Post by KjellEvery year, on the vernal equinox, it is the International Astrology
Day. (Who came up with it? I don't know, if you do, please tell!)
I found something. Appears that the day was founded in 1993 by AFAN,
the "Association for Astrological Networking". Toni Thomas Dore writes
the following at
"International Astrology Day was founded by AFAN in 1993, an outgrowth
of the "Astrology Awareness Weekends" which AFAN had sponsored for
several years previously. The goals of the new holiday were to expand
networking opportunities among the astrological community, to direct
media attention to positive aspects of astrology, and to help raise
funds for local astrological groups and for AFAN's legal, media, and
other networking projects."
The contact info for AFAN shows Beverly Hills, CA, so maybe a "birth
chart" for the International Astrology Day would be the first midnight
of a day during which the sun had entered Aries in Beverly Hills in
1993, or something like that ? Here is a chart for that moment (note
the "Los Angeles" grand square in cardinal signs; I guess LA/CA will
be in the focus in the coming few years, I hope not too much of a big
quake will be part of it):
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Post by KjellDo you plan anything for it? Is doing something for that day a good
way to promote astrology?
What would you think could be a good way to observe the IAD?