(too old to reply)
2010-04-04 21:31:54 UTC
Why things got so dark after about 2003...

Hypothesis: The current time since about 2003 is
colored by the first object of its kind discovered
then, namely Sedna - just like the time after 1930
was colored by Pluto (nuklear power etc.), the time
after 1848 was colored by Neptune (photography,
automobile, oil, etc.) and the time after 1781 was
colored by Uranus (enlightenment, revolutions,
steam machine, railways, etc.). In astrology it
counts at least initially more to be the *first*
object found of a kind than to be the biggest one.
Sedna rules most likely Libra to the same degree
that Pluto rules Scorpio and/or does not.

For more, please "do the math, connect the dots"...*


* Sorry folks, after the last of three Sedna transits
across my n.node, I simply do not have the "fingers"
to type more, the transits, at least the first two,
did affect fingers on my left hand, quite precisely
at the times of the transits. Luckily, it will now
be about 10000 years before the next such transit. :)

Something different... (and not dark at all :)
2010-04-19 15:00:22 UTC
"If all we talk about is money, nothing will be funny, honey"
-- Norah Jones at the beginning of the song "It's gonna be"

I wrote:
: Why things got so dark after about 2003...
: Hypothesis: The current time since about 2003 is
: colored by the first object of its kind discovered
: then, namely Sedna [...].
: Sedna rules most likely Libra to the same degree
: that Pluto rules Scorpio and/or does not.

To me it's all falling into place with this hypothesis.

I can think about it easily, but writing about it just
does not seem to work, at least not at the moment.

So let me just say this: Did anybody notice a stronger
focus on money since roughly autumn 2003 ? Did anybody
notice a loss of emotional ties since about then ?
Did anybody notice a sequence of apparent catastrophes
that then usually turned out to have little physical
reality and at the same time made the rich much richer
and took away rights and money from normal people ?

If you answered any of these questions with yes, it
might be worth to review (Mercury is retrograde ;)
some events and trends from the previous decade in that
light. A quick, unsorted list:

- The 2000 stellium in Taurus.
- A unified Europe with its own currency; the myth of
Europe riding on a white bull from Crete to Europe;
the founding date of the EU with the sun in Taurus,
the origins of the EU in the fusion of cole and iron
between France and Germany after WW2, with the idea
to prevent an other war between these two countries;
so overall a construct based on money and goods.
- 9/11 with Mercury in Libra at the AC, airplanes and
targeting "World Trade Center". Subsequently sort of
a "crusade" or "pilgrimage" to Iraq, the birth place
of culture, between the two rivers, shaped like
Venus' you know what - see also the holy little known
relict in Mecca near that cube. Very tall buildings
in the Orient, like Pyramids (Senda in Taurus), but
much higher (Sedna ruling air sign Libra).
- China and other countries with low incomes as fabrics
of all kinds of industrial goods; giving work to the
one who makes the lowest offer is strongest criterion.
- Large off-roader cars; the guy in the smaller car is
out of luck in a crash.
- No smoking.
- Sarah Palin (Sedna is an Inuit goddess).
- Gradual loss of light and color in modern flat TV
screens (and computer displays); the discovery chart
of Sedna (Scorpio 2003) features the sun conjunct the
south node in Scorpio.
- Hardness, no giving in.

Sedna's myth (you can find several versions online) is
filled with "phallic" symbols, like the mind of Venus, I
guess. And it pretty much covers the life of a woman in
terms associated with the female star signs: From child
with an emphasis on material things and staying at home
(Taurus and Cancer), via marriage and motherhood (Virgo
and Scorpio), to a stricter, harder approach and sinking
back (Capricorn and Pisces) - very roughly speaking...

There seems also be a theme of what would be typically
called child abuse or pedophilia today: When Sedna was
given away as a wife to the the guy from a different
village, how old was she then? 20? 17? or rather 12 or
10 or even 8 ? At least she did not expect her husband
to suddenly reveal that he "has a beak", thinly veiled
in the story as the husband turning out to be a bird.

