2011-03-04 01:57:31 UTC
There will be a Pisces New Moon on March 4th
8:47 PM GMT
Conjunction of
Sun in 13'55 Pisces
Moon in 13'55 Pisces
square Heliocentric Uranus Nodes in 14'04 Gemini/Sagittarius
Sabian Symbol 14 Pisces
A Lady Wrapped In A Large Stole Of Fox Fur
'the use of intelligence and mental subtlety as protection against
storms and trials"
The New Moon is strongly connected to collective Uranian energy, and
so collective matters involving independence,innovation,the
unusual,and change.
The square to the Uranus Nodes seem to emphasize the use of
intelligence and mental subtlety. It also symbolize the storms and
The New Moon in Pisces is the water,oceans,and seas that the
collective unconscious symbolizes. A time of unity and universal
connection as we merge with all. A time of compassion and empathy.
However, the square to Heliocentric Uranus Nodes indicates that this
is not a tranquil,peaceful,and gentle time. It indicates sudden things
happening that can disturb the consciousness. There can be change that
may not be easy to deal with. A time of reform, protests, and even
radicalism. A time of being forced to deal with differences in
thinking,communications,ideas,views,beliefs,religion,and culture.
8:47 PM GMT
Conjunction of
Sun in 13'55 Pisces
Moon in 13'55 Pisces
square Heliocentric Uranus Nodes in 14'04 Gemini/Sagittarius
Sabian Symbol 14 Pisces
A Lady Wrapped In A Large Stole Of Fox Fur
'the use of intelligence and mental subtlety as protection against
storms and trials"
The New Moon is strongly connected to collective Uranian energy, and
so collective matters involving independence,innovation,the
unusual,and change.
The square to the Uranus Nodes seem to emphasize the use of
intelligence and mental subtlety. It also symbolize the storms and
The New Moon in Pisces is the water,oceans,and seas that the
collective unconscious symbolizes. A time of unity and universal
connection as we merge with all. A time of compassion and empathy.
However, the square to Heliocentric Uranus Nodes indicates that this
is not a tranquil,peaceful,and gentle time. It indicates sudden things
happening that can disturb the consciousness. There can be change that
may not be easy to deal with. A time of reform, protests, and even
radicalism. A time of being forced to deal with differences in
thinking,communications,ideas,views,beliefs,religion,and culture.