Post by CFAPost by VanirhawkPost by Kjell PetterssonToday, April 4th, at 1.37pm (UT), Neptune enters Pisces. If the
moderns are right, and it rules, or co-rules, the sign, then it should
really be noticeable in the coming years.
The first degree of Pisces is said to, like the entire sign Scorpio
and the last degree of Cancer, refer to espionage (I've forgot the
source but it might be C.E.O Carter), and if that is so, perhaps the
shift that REALLY happens today just wont be visible to those of us
who live more ordinary lives.
I shall certainly comb through today's news and look for events that
may be significant, especially around midday UT.
What do you expect from Neptune in Pisces?
Neptune is beginning to form a grand trine in my chart with the Moon (3
Scorpio) and Uranus (4 Cancer). This has got to have a strong emotional and
psychic effect on me in the very least. I'm wondering what I need to look
out for.
This transit implies a certain grace or ease- I can imagine it
wouldn't necessarily be all that obvious. I went through transiting
Neptune square my Sun with no discernable effects- a 180° shift from
the experience of tNeptune square my Moon. The Moon transit was pretty
Anyway, thanks for pointing this out- I have the Sun at 4° Scorpio and
Uranus at 5° Cancer. I anticipate all the warm fuzzy Neptune words-
compassion, sensitivity, a gentle demeanor, etc.
As to the planetary ingress, Neptune in Pisces suggests a few trends
to me: more 'blind leading the blind', like televangelists, the Tea
Party, etc (where emotion competes with reason); more spiritual
seeking in general; and probably more end-of-days awfulizing of how
bad it's going to be, stock your pantries, stash your gold, etc.
But I'm not focused at all on that one: it's the coming transiting
Uranus/Pluto square that commands my attention.
cfa at alt dot net
With 2012 coming up, no doubt the end-of-days stuff will really ramp up.
2012 will be a year when we should find a comfy spot to sit with a big bowl
of popcorn to watch the circus parade of prophets, profiteers, preachers,
conspiracy theorists, wanna-be shamans, new age gurus, and other assorted
nuts and flakes passing by, not to mention it will be an election year. It
will be entertaining to say the least.
But the Uranus/Pluto square could definitely give us pause. With Pluto in
Capricorn (overbearing governments and corporations) and Uranus in Aries
(violence, warfare, accidents), this could definitely indicate an upswing in
war and conflict. But it could just as easily indicate the overthrowing of
oppressive (Pluto) governments and leaders (Capricorn) by a people's
revolution (Uranus) which possibly could lead to a new beginning (Aries) for
mankind as a whole. The present protests in the Middle East could be the
opening salvo in something much bigger and widespread. Geophysically, the
upswing in violent storms, earthquakes and volcanoes worldwide could
possibly become catastrophic, though I certainly hope this is wrong.
This transit is exact for the first time on June 24-25, 2012, and the second
time on September 19, 2012, with Pluto having gone direct just a two days
before. The final transit will be on May 21, 2013. So these are definitely
all time periods to watch.