The situation of Senda and her father and the bird(s)
above at the water and then the father cutting Sedna's
fingers with the knife, reminds me also a lot of Roman
Polanski and his recent and not so recent story. His
first big movie, which got an Oscar in the 1960s, was
called "The Knife in the Water" and his first wife,
Sharon Tate, was murdered (pregnant!) with a knife.
As the DA in the Polanski rape case noted, all the
movies of Roman Polanski circle around the same theme:
"Innocence meets corruption near the water".

In my personal life, in autumn 2003 I made a holiday
to California with a couple I had known for quite some
time. They broke up during that holiday, actually he
announced to her that would end the relation in Las
Vegas then. He has now another girlfriend, which he
already knew then apparently. Similar to that, I have
seen many things break up since then, many apparently
stable and strong links that just broke up. A bit like
Lynn Bell put it at the 2004 Astrology World Congress
in Basel (on Easter weekend, at the same time with an
exhibition of Tutenchamun, the real stuff, not the
2008 exhibition of copied stuff): A dream a client had
told her about things breaking apart like an ice floe
breaking into many pieces (arctic association again).

When I came back from the holidays, the company I had
been working for had gone bankrupt, and unlike in a
similar situation 1.5 years before, this time there
was no cohesion at all between people there, most of
them ran into money problems because the company just
stopped to pay and at the same time did not formally
go bankrupt, yet, so people were kept "at limbo" (a
very much Libra theme, that has repeated since then).
Without going into details, the guy who got took over
the company after that (actually took until April in
2004), was a rich old guy (sun in early Libra, married
to a Taurus) and he and his family started to run
things in their very narcissistic ways. I will spare
you the details, but in the end, the Swiss part of the
company was gone, several branches in remote countries
were founded and, as far as I can tell, the company is
not making much money from selling software (at least
not when I was there), but as it appears, that seems
not to concern anybody, for whatever reasons...

Of course, the previous decade can also be seen in
other terms. In astrology it is normal that influences
overlap, superimpose. If something happens to someone,
then one cannot say that it was for example just his
Venus crossing the natal AC, at most it was primarily
that, but most of the time, there were several non-
negligile factors.

In this case, there were, of course, the collective
planets in that time frame, the collective planets in
the birth charts of the generations starting to gain
power and the ones losing it due to old age. Still,
to me the known planets and points did not sufficiently
explain what had happened in the past decade to me and
especially not my own usenet writings. As time goes on
and planets move on and generations pass, it will be
easier to judge this. If the themes remain, it gives
more weight to the "Sedna Era" hypothesis, if, say, it
all vanishes soon with Uranus in Aries, then...

Luckily (Jupiter in Pisces?), in a way I already wrote
a much longer and more detailed version of this post,
namely all the close to 1000 usenet posts I made between
2002 and now. I have a slow retrograde Mercury, so in
that sense, maybe just collecting all my usenet post and
stitching them together in reverse chronological order
might do just well ? And then put that up on my site ?
Yeah! :) So, it all made sense in the end, was not all
so strange as it first appeared, especially to me and
after all the world has some structure in it... Strange
choice, nonetheless, from an astronomical perspective,
but expecting the general contemporary perception of
the world to be more "correct" than in the past seems
unlikely, to say the least. ;)

In Sedna's myth, in the end sometimes the Shaman had
to dive down into the ocean and comb her hair, which
can become very unsorted because she has no hands to
comb it regularly. My posts may not be a perfect job
in that respect, but at least it's a start...

Lost in Translation (Movie 2004).


