2011-08-26 08:15:20 UTC
"Dabrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration
"Dabrowski talked about OE's - over-excitabilities
("superstimulatabilities"), and how the gifted were extremely
sensitive in a variety of areas. It's a stimulus-response difference
from the norms. It means that in these 5 areas a person reacts more
strongly than normal for a longer period than normal to a stimulus
that may be very small. It involves not just psychological factors but
central nervous system sensitivity."
Pluto is the planet of elimination of boundaries, and is compared to
being the other side. This could be death,afterlife,or could be the
subterranean depths of the human psyche. It is possible that Pluto's
fellow transneptunian objects could be similar to Pluto. I believe
that Pluto and its fellow transneptunians can be energies so
metaphysical that they can be hard to handle and can manifest as
problems on the physical plane.
Their very distant location,their tendency to orbit off the ecliptic
as well as some of them with highly elliptical orbits make them
objects that are divergent from the planets. Therefore, people with
strong transneptunian energies can be divergent from the norm. They
can be quite the nonconformists. I suspect that these are the same
people that can relate to personality types like Indigo,Crystal,Earth
Angel,Lightworker too. The same energies could be prominent in people
with neurodivergences like Dyslexia,Dyspraxia,ADHD, Autistic Spectrum.
The energies could be prominent in people that are
schizophrenic,bipolar. The symptoms/traits of neurodivergence overlap
with those of schizophrenia,bipolar. Because of the narrow-minded
views about the metaphysical and sensitivities by scientific,mental
health commmunity, metaphysically oriented types could get
misdiagnosed as schizophrenics or bipolars. Transneptunian dwarf
planet people can find it hard to live in a society with mainstream
religion and psychiatry.
Astrologers tend to focus on Moon,Neptune,and Watersigns in regards to
sensitivity, but I actually believe that the ultrasensitive nature of
Pluto has been overlooked. Neptune is said to be the planet of
ultrasensitivity. As an object that orbits beyond Neptune, it would
make sense for Pluto to be associated with ultrasensitivity that is
more pronounced than Neptune. Pluto is associated with intensity.
Maybe the intensity is actually connected to an ultrasensitivity.
For the more we react to stimuli and internalize it, the more intense
we are. Now we know that Pluto isn't the only object in the
transneptunian regions of our solar system. Pluto's fellow
transneptunian dwarf planets could also be similar to Pluto. Sedna
has the greatest average distance of all objects in our solar system,
and so it make sense to be an object that is associated with the
greatest ultrasensitivity and intensity.
In Wrong Planet Group which is a group for Autistic Spectrum people,
an Aspie asked if Aspies feel things more intensely than NT's. Aspie
is another term for Aspergers. NT stands for Neurotypical which means
normal neurological processing people. There was talk about feeling
but internalizing as the intensity of feeling is often overwhelming.
The Aspies said that it has to do with sensory issues that include
heightened senses. They say that they are more emotionally intense
than most. I said that I could relate even though I don't have
Aspergers. I said that I am Dyslexic,Dyspraxic,ADHD, and so I am not
an NT. I pointed out that sensory processing/integation issues is
common in people with neurodivergent condtions in general and not just
autistic spectrum. I also said that some people even wonder if
sensory processing/integration issues and Dyspraxia are one and the
same. I even pointed out that Dyslexia,Dyspraxia,and ADHD overlap in
symptoms/traits as well as have considerable co-morbidity. I said that
I wouldn't generalize NT's. I pointed out that not all NT's are the
same. I said that definitely not all non-Autistic Spectrum people are
the same for there are other ND's that aren't autistic spectrum that
don't fit the neurological norms. I find it interesting that Autistic
Spectrum people talk about feeling more intensely than NT's. It makes
sense when you look at it from the view of overexcitabilities. I
believe that the transneptunian dwarf planet energy is strongly
connected to overexcitabilities, sensory processing/integration
issues,and neurodivergent conditions.
People that are into Metaphysical,New Age beliefs label
overexcitabilities as traits as "Indigo", "Crystal", "Earth Angel",
and "Lightworker." which they are linked to being gifted.
Overexcitabilities are said to be a very common thing in gifted people
I believe that transneptunian dwarf planet/candidate energy is
strongly connected to all these things.
