that
is, the robomoderator. We have had technical problems recently, so I
do not rule out that the aspect you have mentioned may have to do with
that. However, aside from that Saturn rather rules the (open) enemies
of the group than the group itself, and it certainly does not rule the
"In modern astrology Neptune rules, or co-rules, Pisces. But with
Jupiter in Pisces, personally I think a possible influence from
Neptune over Pisces and the eight house can be disregarded. Still, the
eight house does not have to do with the Charter either." (as a definition
of what Neptune represents in a.a.mod's chart.)

Myself, I'd simply have taken Saturn to represent what it normally
represents - rules and regulations, restrictions, structures, and so forth.
You seemed to be attaching more importance to its house rulership than to
its basic definition. Do you normally do that with all charts, or is it
just this one? If so, why does this chart call for it particularly? (Not
meaning to criticise, just curious).
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
Kjell Pettersson
2010-12-01 06:25:20 UTC
I am afraid my answer below will have to be lengthy. You have now been
given proper warning, ye here enter... ;-)
Post by A B
Post by Kjell Pettersson
If you do not apply planets to houses, you will end up making a very
generalized interpretation valid for everyone born the same day, more
or less. Birthday astrology. The ascendant is the individualizing
factor, and so, consequently, are the houses.
True. Houses are vital, of course, but I just thought the particular way
"Saturn rules houses six and seven, servants and enemies. Example of a
servant could be the technical stuff that helps the moderators, that
is, the robomoderator. We have had technical problems recently, so I
do not rule out that the aspect you have mentioned may have to do with
that. However, aside from that Saturn rather rules the (open) enemies
of the group than the group itself, and it certainly does not rule the
Saturn may be about rules, but it is not ”the Charter Planet”, and, in
my view, certainly not in this chart.

I'll answer with a parallell, and an example:

If you want to find out about a person's mother, you can look at the
placement of the Moon (and Venus) in a chart. That, however, would
only give you a very general idea, as what you see would apply to
every chart from that particular hour, regardless of where on the
planet the person was born.

To get more information on the mother, you would have to look at the
tenth house of the native, and the ruler of that house.

And my example.

When my mother passed away, there were no specific aspects to the Moon
of my natal chart. I have MC in Pisces and the eight house of THAT
house is my fifth, having its cusp in Libra. That is, my mother and
the events surrounding her death would be ruled—in MY chart—by Jupiter
and Venus. (Let us for this example disregard Neptune as a modern co-

Looking into my progressed chart there was a precise opposition
between Venus and Jupiter active when she passed away. The midpoint of
natal Venus and Jupiter, again, in MY chart, was also activated at the

So if I want to learn more things about the mother, I look to the
tenth house. More specifically, if I want to look at some particular
perspective I will have to do so. There is no planet that always and
in general indicates the death of the mother in ANY chart. Not even
Saturn would fulfill that function. In a chart where he rules the
tenth house he would rather symbolize her ”life force” (or similar),
being the derived Ascendant.

Back to where you quoted me; there is no planet that stands for
”technical difficulties”. To arrive at conclusions regarding such, one
has to look beyond planets qua agents. A planet as a ruler does not
work in the same direct manner as it does when it is an agent.

As a ruler, a planet may show its influence within the whole range of
expression given it by sign and house. That is, an influence on Saturn
must not affect the robomoderator specifically but could show itself
in any number of situations related to the sixth house. None of these
situations include the Charter, though. Not unless Mars, the IC or
planets in the ”foundational house” become involved.

There is a rule—that I unfortunately do not remember the origin of—
that says that if the ruler of the Ascendant is either of Mars or
Saturn, neither is an infortune to the native. They COULD not be,
ruling the Ascendant. This, in my opinion, would work with derived
charts as well. In the aamod chart, the more Saturnian the servant,
the better it works. In the aamod chart, being Saturnian is inherent
in the nature of what the servant is about, the robomoderator being a
case in point. Being Saturnian is the very function of the

In this chart, the natural ruler of servants, Mercury, could not be
connected specifically with the robomoderator.

I could go on at length, but I'll go on with your post and then we'll
see if you have any questions on the above. I could elaborate from
these if so. And let it also be said that I have somewhat exaggerated
the difference between agent and ruler, and between general and
specific, to be able to clearly make the point I want to make. For
instance, Mercury Rx could certainly affect the robomoderator,
regardless of whether or not it has a direct link in this particular
Post by A B
"In modern astrology Neptune rules, or co-rules, Pisces. But with
Jupiter in Pisces, personally I think a possible influence from
Neptune over Pisces and the eight house can be disregarded. Still, the
eight house does not have to do with the Charter either." (as a definition
of what Neptune represents in a.a.mod's chart.)
I'll explain this quote separately. (An interesting way to argue,
where you make me sort of argue with my own words instead of providing
arguments of your own!)
Post by A B
Myself, I'd simply have taken Saturn to represent what it normally
represents - rules and regulations, restrictions, structures, and so forth.
Then you would interpret every chart of every person born on the same
hour, even if continents apart, the same way. The houses differentiate
and individualize the chart and I see no way to disregard this without
the interpretation suffering from it.
Post by A B
You seemed to be attaching more importance to its house rulership than to
its basic definition.
I do no such a thing. You seem to cling to the idea that Saturn, by
standing for rules, would have to stand for all rules and everywhere.
That is not so. The kind of rules that make up a charter has a special
function; they make up a foundation. Foundations are ruled by the
fourth house, and thus we will have to look at that house and its
ruler(s) to learn more about the particular charter we discuss. I
would say that this is elementary. You cannot disregard function.
Post by A B
attach more importance to its house rulership than to
its basic definition] with all charts, or is it
just this one? If so, why does this chart call for it particularly?
Again, I do not such a thing. Either you consciously misrepresent me,
or you do not understand what I say.

The basic definition of what Saturn is like is helpful with regards to
interpreting what it is about in THIS chart. In THIS chart Saturn
rules, for instance, the sixth house. Thus we know that servants and
slaves are of a Saturnian nature. The robomoderator is en excellent
example, being a machine and entirely driven by a set of rules. The
”natural” ruler of servants, Mercury, does not rule servants in this
chart. Not at all.

