Post by unknownDoes anyone know what the old astrological authorities associated with
tendencies to heresy? I'll explain why I'm asking in a bit. I haven't
myself got any books old enough to talk about that, except Todd Carnes's
PDF of "Christian Astrology", which I'll have a look at later.
Thanks for all these good suggestions. Just to round things off, I've
finally got round to looking through "Christian Astrology", so here's some
bits from the Natal section.
p611-2, Of the Religion of the Native: "Mars or Dragon's tail in the ninth,
or Saturn or Mars in the third (opposite to the ninth), being in a movable
sign, and Jupiter weak, peregrine or in his detriment, and in a cadent
house, afflicted of Saturn or Mars, usually such Natives are either very
backward in Religion, express little, or else are of none at all, or are
perverted in that wherein they were educated, or if they do stumble upon any
Religion, they prove most pernicious Sectaries.
But if Jupiter Venus or Dragon's head possess the ninth or third, the Native
proves a good Christian, and a lover of Religion wherein trained up.
The Sun Moon Mercury or Fortuna in those houses, are moderate Signes, and do
augment the signification of goodness, when in any benevolent aspect of
Jupiter or Venus; decrease and diminish it when in aspect with the
p613, Aphorisms signifying Impiety: "Saturn, Mars, Dragon's tail in the
ninth or third, in movable Signes, Jupiter being peregrine or in Detriment,
Cadent, infected of the Infortunes, argue the Native will not be constant in
one Religion.
The Lords of the ninth unfortunate in angles, shewes contemners of
Godliness; the more certain if they be Retrograde : Where observe, Saturn
inclines to Heresie, Mars to Blasphemy, Dragon's tail to Atheisme.
... Jupiter Mercury and Lord of the Ascendant in double bodied signs, notes,
the Native will be Heretical, or change that Religion wherein he was first
Now the chart I actually had in mind was Rupert Sheldrake's:,_Rupert If you haven't come
across him, he's a British biologist who's famous for blatantly
investigating the paranormal, which naturally enrages the scientific
establishment. In 1981 an editorial in Nature, of all the usually
level-headed journals, declared that he was "to be condemned in exactly the
language that the pope used to condemn Galileo, and for the same reason. It
is heresy." So I was curious to know whether heresy against Christian
doctrine and heresy against the new religion of science look the same in a
birth chart! (Although he was brought up as a Christian and became a
fervent atheist for a while before developing his current interests, so that
complicates things.)
Oddly enough, nearly all the indicators we've come up with are there.
Jupiter is entirely malaspected (except sextile MC). Not square Saturn, as
Kjell thought, but at least semisextile it and also opposite a Capricorn
Moon. (In itself it's emphasised - in exaltation and closely conjunct the
Uranus is conjunct Saturn and Venus, and making another semisextile to
As for Lilly's points, Mars (and Pluto) in 9th and Jupiter slightly
afflicted by Saturn, which incidentally is "in cahoots" with Mars via a
sextile. Mercury is in a "double bodied sign", though not Jupiter or the
chart ruler. I notice there aren't any of the ones for "contemners of
Godliness", though; in fact Sheldrake isn't given to condemning anything -
it's him that's condemned by other people, for not condemning the things
they think he should!
Good chart this, have to think about it some more.
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
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