Solar Return: Uranus in 8th house.....
(too old to reply)
Mickey Blue Eyes
2004-12-08 04:33:34 UTC
I've posted here a while ago about possibly travelling for my solar
return. I was trying to put Jupiter in my second house, trining the
midheaven, and that just isn't possible this year. However, being a
novice in astrology, I missed a much bigger problem: Uranus in the 8th
house, widely squaring Mars in the 4th.

I did a search on that aspect, and it bought up Monica Seles's solar
return and it said that having uranus in the 8th house could mean a
death of someone close if Uranus has bad aspects. I continued to drag
my feet about possibly travelling, unsure if anything I could do would
prevent a situation like that. My best bet would have been paris, but
with 4 days to go before my SR, that won't happen. However, most
unexpectedly someone died, and now I'm definitely going somewhere, I
just need help.

My aunt's LOOOOONG time boyfriend was fine monday, had a mild heart
attack tuesday, unexpectedly had a stroke at 3 am on friday,and was
dead by 8:50 friday night. Dr.s thought he'd be going home on
thursday. Obviously, he won't ever go home again. our whole family is
devastated, and I can't honestly blame his death on astrology, but if
I can prevent having to go through this again, I'm definitely going to
try. He was only 55. so weird. we're all so hurt.

So anyway, whether astrology has anything to do with this or not, or
whether anyone believes travelling will help or not, I'm going to
attempt to alter my SR chart to get Uranus out of the 8th house. The
main problem is that here in North Carolina, at 8:32 pm Dec. 12, 2004
Uranus will be in the 8th, and Neptune will be in the 7th. I cannot
have anything else in the 6th house (chiron is there now.. anyone
think that's a bad thing?) and I definitely don't want to put Neptune
in the 6th. I've had enough health problems.

My question really...

Going to Allentown, PA puts both Uranus and Neptune in the 7th house
(barely, they're both on the cusps of other houses) but since they're
on the cusps, will they be considered in the 6th and 8th house anyway,
being so close? Like Uranus will JUST be over the line moving into the
7th house, Is that good enough? And Neptune will be JUST before the
line in the 7th house, would that be considered in the 6th? I think
that neptune in the 6th could be a nightmare...

Any ideas?

My birth data:

December 13, 1969
Atlanta, Georgia USA
08:32 am
84w23, 33n45

Am currently in Raleigh, North Carolina.
2004-12-08 05:57:02 UTC
I am not an astrologer proper, but I have recently been through
something not too different, involving among other things Uranus and
death and "generational" planets on house cusps (in my radix though,
not in a solar return chart). I'd say that it is the true house and not
"near a cusp" that matters, at least with these planets.

My native Neptune is afflicted by Saturn and did better in house six
and seven than eight. Now it is going into nine, which I am looking
forward to immensely. Chiron in the sixth was connected to health
problems and on the cusp of the seventh revealed some pretty heavy
stuff that I can't go into here, but I do not feel worried about having
it traverse the seventh. I'd be alittle bit wary about putting Neptune
on a cusp, where it would be so much stronger, unless you have a very
harmonious and unafflicted Neptune in your natal chart. Neptune in the
sixth was not a very big problem to me, and I have had some challenges
health-wise in my life, but actually things were pretty okay back then.

Again, I am speaking about my experiences from transits to my natal
chart, but perhaps it could be of some value to you as well.

I wish you all good for your birthday and for your coming year!

Keera Ann Fox
2004-12-08 09:39:27 UTC
Post by Mickey Blue Eyes
I've posted here a while ago about possibly travelling for my solar
return. I was trying to put Jupiter in my second house, trining the
midheaven, and that just isn't possible this year. However, being a
novice in astrology, I missed a much bigger problem: Uranus in the 8th
house, widely squaring Mars in the 4th.
I did a search on that aspect, and it bought up Monica Seles's solar
return and it said that having uranus in the 8th house could mean a
death of someone close if Uranus has bad aspects.
My aunt's LOOOOONG time boyfriend was fine monday, had a mild heart
attack tuesday, unexpectedly had a stroke at 3 am on friday,and was
dead by 8:50 friday night. Dr.s thought he'd be going home on
thursday. Obviously, he won't ever go home again. our whole family is
devastated, and I can't honestly blame his death on astrology, but if
I can prevent having to go through this again,
....you'd be God.
Post by Mickey Blue Eyes
I'm definitely going to
try. He was only 55. so weird. we're all so hurt.
What makes you think this has to do with _your_ chart and not his?
****** Keera in Norway ******
* Think big. Shrink to fit. *
Mickey Blue Eyes
2004-12-09 00:07:10 UTC
Post by Keera Ann Fox
Post by Mickey Blue Eyes
I've posted here a while ago about possibly travelling for my solar
return. I was trying to put Jupiter in my second house, trining the
midheaven, and that just isn't possible this year. However, being a
novice in astrology, I missed a much bigger problem: Uranus in the 8th
house, widely squaring Mars in the 4th.
I did a search on that aspect, and it bought up Monica Seles's solar
return and it said that having uranus in the 8th house could mean a
death of someone close if Uranus has bad aspects.
My aunt's LOOOOONG time boyfriend was fine monday, had a mild heart
attack tuesday, unexpectedly had a stroke at 3 am on friday,and was
dead by 8:50 friday night. Dr.s thought he'd be going home on
thursday. Obviously, he won't ever go home again. our whole family is
devastated, and I can't honestly blame his death on astrology, but if
I can prevent having to go through this again,
....you'd be God.
Thanks, Keera.

2004-12-10 03:19:33 UTC
Hi Mickey,

If you do a precession corrected solar return you have Jupiter conjunct
the MC in Atlanta.

I hope this doesn't sound harsh but it seems to me you are trying to
run away from life. You have a natal Mars square Neptune. One of the
interpretations of this combination is a tendency to want to escape
from life, pressure, or whatever you think you have to fear. What if
next year you see something you don't like in your solar return for
wherever you may be? Would you move again?

There are going to be difficult aspects present in one way or another
for you just as there are for all of us. You are not in this alone.
Right now you have transiting Saturn in opposition to your secondary
progressed Sun and it will pass in exact opposition again in 2005 no
matter where you are. (Don't worry, I've been through transitting
Saturn conjunct, square, or opposition my natal or progressed Sun 38
times -just checked it in Solar Fire.)

None of us gets out of here alive and none of knows when our time will
be up. Try to stop thinking about the negatives that might come along
and think each day of how you can be the best person that you can be
and be that person. If you want to think negatively, remember that each
second may be your last and how would you like to be remembered, or
what if you went to see St. Peter at the gate, would he let you in
based on how you lived your life?

Perhaps you could take up something other than astrology for a hobby.


PS - I have Mars and Neptune angular in my chart, square by sign.
Post by Mickey Blue Eyes
I've posted here a while ago about possibly travelling for my solar
return. I was trying to put Jupiter in my second house, trining the
midheaven, and that just isn't possible this year. However, being a
novice in astrology, I missed a much bigger problem: Uranus in the 8th
house, widely squaring Mars in the 4th.
I did a search on that aspect, and it bought up Monica Seles's solar
return and it said that having uranus in the 8th house could mean a
death of someone close if Uranus has bad aspects. I continued to drag
my feet about possibly travelling, unsure if anything I could do would
prevent a situation like that. My best bet would have been paris, but
with 4 days to go before my SR, that won't happen. However, most
unexpectedly someone died, and now I'm definitely going somewhere, I
just need help.