We can go on and make that interpretation even more specific, taking
into consideration the sign placement and aspects of Saturn, and its
ruler, but to see what impact it has in THIS chart, we must look at
what is has any power over. Had the sixth house intercepted the Saturn-
ruled signs, we would have had a very different picture than we have
now. Saturn would still act through aspecting other agents/planets in
the chart, but these actions would have no ”resonance”. Imagine what
its body does to a drum, and how more full and defined the sound of a
drum becomes through having a confined space in which to reverberate.
Post by A B
meaning to criticise, just curious).
To offer critique is not against the Charter. Nor am I offended by it.
I prefer to think of myself as capable of handling it.

2010-12-01 12:08:52 UTC
Thanks very much for your reply, all very interesting stuff. I'm afraid I
haven't time to consider it all in depth just now, but I will as soon as I
Post by Kjell Pettersson
As a ruler, a planet may show its influence within the whole range of
expression given it by sign and house. That is, an influence on Saturn
must not affect the robomoderator specifically but could show itself
in any number of situations related to the sixth house. None of these
situations include the Charter, though. Not unless Mars, the IC or
planets in the ”foundational house” become involved.
Not if you're considering the Charter purely as a "founding document", no.
As I've mentioned before, I rather think the Charter fulfils too many
disparate functions to have a single ruler for all purposes. But just
considering restrictions on posting - ignoring the Charter for the moment -
surely the natural indicator of restrictions on posting would be Saturn? Of
course, such restrictions would also be affected by the ruler of their
appropriate house, whatever that is. But is Saturn to have no say at all?
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Post by A B
"In modern astrology Neptune rules, or co-rules, Pisces. But with
Jupiter in Pisces, personally I think a possible influence from
Neptune over Pisces and the eight house can be disregarded. Still, the
eight house does not have to do with the Charter either." (as a definition
of what Neptune represents in a.a.mod's chart.)
I'll explain this quote separately. (An interesting way to argue,
where you make me sort of argue with my own words instead of providing
arguments of your own!)
That's because I'm not arguing - I'm just asking you to explain why you said
what I quoted. There really is no need to be defensive about it. (If you
weren't being, I'm sorry - that's how it sounded.) When I said I wasn't
meaning to criticise, it was a plain statement of fact. I didn't just say
it because I thought criticism wasn't allowed.
Post by Kjell Pettersson
The basic definition of what Saturn is like is helpful with regards to
interpreting what it is about in THIS chart. In THIS chart Saturn
rules, for instance, the sixth house. Thus we know that servants and
slaves are of a Saturnian nature. The robomoderator is en excellent
example, being a machine and entirely driven by a set of rules. The
”natural” ruler of servants, Mercury, does not rule servants in this
chart. Not at all.
Why not? Obviously, Mercury has so much to rule in a case like this, I
suppose its rulership of servants would be swamped. But why do you say it
doesn't rule them at all in this chart? Once again, I'm not criticising, I
just don't know what principle you're applying here. Sheer ignorance.

All the best,
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
Kjell Pettersson
2010-12-01 06:25:23 UTC
Post by A B
"In modern astrology Neptune rules, or co-rules, Pisces. But with
Jupiter in Pisces, personally I think a possible influence from
Neptune over Pisces and the eight house can be disregarded. Still, the
eight house does not have to do with the Charter either." (as a definition
of what Neptune represents in a.a.mod's chart.)
I am modern insofar as accepting a possible influence from Neptune
over Pisces. However, I hesitate to call it a co-ruler and would
rather think of it as a side-kick. Perhaps it is becoming a co-ruler,
but I would say that would have to take some time, and counting then
from the moment of its discovery.

The least amount of time would be the time it would take it to return
to its position at the time of discovery. This happened this year, so,
perhaps, by now it could be starting to assume the role of co-ruler.
But it would not have been twelve years ago, and especially not with
Jupiter itself in Pisces.

Pluto, then, would certainly not be a co-ruler yet (if ever, being
dwarfed now). Uranus would be.

So, with this as background, now on to the house placement of

Jupiter is Fortuna Major, and that would be true regardless of chart.
But how does it operate in THIS chart? To see that we must look at
what it rules over. We know it rules Pisces, it always does, but what
is Pisces about in this particular chart? In this particular chart,
Pisces is about other people's resources. Not any ”other people”, but
those who are other people with regards to this particular chart.

We are, so to speak, describing a monad, a universe, and it is self-
contained. From this perspective, we have to take consideration of
house placement if we are to arrive at anything meaningful. If we are
to understand the chart from the point of view of the chart, if you

Then again, astrology is not solipsism. What rules other people's
resources in this chart has a general function that is different. If
we take an generalized mean value of what Jupiter is about, it is
about investments, games, religion, law, luck etc. But how do these
general things operate in this individual chart? To learn about that,
we must apply them, and we do so by looking at three things:

house placement of Jupiter
what Jupiter rules in the chart
aspects of Jupiter

(Given in no particular order.)

We must remember when looking at a chart that we are looking upon
something specific. We have left the domain of generics when we make
an interpretation. If the interpretation is not personal, it is not
likely to be meaningful.

If this does not relate to your question, you will have to explain
more thoroughly what it is that you think I ”seem” to be saying.
Unless you define it better and in your own words, I am at a loss of
giving you a better answer.