Something different...
Richard Nolle
2010-04-19 23:42:14 UTC
Post by Hermes
"If all we talk about is money, nothing will be funny, honey"
-- Norah Jones at the beginning of the song "It's gonna be"
: Why things got so dark after about 2003...
: Hypothesis: The current time since about 2003 is
: colored by the first object of its kind discovered
: then, namely Sedna [...].
: Sedna rules most likely Libra to the same degree
: that Pluto rules Scorpio and/or does not.
To me it's all falling into place with this hypothesis.
I can think about it easily, but writing about it just
does not seem to work, at least not at the moment.
So let me just say this: Did anybody notice a stronger
focus on money since roughly autumn 2003 ? Did anybody
notice a loss of emotional ties since about then ?
Did anybody notice a sequence of apparent catastrophes
that then usually turned out to have little physical
reality and at the same time made the rich much richer
and took away rights and money from normal people ?
If you answered any of these questions with yes, it
might be worth to review (Mercury is retrograde ;)
some events and trends from the previous decade in that
- The 2000 stellium in Taurus.
- A unified Europe with its own currency; the myth of
Europe riding on a white bull from Crete to Europe;
the founding date of the EU with the sun in Taurus,
the origins of the EU in the fusion of cole and iron
between France and Germany after WW2, with the idea
to prevent an other war between these two countries;
so overall a construct based on money and goods.
- 9/11 with Mercury in Libra at the AC, airplanes and
targeting "World Trade Center". Subsequently sort of
a "crusade" or "pilgrimage" to Iraq, the birth place
of culture, between the two rivers, shaped like
Venus' you know what - see also the holy little known
relict in Mecca near that cube. Very tall buildings
in the Orient, like Pyramids (Senda in Taurus), but
much higher (Sedna ruling air sign Libra).
- China and other countries with low incomes as fabrics
of all kinds of industrial goods; giving work to the
one who makes the lowest offer is strongest criterion.
- Large off-roader cars; the guy in the smaller car is
out of luck in a crash.
- No smoking.
- Sarah Palin (Sedna is an Inuit goddess).
- Gradual loss of light and color in modern flat TV
screens (and computer displays); the discovery chart
of Sedna (Scorpio 2003) features the sun conjunct the
south node in Scorpio.
- Hardness, no giving in.
Sedna's myth (you can find several versions online) is
filled with "phallic" symbols, like the mind of Venus, I
guess. And it pretty much covers the life of a woman in
terms associated with the female star signs: From child
with an emphasis on material things and staying at home
(Taurus and Cancer), via marriage and motherhood (Virgo
and Scorpio), to a stricter, harder approach and sinking
back (Capricorn and Pisces) - very roughly speaking...
There seems also be a theme of what would be typically
called child abuse or pedophilia today: When Sedna was
given away as a wife to the the guy from a different
village, how old was she then? 20? 17? or rather 12 or
10 or even 8 ? At least she did not expect her husband
to suddenly reveal that he "has a beak", thinly veiled
in the story as the husband turning out to be a bird.
The situation of Senda and her father and the bird(s)
above at the water and then the father cutting Sedna's
fingers with the knife, reminds me also a lot of Roman
Polanski and his recent and not so recent story. His
first big movie, which got an Oscar in the 1960s, was
called "The Knife in the Water" and his first wife,
Sharon Tate, was murdered (pregnant!) with a knife.
As the DA in the Polanski rape case noted, all the
"Innocence meets corruption near the water".
In my personal life, in autumn 2003 I made a holiday
to California with a couple I had known for quite some
time. They broke up during that holiday, actually he
announced to her that would end the relation in Las
Vegas then. He has now another girlfriend, which he
already knew then apparently. Similar to that, I have
seen many things break up since then, many apparently
stable and strong links that just broke up. A bit like
Lynn Bell put it at the 2004 Astrology World Congress
in Basel (on Easter weekend, at the same time with an
exhibition of Tutenchamun, the real stuff, not the
2008 exhibition of copied stuff): A dream a client had
told her about things breaking apart like an ice floe
breaking into many pieces (arctic association again).
When I came back from the holidays, the company I had
been working for had gone bankrupt, and unlike in a
similar situation 1.5 years before, this time there
was no cohesion at all between people there, most of
them ran into money problems because the company just
stopped to pay and at the same time did not formally
go bankrupt, yet, so people were kept "at limbo" (a
very much Libra theme, that has repeated since then).
Without going into details, the guy who got took over
the company after that (actually took until April in
2004), was a rich old guy (sun in early Libra, married
to a Taurus) and he and his family started to run
things in their very narcissistic ways. I will spare
you the details, but in the end, the Swiss part of the
company was gone, several branches in remote countries
were founded and, as far as I can tell, the company is
not making much money from selling software (at least
not when I was there), but as it appears, that seems
not to concern anybody, for whatever reasons...
Of course, the previous decade can also be seen in
other terms. In astrology it is normal that influences
overlap, superimpose. If something happens to someone,
then one cannot say that it was for example just his
Venus crossing the natal AC, at most it was primarily
that, but most of the time, there were several non-
negligile factors.
In this case, there were, of course, the collective
planets in that time frame, the collective planets in
the birth charts of the generations starting to gain
power and the ones losing it due to old age. Still,
to me the known planets and points did not sufficiently
explain what had happened in the past decade to me and
especially not my own usenet writings. As time goes on
and planets move on and generations pass, it will be
easier to judge this. If the themes remain, it gives
more weight to the "Sedna Era" hypothesis, if, say, it
all vanishes soon with Uranus in Aries, then...
a much longer and more detailed version of this post,
namely all the close to 1000 usenet posts I made between
2002 and now. I have a slow retrograde Mercury, so in
that sense, maybe just collecting all my usenet post and
stitching them together in reverse chronological order
might do just well ? And then put that up on my site ?
Yeah! :) So, it all made sense in the end, was not all
so strange as it first appeared, especially to me and
after all the world has some structure in it... Strange
choice, nonetheless, from an astronomical perspective,
but expecting the general contemporary perception of
the world to be more "correct" than in the past seems
unlikely, to say the least. ;)
In Sedna's myth, in the end sometimes the Shaman had
to dive down into the ocean and comb her hair, which
can become very unsorted because she has no hands to
comb it regularly. My posts may not be a perfect job
in that respect, but at least it's a start...
Lost in Translation (Movie 2004).
Something different...
I don't know what it means, but I read it all from beginning to end.
Fascinating: personal, universal, mythic and biographic . . .

