Hi Jodi!
I am Kjell, welcome to alt.astrology.moderated. Glad to have you on board!
The topic of planets being out of bounds has been up earlier in this group, and these posts are available via the archives, meaning you can search the group's history through Google Groups. Here is a discussion I myself started, it contains a link to a webpage in the first post, but the website seems to be offline nowadays, so that link will be of no help. However, the discussion itself contains quite a number of posts, so it could always be a starting point for going deeper:
And to find all the posts that contain "out of bounds" or "OOB", as it is sometimes shortened, check this link:
Myself, I have not *focused* upon out of bounds, but from the little I have looked at it, I agree that it seems like a valid part of astrology, worthy to learn about. In particular I think it may be of some interest to see if one has a period in one's progressed chart when a planet goes OOB, or goes "back inside bounds". That makes OOB valuable also for predictive purposes. Not every person has such a planet, some years no one is born with any planet OOB, and things that are one the rare side may always be extra helpful in understanding the charts and the people that have them.
Regarding joining the group, just hop right in. I moderate this group, and you can always contact me directly if you have any questions about "how things work" or some such. Our Charter is posted to the group monthly and can also be found at this link:
The main things in the Charter are to not be hostile to astrology or other posters, but diversity of opinion as such is encouraged. The only thing one might do inadvertently not being familiar with the Charter that is not allowed would be to comment upon another poster's personal chart unless they have invited you to do so. The rule is there for a reason, but if one has never heard of it, it is not self-evident. Posts like that will not go through moderation, but otherwise, being civil is really all it takes. The Charter explains what that means in more practical terms and could be considered our "DNA", and should something in it seem mysterious, do contact me and I'll "translate" it.
Again, much welcome!
Post by Jodi PerryHi my name is Jodi and am interested in joining in if it would be ok?
I just recently ran across an article in the "Mountain Astrologer" and
what the authors theory is on out of bound planets and I sure think it
is a very valid subject to learn more about.
Has anyone here looked into those?