2010-12-01 11:41:35 UTC
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Post by A B
"In modern astrology Neptune rules, or co-rules, Pisces. But with
Jupiter in Pisces, personally I think a possible influence from
Neptune over Pisces and the eight house can be disregarded. Still, the
eight house does not have to do with the Charter either." (as a definition
of what Neptune represents in a.a.mod's chart.)
I am modern insofar as accepting a possible influence from Neptune
over Pisces. However, I hesitate to call it a co-ruler and would
rather think of it as a side-kick. Perhaps it is becoming a co-ruler,
but I would say that would have to take some time, and counting then
from the moment of its discovery.
The least amount of time would be the time it would take it to return
to its position at the time of discovery. This happened this year, so,
perhaps, by now it could be starting to assume the role of co-ruler.
But it would not have been twelve years ago, and especially not with
Jupiter itself in Pisces.
Pluto, then, would certainly not be a co-ruler yet (if ever, being
dwarfed now). Uranus would be.
So, with this as background, now on to the house placement of
Jupiter is Fortuna Major, and that would be true regardless of chart.
But how does it operate in THIS chart? To see that we must look at
what it rules over. We know it rules Pisces, it always does, but what
is Pisces about in this particular chart? In this particular chart,
Pisces is about other people's resources. Not any ”other people”, but
those who are other people with regards to this particular chart.
We are, so to speak, describing a monad, a universe, and it is self-
contained. From this perspective, we have to take consideration of
house placement if we are to arrive at anything meaningful. If we are
to understand the chart from the point of view of the chart, if you
Then again, astrology is not solipsism. What rules other people's
resources in this chart has a general function that is different. If
we take an generalized mean value of what Jupiter is about, it is
about investments, games, religion, law, luck etc. But how do these
general things operate in this individual chart? To learn about that,
house placement of Jupiter
what Jupiter rules in the chart
aspects of Jupiter
(Given in no particular order.)
We must remember when looking at a chart that we are looking upon
something specific. We have left the domain of generics when we make
an interpretation. If the interpretation is not personal, it is not
likely to be meaningful.
If this does not relate to your question, you will have to explain
more thoroughly what it is that you think I ”seem” to be saying.
Unless you define it better and in your own words, I am at a loss of
giving you a better answer.
Well, what I meant was this: in the bit I quoted you were, if I remember
rightly, referring to M. H.'s comments on the natal square between Saturn
and Neptune, which described Saturn as indicating rules and conformity and
Neptune as the disregarding of those rules. Your reply seemed to be saying
that there was no reason for them to indicate that, as Saturn ruled the 6th
and 7th and Neptune possibly the 8th, and none of those houses have anything
to do with rules. Did you really mean that the standard indications of
Saturn and Neptune (which I'd have thought were as M. H. said) wouldn't
apply here? (If you looked back at your and M. H.'s original postings on
the 12th and 13th of November, it might be clearer what I'm referring to.)
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
Kjell Pettersson
2010-12-06 11:08:01 UTC
Post by A B
Well, what I meant was this: in the bit I quoted you were, if I remember
rightly, referring to M. H.'s comments on the natal square between Saturn
and Neptune, which described Saturn as indicating rules and conformity and
Neptune as the disregarding of those rules. Your reply seemed to be saying
that there was no reason for them to indicate that, as Saturn ruled the 6th
and 7th and Neptune possibly the 8th, and none of those houses have anything
to do with rules. Did you really mean that the standard indications of
Saturn and Neptune (which I'd have thought were as M. H. said) wouldn't
apply here? (If you looked back at your and M. H.'s original postings on
the 12th and 13th of November, it might be clearer what I'm referring to.)
I find only one post during this time, from the 12th. I quote:

also explains the periodical lack of interest in discussions and the
rigidity of the rules that needs periodical disregard, Saturn in
Aries, to allow some space for Neptune to undo, then back again to
conformity and rules to prevail, Neptune square Saturn from
[Kjell: then sentence ends with a comma, I am not cutting it off]

The interpretation offered has no connection with what Saturn in Aries
could reasonably be interpreted to mean.

The words "to allow some space for Neptune to undo" seems to me to
have no meaning whatsoever, and the same goes for the rest of the
sentence. And I cannot see why the aspect would make for a periodic
lack of interest in discussions. If Saturn is about rules, it cannot
also be said to define the nature of those rules. If you make
interpretations like that, by definition all rules, everywhere, would
be rigid. To the extent that rules are rules, that is true, but the
point would become trivial to the point of meaninglessness.

Saturn being in Aries modifies the nature of Saturn, but Aries is
hardly about rigidity. You really don't get rigidity from cardinal
signs but from the fixed signs, nor does a placement in the ninth
house speak of rigidity. That would be a placement in a succedent
house, not a cadent house.

Saturn in the ninth describes someone with conventional and rather
orthodox ideas about the nature of reality, with dreams and hopes that
are very realistic (unless squared by Neptune) and who is likely to be
materialistic and atheistic. Squared by Neptune they are likely to be
downright hostile towards what they see only as delusions. That Saturn
from here rules the enemies of the group rather than the group as such
is almost tautological to point out.

Finally, Neptune is Capricorn is not primarily describing the group as
such, but its enemies. To get an idea of how the enemies of this group
are, a visit to alt.astrology would make abundantly clear what the
Saturn-Neptune-square could look like if acted out in aamod. It is not
a pretty picture at all. That Neptune is squared by the planet ruling
it speaks tons about how internally torn apart they are in matters of
Post by A B
Did you really mean that the standard indications of
Saturn and Neptune (which I'd have thought were as M. H. said) wouldn't
apply here?
There is nothing standard about saying that Saturn in Aries in the
ninth house, ruling and square a seventh-house Neptune, stands for the
entity being rigid. Au contraire. As it describes what the entity
meets and has to deal with it rather implies that it is not itself
like that. I also don't get why the square between these should have a
periodical effect as they are both very very slowmoving, Saturn,
”Father Time”, in itself standing for things that just go on forever.
Like death. Nothing periodical about that.
2010-11-17 08:49:19 UTC
Post by A B
Post by MH
It is obvious that the source of this groups' technical problems is
the 135 degrees that was taking place between Saturn and Neptune, it
did actually stop any post to reach this group. That makes me wonder
about the prevailing  no interest in discussions and lack of activity
here is it a new policy or is it the same effect of Saturn Neptune? I
wonder what is the ruling planet of this group?
Let me repeat that posts not coming through has got nothing to do with
them being rejected in moderation. The Charter is the basis for policy
here, as always. To learn what the Charter says, read it. It is posted to
the group in the beginning of every month, and is also available on our
Forgot to say in my other reply: I've noticed a little circumstantial
evidence for Usenet groups in general coming under the 11th house.  Mainly
things like people with Mars in the 11th tending to get into fights on
Usenet, people with Venus in the 11th being more peacemaking, somebody with
Pluto in the 11th breaking a long and acrimonious deadlock in alt.astrology.
Never had time to go into this much though.
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at  zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
    The chart that A. B. made available for us to see did confirm my
point of view as it actually includes a direct square between Neptune
at the end of Capricorn and Saturn at the end of Aries which even
though it takes place in cadent houses it is quite dynamic by sign. It
also explains the periodical lack of interest in discussions and the
rigidity of the rules that needs periodical disregard, Saturn in
Aries, to allow some space for Neptune to undo, then back again to
conformity and rules to prevail, Neptune square Saturn from Capricorn,
   As for Regulus and N.N. conj. Asc. in Leo + Mercury conj. Pluto
sextiling Uranus, that should be a sign for us to expect to find here
occasionally depth and enlightenment..
The Saturn Neptune square, in the 6th house and the 9th of Astrology
moderated, looks very insignificant; but as I mentioned before is
quite dynamic by sign and effect, we know that the dominant grand
trine and water element in the chart, that ensures easy flow in the
energy, back fires in stagnating periods where there are no
discussions, just posting announcements and general events, seems to
take the lead.

