On relocations
(too old to reply)
2011-03-02 16:55:03 UTC
I am working on a new technique for prediction on the daily
level, a niche currently filled mainly by the diurnal chart and the
progressed daily horoscope.

In the course of my research the issue has arisen as to whether
charts should be cast for the natal location or for the location at
the time of interest.

I wonder if anyone has done any systematic research on this topic that
might help in my research. Some sources say the charts should be cast
for the current location, but other say the natal location works
At the moment it appears that both charts 'work', but it would be
useful to know if there is some systematic difference between them.

Any input would be appreciated.



2011-03-03 10:53:39 UTC
Hi Bob,

To my understanding, the natal chart should be cast for the natal
location and natal time zone.
Progressions should be computed from the natal chart (same location
and time zone).
However for prediction purposes, you may cast an horary chart for a
given day; in this case, it is cast for a given location and time
and to make it speak, it has to be "hooked" to the natal chart, in
this case, interpretation mechanism is like for transits.
I have developped an application called smartalmanac that relies on
both natal and horary charts, but it is not built to predict, rather
to determine favorable time frames to perform a give action. So I
approach this as an electional analysis task - your goal is more

      I am working on a new technique for prediction on the daily
level, a niche currently filled mainly by the diurnal chart and the
progressed daily horoscope.
In the course of my research the issue has arisen as to whether
charts should be cast for the natal location or for the location at
the time of interest.
I wonder if anyone has done any systematic research on this topic that
might help in my research. Some sources say the charts should be cast
for the current location, but other say the natal location works
At the moment it appears that both charts 'work', but it would be
useful to know if there is some systematic difference between them.
Any input would be appreciated.
2011-03-04 14:05:21 UTC
It sounds like your application is somewhat similar to what I am

I have been experimenting with creating a Davison chart of my natal
chart plus a chart for sunrise (or sunset) for the day in question.

There is no doubt that these charts are valid, altho I am still
working on understanding the rules they operate under. That's where
the question about location comes from. I have been using my actual
location, but some of the charts I looked at showed no activity on the
angles on days that I knew should show up strongly. On switching to my
natal location (for the natal chart: the sunrise chart is for my
present location) factors move onto the angles.

But in some of the charts the actual location produces the angular
contacts I expect to see. So it seems that both charts are valid, but
I suspect in different ways. A resonable hypothesis would be that the
natal location would show the deeper significance of the event,
whereas the actual location might show the event in a more superficial

Have to do some more testing.

Tell me about your program.

2011-03-06 15:50:36 UTC
Seomewhat similar however I am not using midpoints/Davidson charts, I
am just relying on plain natal+horary charts.
I am wondering what's the outcome of compositing a natal chart and an
horary chart of the same individual within a Davidson chart; I mean:
what is the implication in term of interpretation provided Davidon
charts are usually applied to two individuals (?) This is unknown
territory for me, not enough knowledge in the field..

If you have a corpus of facts that happened at some specific time, you
should be able to validate or invalidate your lead/assumption.
I agree with your assumption since I think that almost everything can
be pulled out from a natal chart. Hooking the horary chart is like
confronting the inner sky to the outer sky

My approach is not strictly speaking research, I am just deriving a
well know approach to the computer framework. Beyond the smartalmanac
programming bricks, my effort has been mainly a knowledge modeling
effort : transcribing interpretation methods into inference rules. To
make it short, I am computing natal chart and horary chart say every
hour - but it could be any 15 minutes (thought the moon is not that
fast). These charts are not apprehended as graphical charts, rather
like raw facts pushed into an inference engine. HORARY: "Moon in
Pisces at 5 degrees in house 5" is a rich fact exploded in to several
elementary facts (moon in pisces, moon position at 5 degree, moon in
5th house). This is done for both natal and horary, for planet
position, aspects, transiting planet position and transiting aspect.
And this could be extended to synastry charts. Actually any other raw
fact pushable into the inference engine could be used, say the body
temperature of the individual at the instant of the horary
Then come the rules. The rules are federated/organized into questions.
For instance a question may be "when is it safe to start a trip by car
for a vacation journey?". The question must be accurate otherwise,
astrological knoweldge won't be able to apply efficiently. Each
question is actually an expert system. So a bunch of rules are written
for "when is it safe to start a trip by car for a vacation
journey?" (example '3rd house, mercury' should ne be afflicted'. There
can be tens of rules for one question). Some rules weakens the instant
of calculation, some rules stregthens it. The outcome is a
"favorabily" score. And these rules apply "brute force" to every hour
of the period of time one wants to explore, would it be a complete
year. So it is like seeking complex astrological signatures accross
More work is required to bring this on iphone!

2011-03-12 16:33:20 UTC
Sounds like your project is even more ambitious than mine!

Are you familiar with the horary composite chart? The techniques was
apparently discovered by Eric Weil some years ago.
There is an article about in Considerations magazine, Vol. XVI, No.1.
Also there is an article on the subject at www.albumfufutur.com, in
Considerations is available here: www.freeconsiderations.com/magazine.shtml.

I find the Davison chart to be superior to the composite because the
signs and therefore rulership structures are valid in it but
apparently not in the composite.

Weil also has a book the the horary composite, in French,
unfortunately for me!

In any event I wonder if the technique might be of interest to you in
your project?

Kjell Pettersson
2011-03-13 09:17:46 UTC
Post by Bob
Also there is an article on the subject at www.albumfufutur.com, in
This link does not seem to work, and I cannot find anything when
searching for the domain name.
Post by Bob
Considerations is available here:www.freeconsiderations.com/magazine.shtml.
This link also seems problematic (at least in Google Groups), but
works if one copy-pastes it.



2011-03-13 11:53:16 UTC
(yes link was broken, it seems is actually http://www.albumdufutur.com/
, doesn't it? - though I have not found yet the article you

Thank you for the link to Considerations magazine, there is a wealth
of info in there!

No I am not familiar with the horary composite chart but it excites my
curiosity. I am going to digg and read a bit on that topic.
There seem to be a link here on Eric Weil: http://www.cedra.net/BIB/recentes.html
("La Tradition, revue écrite et éditée par Eric Weil. Le numéro 35
vient de paraître. Etudes sur le THC (thème horaire composé) à propos
de voyages. Sur Giorgio Napolitano, la Suisse, le Proche-Orient").

Yes this technique would certainly be useful: the more numerous
converging clues, the more likely the result is trustable.

======================================= MODERATOR'S COMMENT:
Google translation of linked page: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://www.cedra.net/BIB/recentes.html&ei=u6F8Td3BG8vAtAa-gtjdBw&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBoQ7gEwAA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dhttp://www.cedra.net/BIB/recentes.html%26num%3D30%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1600%26bih%3D1051%26prmd%3Divns
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