data/fax = 480-753-6261
consultations/orders = 800-527-8761

"Astrology is about time . . . what else is there?"
2010-04-20 07:24:57 UTC
Richard Nolle wrote:

: I don't know what it means, but I read it all from beginning to end.
: Fascinating: personal, universal, mythic and biographic . . .

Thanks! :)

2010-04-24 15:54:25 UTC
I wrote:
: [...] maybe just collecting all my usenet post and
: stitching them together in reverse chronological order
: might do just well ? And then put that up on my site ?

I tried that (once more, mercury rx, I guess) and it just does not
work that way. The posts only really shine in full context, a bit like
if you tried to lift a gigantic impressive squid that lives deep in
the ocean out of the water and would then be astonished how bleak and
thin it looks in full sunshine...

If you wanted in the future for some strange reasons to look at some
of my posts that are no longer archived at google groups, see e.g.
giganews.com (they apparently carry alt.astrology.* back to about June
2003) or web.archive.com (carries an old pdf by me with posts up to
autumn 2003 or so).

My "Sedna Hypothesis" would explain in my view also quite well why
usenet, as a "purely text based dialogue platform", has apparently
been losing (at least in terms of volume) since a few years to shinier
web based forums with images and colors and fonts (appeal to Venus'
vanity) or public outlets that do not involve a dialogue (at least not
on equal footing), like blogs or twitter, etc. But again, other
interpretations are possible at the moment. Time will tell... ;)

2010-04-29 20:02:06 UTC
One more thing regarding squids: Of course, Greece will in no time and
seemingly effortlessly shake off the current crisis, at least that is
my guess, would not be the first time in history, the already beat the
well-organized and numerous Persians in the past. :)