The grand trine has two energyzing outlets, and both points to the 6th
and seventh house ruler Saturn, it is the key that swithches on and
off, very insignificant but mighty............
2010-11-18 12:47:13 UTC
Post by MH
Post by A B
Post by MH
It is obvious that the source of this groups' technical problems is
the 135 degrees that was taking place between Saturn and Neptune, it
did actually stop any post to reach this group. That makes me wonder
about the prevailing  no interest in discussions and lack of activity
here is it a new policy or is it the same effect of Saturn Neptune? I
wonder what is the ruling planet of this group?
Let me repeat that posts not coming through has got nothing to do with
them being rejected in moderation. The Charter is the basis for policy
here, as always. To learn what the Charter says, read it. It is posted to
the group in the beginning of every month, and is also available on our
Forgot to say in my other reply: I've noticed a little circumstantial
evidence for Usenet groups in general coming under the 11th house.  Mainly
things like people with Mars in the 11th tending to get into fights on
Usenet, people with Venus in the 11th being more peacemaking, somebody with
Pluto in the 11th breaking a long and acrimonious deadlock in alt.astrology.
Never had time to go into this much though.
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at  zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
    The chart that A. B. made available for us to see did confirm my
point of view as it actually includes a direct square between Neptune
at the end of Capricorn and Saturn at the end of Aries which even
though it takes place in cadent houses it is quite dynamic by sign. It
also explains the periodical lack of interest in discussions and the
rigidity of the rules that needs periodical disregard, Saturn in
Aries, to allow some space for Neptune to undo, then back again to
conformity and rules to prevail, Neptune square Saturn from Capricorn,
   As for Regulus and N.N. conj. Asc. in Leo + Mercury conj. Pluto
sextiling Uranus, that should be a sign for us to expect to find here
occasionally depth and enlightenment..
The Saturn Neptune square, in the 6th house and the 9th of Astrology
moderated, looks very insignificant; but as I mentioned before is
quite dynamic by sign and effect, we know that the dominant grand
trine and water element in the chart,  that ensures easy flow in the
energy, back fires in stagnating periods where there are no
discussions, just posting announcements and general events, seems to
take the lead.
The grand trine has two energyzing outlets, and both points to the 6th
and seventh house ruler Saturn, it is the key that swithches on and
off, very insignificant but mighty............
Happy Birthday Astrology Moderated, I tried to say it in The
Astrologers way, by interpreting an interesting point, and may be
liven things up a bit, and now I put in words to show love and
appreciation to everyone.
2010-11-18 18:52:51 UTC
Post by MH
Happy Birthday Astrology Moderated, I tried to say it in The
Astrologers way, by interpreting an interesting point, and may be
liven things up a bit, and now I put in words to show love and
appreciation to everyone.
Many happy solar returns! And well done to all the moderators for keeping
this group alive and healthy for so long, while so many other newsgroups
fall to bits around it. I *wonder* if that has anything to do with Gail's
cunning choice of inceptional chart?
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
Kjell Pettersson
2010-11-29 09:30:32 UTC
Post by MH
The Saturn Neptune square, in the 6th house and the 9th of Astrology
moderated, looks very insignificant; but as I mentioned before is
quite dynamic by sign and effect, we know that the dominant grand
trine and water element in the chart,  that ensures easy flow in the
energy, back fires in stagnating periods where there are no
discussions, just posting announcements and general events, seems to
take the lead.
It is still not clear to me why you think that this square is
particularly activated for the time being. I cannot see either Saturn
being in Libra now, or the minor transit aspect in the world chart as
a ground for that.

Would you like to elaborate?

2010-11-30 21:19:02 UTC
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Post by MH
The Saturn Neptune square, in the 6th house and the 9th of Astrology
moderated, looks very insignificant; but as I mentioned before is
quite dynamic by sign and effect, we know that the dominant grand
trine and water element in the chart, that ensures easy flow in the
energy, back fires in stagnating periods where there are no
discussions, just posting announcements and general events, seems to
take the lead.
It is still not clear to me why you think that this square is
particularly activated for the time being. I cannot see either Saturn
being in Libra now, or the minor transit aspect in the world chart as
a ground for that.
Would you like to elaborate?
I don't know whether this is what M. H. had in mind, but there were several
appropriate-looking transits of Saturn and Neptune to a.a.mod's natal
planets earlier this year. (See my "Progressions and transits" thread).
But those are finished now, at least using 1 degree orbs, which I generally
do for transits.
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
Kjell Pettersson
2010-12-01 06:25:30 UTC
Post by A B
I don't know whether this is what M. H. had in mind, but there were several
appropriate-looking transits of Saturn and Neptune to a.a.mod's natal
planets earlier this year.  (See my "Progressions and transits" thread).
But those are finished now, at least using 1 degree orbs, which I generally
do for transits.
I still do not see why the ”natal” square of aamod would be activated
if there is nothing around to activate IT. If transiting Saturn
aspects, say, the Moon, that does not activate the Saturn-Neptune
square. It gives a Saturnian flavour to going-ons, but it does not
activate an aspect it is in no relation with.

But perhaps you have a theory on how that could come to pass? Myself,
I just cannot see any reason for the variety of interpretations MH has
offered. But perhaps they should be considered self-expressions rather
than interpretations. That could explain things.