"Dabrowski talked about OE's - over-excitabilities
("superstimulatabilities"), and how the gifted were extremely
sensitive in a variety of areas. It's a stimulus-response difference
from the norms. It means that in these 5 areas a person reacts more
strongly than normal for a longer period than normal to a stimulus
that may be very small. It involves not just psychological factors but
central nervous system sensitivity."
Pluto is the planet of elimination of boundaries, and is compared to
being the other side. This could be death,afterlife,or could be the
subterranean depths of the human psyche. It is possible that Pluto's
fellow transneptunian objects could be similar to Pluto. I believe
that Pluto and its fellow transneptunians can be energies so
metaphysical that they can be hard to handle and can manifest as
problems on the physical plane.
Their very distant location,their tendency to orbit off the ecliptic
as well as some of them with highly elliptical orbits make them
objects that are divergent from the planets. Therefore, people with
strong transneptunian energies can be divergent from the norm. They
can be quite the nonconformists. I suspect that these are the same
people that can relate to personality types like Indigo,Crystal,Earth
Angel,Lightworker too. The same energies could be prominent in people
with neurodivergences like Dyslexia,Dyspraxia,ADHD, Autistic Spectrum.
The energies could be prominent in people that are
schizophrenic,bipolar. The symptoms/traits of neurodivergence overlap
with those of schizophrenia,bipolar. Because of the narrow-minded
views about the metaphysical and sensitivities by scientific,mental
health commmunity, metaphysically oriented types could get
misdiagnosed as schizophrenics or bipolars. Transneptunian dwarf
planet people can find it hard to live in a society with mainstream
religion and psychiatry.
Astrologers tend to focus on Moon,Neptune,and Watersigns in regards to
sensitivity, but I actually believe that the ultrasensitive nature of
Pluto has been overlooked. Neptune is said to be the planet of
ultrasensitivity. As an object that orbits beyond Neptune, it would
make sense for Pluto to be associated with ultrasensitivity that is
more pronounced than Neptune. Pluto is associated with intensity.
Maybe the intensity is actually connected to an ultrasensitivity.
For the more we react to stimuli and internalize it, the more intense
we are. Now we know that Pluto isn't the only object in the
transneptunian regions of our solar system. Pluto's fellow
transneptunian dwarf planets could also be similar to Pluto. Sedna
has the greatest average distance of all objects in our solar system,
and so it make sense to be an object that is associated with the
greatest ultrasensitivity and intensity.
In Wrong Planet Group which is a group for Autistic Spectrum people,
an Aspie asked if Aspies feel things more intensely than NT's. Aspie
is another term for Aspergers. NT stands for Neurotypical which means
normal neurological processing people. There was talk about feeling
but internalizing as the intensity of feeling is often overwhelming.
The Aspies said that it has to do with sensory issues that include
heightened senses. They say that they are more emotionally intense
than most. I said that I could relate even though I don't have
Aspergers. I said that I am Dyslexic,Dyspraxic,ADHD, and so I am not
an NT. I pointed out that sensory processing/integation issues is
common in people with neurodivergent condtions in general and not just
autistic spectrum. I also said that some people even wonder if
sensory processing/integration issues and Dyspraxia are one and the
same. I even pointed out that Dyslexia,Dyspraxia,and ADHD overlap in
symptoms/traits as well as have considerable co-morbidity. I said that
I wouldn't generalize NT's. I pointed out that not all NT's are the
same. I said that definitely not all non-Autistic Spectrum people are
the same for there are other ND's that aren't autistic spectrum that
don't fit the neurological norms. I find it interesting that Autistic
Spectrum people talk about feeling more intensely than NT's. It makes
sense when you look at it from the view of overexcitabilities. I
believe that the transneptunian dwarf planet energy is strongly
connected to overexcitabilities, sensory processing/integration
issues,and neurodivergent conditions.
People that are into Metaphysical,New Age beliefs label
overexcitabilities as traits as "Indigo", "Crystal", "Earth Angel",
and "Lightworker." which they are linked to being gifted.
Overexcitabilities are said to be a very common thing in gifted people
I believe that transneptunian dwarf planet/candidate energy is
strongly connected to all these things.