What makes a great astrologer... hmm, tricky. So tricky that I'm going
to chicken out and say what makes a good astrologer instead.
The first thing, of course, is to be able to draw up a chart
accurately. The greatest astrologer in the world couldn't make a good
interpretation of a wonky chart. That's just a matter of practice. You
could cheat and do that part on a computer, it is the only part of astrology
a computer can do properly at the moment. I always draw mine by hand as it
means I am familiar with the ins and outs of the chart before I start
interpreting. This does NOT apply to the calculation of the Ascendant,
which is a blooming awful sum fit only for a computer.
Then you have to know the meanings of the basic elements by heart, and
STICK to them. No relying on intuition for the astrologer. If the chart
shows the Moon in Taurus, say, your job is to give the astrological meaning.
This is something that is already documented and you just have to reel it
The awkward part is fitting it all together. That really might call
for intuition, also experience, understanding of human nature (assuming it's
a person's chart and not a city or something), consideration of the way the
planets are aspecting each other, and to be honest a certain amount of luck.
As Claude Latrémouille pointed out, if you are a consulting
astrologer, you'll need more than astrological talent. In fact, a
second-rate astrologer who is tactful, practical and really understands
their client will be much more use than someone who is expert at astrology
per se, but rotten at giving advice. The latter might make an impressive
researcher, but never a good consulting astrologer.
As for "Astrology and free will (again!)", I've stopped reading that
one. It seems to be asking what is the point of astrology if nobody has
free will anyway. An interesting question if you really don't think anyone
has free will, but if like me you do, then it seems a bit irrelevant. In
that case we can make free choices based on what we know from astrology, and
more subtle justifications are not needed.
Having said all this, I admit that this is just my opinion. Astrology
being what it is, I'm sure there are any amount of people who disagree...
Best of luck to all the astrologers out there.
A. B.