2010-12-01 12:17:02 UTC
Post by A B
I don't know whether this is what M. H. had in mind, but there were several
appropriate-looking transits of Saturn and Neptune to a.a.mod's natal
planets earlier this year. (See my "Progressions and transits" thread).
But those are finished now, at least using 1 degree orbs, which I generally
do for transits.
I still do not see why the ”natal” square of aamod would be activated
if there is nothing around to activate IT. If transiting Saturn
aspects, say, the Moon, that does not activate the Saturn-Neptune
square. It gives a Saturnian flavour to going-ons, but it does not
activate an aspect it is in no relation with.
Sorry, being vague there. What I had in mind was the transiting Saturn
trine natal Neptune in April, May and July, and the transiting Neptune
sextile natal Saturn (not that that ever got quite exact) in April, May and
June. I think that ought to stir up the natal square quite nicely, don't

There were some other transits of Saturn and Neptune to important parts of
the natal chart, but you're right, that probably wouldn't set off the square
in the same way. It seems odd at first sight that aspects FROM transiting
Saturn wouldn't but aspects TO natal Saturn would. But I suppose it's only
natal Saturn that has a square to Neptune at all. As far as transiting
Saturn's concerned, that's over and done with.

(It seems that wasn't what M. H. had in mind, though. What M. H. did have
in mind is rather complicated, and I haven't had chance to work it out
properly yet).
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
Kjell Pettersson
2010-12-06 10:34:08 UTC
Post by A B
What I had in mind was the transiting Saturn
trine natal Neptune in April, May and July, and the transiting Neptune
sextile natal Saturn (not that that ever got quite exact) in April, May and
June.  I think that ought to stir up the natal square quite nicely, don't
I seem to be reading your posts in the opposite order of how they
would make sense. Anyhow, this is partly answered in my reply to an
earlier post in the thread where I very much disagree to the idea of a
trine stirring things up.

As for a sextile, it may do so to some degree, but I would not build
an entire interpretation around that single aspect. I see the sextiles
more as supportive aspects, giving strength to an already present
configuration, but not offering too much in themselves. In this case,
where the transiting planet aspects only one of two parties in
aspectual relationship, the aspect they have with one another cannot
be said to be activated though. For that to happen, the transit would
have to aspect both parties, or at least to aspect their midpoint.
2010-12-06 18:16:30 UTC
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Post by A B
What I had in mind was the transiting Saturn
trine natal Neptune in April, May and July, and the transiting Neptune
sextile natal Saturn (not that that ever got quite exact) in April, May and
June. I think that ought to stir up the natal square quite nicely, don't
I seem to be reading your posts in the opposite order of how they
would make sense. Anyhow, this is partly answered in my reply to an
earlier post in the thread where I very much disagree to the idea of a
trine stirring things up.
As for a sextile, it may do so to some degree, but I would not build
an entire interpretation around that single aspect. I see the sextiles
more as supportive aspects, giving strength to an already present
configuration, but not offering too much in themselves. In this case,
where the transiting planet aspects only one of two parties in
aspectual relationship, the aspect they have with one another cannot
be said to be activated though. For that to happen, the transit would
have to aspect both parties, or at least to aspect their midpoint.
Mmm, well that comes down to astrological opinion really. Several books
I've read suggest that the nature of the natal aspect, if any, is actually
more important than the nature of the transiting aspect. So in this case, a
trine between transiting Saturn and natal Neptune wouldn't be as supportive
as a trine usually is, because it would have more the nature of the natal
aspect between the two planets, a square. (That was the sense in which I
thought it would "activate" the natal square.) Of course if you don't find
it that way, then fair enough. But it certainly seems to fit very well in
this instance.
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
Kjell Pettersson
2010-12-07 09:42:27 UTC
We are more or less discussing the same thing in different places, so
I here combine the ongoing sub-threads into one.
Post by A B
However, there WERE those
transits of Saturn to natal Neptune and vice versa, which I think would
definitely activate the square.
I beg to differ. See below.
Post by A B
Post by Kjell Pettersson
In this case,
where the transiting planet aspects only one of two parties in
aspectual relationship, the aspect they have with one another cannot
be said to be activated though. For that to happen, the transit would
have to aspect both parties, or at least to aspect their midpoint.
Mmm, well that comes down to astrological opinion really. Several books
I've read suggest that the nature of the natal aspect, if any, is actually
more important than the nature of the transiting aspect.
I am not arguing THAT. The natal configuration gives the playing field
and what is not present in the natal chart should not be expected to

That is, however, not to say that anything whatsoever can set off that
which is inherent in the natal chart. And it is very specifically not
to say that a transiting aspect to one single body is activating an
ASPECT of that body. For that to happen, both parties of the aspect
must be activated. This is not the case here.

A quincunx is by definition a non-aspect, merely given the name of
aspect. ”Aspect” means that the planets ”see” one another, whereas the
term quincunx is for bodies that do NOT aspect one another. It cannot
activate or set anything off. There exists no relationship between the
parties of a quincunx, no line of communication.
Post by A B
So in this case, a
trine between transiting Saturn and natal Neptune wouldn't be as supportive
as a trine usually is, because it would have more the nature of the natal
aspect between the two planets, a square.
I see what you are after, but from my point of view you have the
terminology backwards. An aspect never changes its nature. Trines do
not become squares, or squares trines.

A metaphor:

Honest Adam smiles at Angry Bertha. Bertha becomes angry as she
interprets the smile as an aggression. Her interpretation is an effect
of her nature, not of his smile. Her nature does not change the nature
of the smile, for it is still what it is, but it changes the normal
”results” of a smile.
Post by A B
(That was the sense in which I
thought it would "activate" the natal square.) Of course if you don't find
it that way, then fair enough.
Again, the square is not involved at all; only Neptune is.

And furthermore, it is not a question of ”activation”, but I'll leave
that for now as we have quite a few items in the air. I'll surely get
the chance to return to that later.
Post by A B
But it certainly seems to fit very well in
this instance.
Please elaborate.
2010-12-01 06:24:26 UTC
Post by A B
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Post by MH
The Saturn Neptune square, in the 6th house and the 9th of Astrology
moderated, looks very insignificant; but as I mentioned before is
quite dynamic by sign and effect, we know that the dominant grand
trine and water element in the chart, that ensures easy flow in the
energy, back fires in stagnating periods where there are no
discussions, just posting announcements and general events, seems to
take the lead.
It is still not clear to me why you think that this square is
particularly activated for the time being. I cannot see either Saturn
being in Libra now, or the minor transit aspect in the world chart as
a ground for that.
Would you like to elaborate?
I don't know whether this is what M. H. had in mind, but there were several
appropriate-looking transits of Saturn and Neptune to a.a.mod's natal
planets earlier this year.  (See my "Progressions and transits" thread).
But those are finished now, at least using 1 degree orbs, which I generally
do for transits.
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at  zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
Thank you A. B. but here goes my interpretation, the specific transit
I mentioned was taking place from around the 10th of October until
around the 5th of November, and why that specific 135 degrees between
Saturn and Neptune, Neptune conj. the Desc. of a.a.mod.from the sixth
house and in sextile to the natal Saturn, which triggered the natal
square that already existed between these two planets, while a
semisextile between Neptune and Saturn with Jupiter and Uranus conj.
from Pisces, (with Neptune as its ruler and not co-ruler) from the
eighth house of a.a. mod.
To me this meant problems and chaos from the sixth house, including
the 3rd and 10th H. Venus R. in Scorpio, while Saturn transits Libra,
and lets not forget Saturn rules the 6th and seventh H. and situated
in the 9th, so yes restrictions and problems concerning the routine
daily work, and workers or employees, also communications, and of
course the Desc. how others see us, and the interaction with

2010-12-01 10:13:15 UTC
Post by MH
Post by A B
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Post by MH
The Saturn Neptune square, in the 6th house and the 9th of Astrology
moderated, looks very insignificant; but as I mentioned before is
quite dynamic by sign and effect, we know that the dominant grand
trine and water element in the chart, that ensures easy flow in the
energy, back fires in stagnating periods where there are no
discussions, just posting announcements and general events, seems to
take the lead.
It is still not clear to me why you think that this square is
particularly activated for the time being. I cannot see either Saturn
being in Libra now, or the minor transit aspect in the world chart as
a ground for that.
Would you like to elaborate?
I don't know whether this is what M. H. had in mind, but there were several
appropriate-looking transits of Saturn and Neptune to a.a.mod's natal
planets earlier this year.  (See my "Progressions and transits" thread).
But those are finished now, at least using 1 degree orbs, which I generally
do for transits.
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at  zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
Thank you A. B. but here goes my interpretation, the specific transit
I mentioned was taking place from around the 10th of October until
around the 5th of November, and why that specific 135 degrees between
Saturn and Neptune, Neptune conj. the Desc. of a.a.mod.from the sixth
house and in sextile to the natal Saturn, which triggered the natal
square that already existed between these two planets, while a
semisextile between Neptune and Saturn with Jupiter and Uranus conj.
from Pisces, (with Neptune as its ruler and not co-ruler) from the
eighth house of a.a. mod.
To me this meant problems and chaos from the sixth house, including
the 3rd and 10th H. Venus R. in Scorpio, while Saturn transits Libra,
and lets not forget Saturn rules the 6th and seventh H. and situated
in the 9th, so yes restrictions and problems concerning the routine
daily work, and workers or employees, also communications, and of
course the Desc. how others see us, and the interaction with
There is no solid foundation without a strong Saturn, any self
respecting, well established, long lasting Foundation, without the
careful steadying hand of Saturn, is a myth........
Sometimes the house position is more important than the basic
definition, in my opinion, it all depends on how you perceive and feel
what is more adequate to choose for interpreting a chart or an aspect.
It is the personal signature of the Astrologer, like their names for
In this particular case Saturn is a hidden treasure for strength and
evasive solidarity, through the influence of Neptune. Whether that is
taking place through an employee, or the face that the participants
have to deal with, it is the one responsible for the group activity
and interaction, knowing when and how to intervene, whether to
activate or make the participants stick to rules and regulations, and
let's not forget the 9th house where Saturn is positioned for
knowledge and teaching.

In a.a.mod. the first and the fourth H. are nothing without the 7th H.
because it is all what it is about, participants and interaction with
and between them.

Love And Respect. M.H.
2010-12-03 20:07:08 UTC
Post by MH
The specific transit
I mentioned was taking place from around the 10th of October until
around the 5th of November, and why that specific 135 degrees between
Saturn and Neptune, Neptune conj. the Desc. of a.a.mod.from the sixth
house and in sextile to the natal Saturn, which triggered the natal
square that already existed between these two planets, while a
semisextile between Neptune and Saturn with Jupiter and Uranus conj.
from Pisces, (with Neptune as its ruler and not co-ruler) from the
eighth house of a.a. mod.
To me this meant problems and chaos from the sixth house, including
the 3rd and 10th H. Venus R. in Scorpio, while Saturn transits Libra,
and lets not forget Saturn rules the 6th and seventh H. and situated
in the 9th, so yes restrictions and problems concerning the routine
daily work, and workers or employees, also communications, and of
course the Desc. how others see us, and the interaction with
There is no solid foundation without a strong Saturn, any self
respecting, well established, long lasting Foundation, without the
careful steadying hand of Saturn, is a myth........
Sometimes the house position is more important than the basic
definition, in my opinion, it all depends on how you perceive and feel
what is more adequate to choose for interpreting a chart or an aspect.
It is the personal signature of the Astrologer, like their names for
In this particular case Saturn is a hidden treasure for strength and
evasive solidarity, through the influence of Neptune. Whether that is
taking place through an employee, or the face that the participants
have to deal with, it is the one responsible for the group activity
and interaction, knowing when and how to intervene, whether to
activate or make the participants stick to rules and regulations, and
let's not forget the 9th house where Saturn is positioned for
knowledge and teaching.
In a.a.mod. the first and the fourth H. are nothing without the 7th H.
because it is all what it is about, participants and interaction with
and between them.
I'm sorry MH, but I've been over this carefully and I still can't follow it.
Could you explain more carefully which aspects were which? At the
beginning, you seem to mention a Saturn 135 Neptune AND a Saturn 30 Neptune,
among other aspects. I assume they're of different kinds? What are they
all, exactly - Transiting/Transiting, Transiting/Natal,
Secondary-Progressed/Natal, or what? If I knew which aspects were which and
what was in which house, I daresay I'd understand what you were getting at.
(Might links to some Astrodienst charts help?)
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
2010-12-04 09:21:48 UTC
Post by A B
Post by MH
The specific transit
I mentioned was taking place from around the 10th of October until
around the 5th of November, and why that specific 135 degrees between
Saturn and Neptune, Neptune conj. the Desc. of a.a.mod.from the sixth
house and in sextile to the natal Saturn, which triggered the natal
square that already existed between these two planets, while a
semisextile between Neptune and Saturn with Jupiter and Uranus conj.
from Pisces, (with Neptune as its ruler and not co-ruler) from the
eighth house of a.a. mod.
To me this meant problems and chaos from the sixth house, including
the 3rd and 10th H. Venus R. in Scorpio, while Saturn transits Libra,
and lets not forget Saturn rules the 6th and seventh H. and situated
in the 9th, so yes restrictions and problems concerning the routine
daily work, and workers or employees, also communications, and of
course the Desc. how others see us, and the interaction with
There is no solid foundation without a strong Saturn, any self
respecting, well established, long lasting Foundation, without the
careful steadying hand of Saturn, is a myth........
Sometimes the house position is more important than the basic
definition, in my opinion, it all depends on how you perceive and feel
what is more adequate to choose for interpreting a chart or an aspect.
It is the personal signature of the Astrologer, like their names for
In this particular case Saturn is a hidden treasure for strength and
evasive solidarity, through the influence of Neptune. Whether that is
taking place through an employee, or the face that the participants
have to deal with, it is the one responsible for the group activity
and interaction, knowing when and how to intervene, whether to
activate or make the participants stick to rules and regulations, and
let's not forget the 9th house where Saturn is positioned for
knowledge and teaching.
In a.a.mod. the first and the fourth H. are nothing without the 7th H.
because it is all what it is about, participants and interaction with
and between them.
I'm sorry MH, but I've been over this carefully and I still can't follow it.
Could you explain more carefully which aspects were which?  At the
beginning, you seem to mention a Saturn 135 Neptune AND a Saturn 30 Neptune,
among other aspects.  I assume they're of different kinds?  What are they
all, exactly - Transiting/Transiting, Transiting/Natal,
Secondary-Progressed/Natal, or what?  If I knew which aspects were which and
what was in which house, I daresay I'd understand what you were getting at.
(Might links to some Astrodienst charts help?)
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at  zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
Yes A.B. my explanation of the aspects are not very clear, I know, but
I take into consideration that not everyone is ready to read prolonged
massages, but since you asked for an explanation, then here it goes,
during the month of October, Venus ruler of the 3rd and 10th Hs. of
a.a.mod. was transiting Scorpio conj. Mars in the 3rd H., then Venus
became retrograde at the 13th degree, and back to the 12th 11th 10th
degrees which makes 135 degrees with the transiting Uranus Jupiter
conj.. This is one part, the other part is that transiting Saturn in
Libra, was applying to a 135 degrees aspect with Neptune. Neptune at
the time was on the 26th degree of Aquarius and in an orb of 3 degrees
from conj. the Desc. of a.a.mod. from the 6th H. meanwhile Mercury
preceded Saturn and applied to the 135 degrees to Neptune. Now we have
transiting Neptune sextiling natal Saturn, from the Desc. If you need
further information please do not hesitate to ask.
2010-12-05 17:24:34 UTC
Post by MH
Post by A B
Post by MH
The specific transit
I mentioned was taking place from around the 10th of October until
around the 5th of November, and why that specific 135 degrees between
Saturn and Neptune, Neptune conj. the Desc. of a.a.mod.from the sixth
house and in sextile to the natal Saturn, which triggered the natal
square that already existed between these two planets, while a
semisextile between Neptune and Saturn with Jupiter and Uranus conj.
from Pisces, (with Neptune as its ruler and not co-ruler) from the
eighth house of a.a. mod.
To me this meant problems and chaos from the sixth house, including
the 3rd and 10th H. Venus R. in Scorpio, while Saturn transits Libra,
and lets not forget Saturn rules the 6th and seventh H. and situated
in the 9th, so yes restrictions and problems concerning the routine
daily work, and workers or employees, also communications, and of
course the Desc. how others see us, and the interaction with
There is no solid foundation without a strong Saturn, any self
respecting, well established, long lasting Foundation, without the
careful steadying hand of Saturn, is a myth........
Sometimes the house position is more important than the basic
definition, in my opinion, it all depends on how you perceive and feel
what is more adequate to choose for interpreting a chart or an aspect.
It is the personal signature of the Astrologer, like their names for
In this particular case Saturn is a hidden treasure for strength and
evasive solidarity, through the influence of Neptune. Whether that is
taking place through an employee, or the face that the participants
have to deal with, it is the one responsible for the group activity
and interaction, knowing when and how to intervene, whether to
activate or make the participants stick to rules and regulations, and
let's not forget the 9th house where Saturn is positioned for
knowledge and teaching.
In a.a.mod. the first and the fourth H. are nothing without the 7th H.
because it is all what it is about, participants and interaction with
and between them.
I'm sorry MH, but I've been over this carefully and I still can't follow it.
Could you explain more carefully which aspects were which? At the
beginning, you seem to mention a Saturn 135 Neptune AND a Saturn 30 Neptune,
among other aspects. I assume they're of different kinds? What are they
all, exactly - Transiting/Transiting, Transiting/Natal,
Secondary-Progressed/Natal, or what? If I knew which aspects were which
what was in which house, I daresay I'd understand what you were getting at.
(Might links to some Astrodienst charts help?)
Yes A.B. my explanation of the aspects are not very clear, I know, but
I take into consideration that not everyone is ready to read prolonged
massages, but since you asked for an explanation, then here it goes,
during the month of October, Venus ruler of the 3rd and 10th Hs. of
a.a.mod. was transiting Scorpio conj. Mars in the 3rd H., then Venus
became retrograde at the 13th degree, and back to the 12th 11th 10th
degrees which makes 135 degrees with the transiting Uranus Jupiter
conj.. This is one part, the other part is that transiting Saturn in
Libra, was applying to a 135 degrees aspect with Neptune. Neptune at
the time was on the 26th degree of Aquarius and in an orb of 3 degrees
from conj. the Desc. of a.a.mod. from the 6th H. meanwhile Mercury
preceded Saturn and applied to the 135 degrees to Neptune. Now we have
transiting Neptune sextiling natal Saturn, from the Desc. If you need
further information please do not hesitate to ask.
No, that clears it up as far as I'm concerned M. H. Thank you very much.
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
Kjell Pettersson
2010-12-06 09:58:01 UTC
No, that clears it up as far as I'm concerned M. H.  
Wonderful. Perhaps I can now ask you instead how come the natal square
is activated?
2010-12-06 17:52:50 UTC
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Post by A B
No, that clears it up as far as I'm concerned M. H.
Wonderful. Perhaps I can now ask you instead how come the natal square
is activated?
No, sorry, I only meant that I now know what aspects M. H. was talking
about. I still don't really agree with the conclusion.

I don't see what the Venus transits can have had to do with the natal
Sat-Nep square; I assume M. H. was referring to something else there.

The other part is that tr Sat making a 135 degree aspect to tr Nep activated
the natal square between those planets. Personally I don't agree with M. H.
on that one. If it was as M. H. says, presumably every aspect between tr
Sat and tr Nep would set off that square, and likewise set off all Sat-Nep
aspects in all other charts, at the same time. However, there WERE those
transits of Saturn to natal Neptune and vice versa, which I think would
definitely activate the square.
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
2011-01-17 09:29:01 UTC
Post by MH
Post by MH
Post by A B
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Post by MH
The Saturn Neptune square, in the 6th house and the 9th of Astrology
moderated, looks very insignificant; but as I mentioned before is
quite dynamic by sign and effect, we know that the dominant grand
trine and water element in the chart, that ensures easy flow in the
energy, back fires in stagnating periods where there are no
discussions, just posting announcements and general events, seems to
take the lead.
It is still not clear to me why you think that this square is
particularly activated for the time being. I cannot see either Saturn
being in Libra now, or the minor transit aspect in the world chart as
a ground for that.
Would you like to elaborate?
I don't know whether this is what M. H. had in mind, but there were several
appropriate-looking transits of Saturn and Neptune to a.a.mod's natal
planets earlier this year.  (See my "Progressions and transits" thread).
But those are finished now, at least using 1 degree orbs, which I generally
do for transits.
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at  zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
Thank you A. B. but here goes my interpretation, the specific transit
I mentioned was taking place from around the 10th of October until
around the 5th of November, and why that specific 135 degrees between
Saturn and Neptune, Neptune conj. the Desc. of a.a.mod.from the sixth
house and in sextile to the natal Saturn, which triggered the natal
square that already existed between these two planets, while a
semisextile between Neptune and Saturn with Jupiter and Uranus conj.
from Pisces, (with Neptune as its ruler and not co-ruler) from the
eighth house of a.a. mod.
To me this meant problems and chaos from the sixth house, including
the 3rd and 10th H. Venus R. in Scorpio, while Saturn transits Libra,
and lets not forget Saturn rules the 6th and seventh H. and situated
in the 9th, so yes restrictions and problems concerning the routine
daily work, and workers or employees, also communications, and of
course the Desc. how others see us, and the interaction with
There is no solid foundation without a strong Saturn, any self
respecting, well established, long lasting Foundation, without the
careful steadying hand of Saturn, is a myth........
Sometimes the house position is more important than the basic
definition, in my opinion, it all depends on how you perceive and feel
what is more adequate to choose for interpreting a chart or an aspect.
It is the personal signature of the Astrologer, like their names for
In this particular case Saturn is a hidden treasure for strength and
evasive solidarity, through the influence of Neptune. Whether that is
taking place through an employee, or the face that the participants
have to deal with, it is the one responsible for the group activity
and interaction, knowing when and how to intervene, whether to
activate or make the participants stick to rules and regulations, and
let's not forget the 9th house where Saturn is positioned for
knowledge and teaching.
In a.a.mod. the first and the fourth H. are nothing without the 7th H.
because it is all what it is about, participants and interaction with
and between them.
Love And Respect.           M.H.
Now the time has come for us to see what we were talking about in
action, now that Mars is separating from the conjunction of the
radical Neptune of a.a.mod., if we look closely at the current state
of this group, we can see the prevailing calm activities, on the
surface, gentle waves of discussions. Now, when the Sun passes over
this point again in a few days what would happen? Of course we all
know what the Sun means and does,

so I am looking forward for the next activity.


Kjell Pettersson
2010-12-06 09:58:01 UTC
Post by A B
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Post by MH
The Saturn Neptune square, in the 6th house and the 9th of Astrology
moderated, looks very insignificant; but as I mentioned before is
quite dynamic by sign and effect, we know that the dominant grand
trine and water element in the chart, that ensures easy flow in the
energy, back fires in stagnating periods where there are no
discussions, just posting announcements and general events, seems to
take the lead.
It is still not clear to me why you think that this square is
particularly activated for the time being. I cannot see either Saturn
being in Libra now, or the minor transit aspect in the world chart as
a ground for that.
Would you like to elaborate?
I don't know whether this is what M. H. had in mind, but there were several
appropriate-looking transits of Saturn and Neptune to a.a.mod's natal
planets earlier this year.  (See my "Progressions and transits" thread).
But those are finished now, at least using 1 degree orbs, which I generally
do for transits.
In the Progressions and transits-thread you write:

"Its first was tr Nep all through April and May, and again in July.
Though a
"positive" aspect, I suspect this set off the exact square between the
in the natal chart."

You seem to hold an idea similar idea to the one M.H. presents (I
think, I haven't understand the latter).

I cannot, however, see why this trine would set off the square. If it
had been opposing either points of the square, or conjoining or
opposing the midpoint of the square, alright, but I would not say that
a trine or a quincunx (which is the tSaturn vs nSaturn aspect) sets
anything off. On the contrary, the quincunx aspect speaks of a lack of
relationship between the two Saturns and could hardly be said to be
*activating* in nature. And a trine is hardly *activating* either,
very much on the contrary. Trines support status quo.

But if you (either or both of you) thinks of this as activating, then
I can at least see where you got it. In my perception, however, you
would need to think deeper about what aspects are activating in
nature. All aspects are not alike with regards to ”activation”. There
needs to be some stress, some tension of one kind or another, to have
anything ”set off”. Such is supplied by squares, foremost, and
oppositions, secondly.
