Kjell Pettersson
2010-12-12 18:34:31 UTC
Reading the news for the first time since Friday I see that Stockholm
has had a terrorist attack Saturday (suicide bombing). Actually in the
immediate vicinity of my home, but around a corner so I did not hear
the explosions. If you saw anything about the Nobel Prize Friday
evening, you might have seen the blue concert hall where the King
gives the Prize; this is about a block away from either bombing.
Anyhow, enough about me, or royals. Here's a post without Regulus!
Media got notice of the bombings within minutes after, and the
bombings were very close in time. The bomber moved only like two
blocks away from his bombed car before the explosives he carried
Within minutes after was 16.52 Swedish time. I have erected a chart,
and the Ascendant practically stands still at 18 CAN (17°0017°59),
being in the same degree for at least five minutes, so the only point
which may change degree seems to be the MC, which is likely to be
somewhere between 2°00 and 4°00 Pisces.
Nothing in particular in the chart seems to make of this a terrorist
attack. However, except for the bomber, who died, only two people
were hurt, so perhaps that is why it does not show?
Or am I missing something?
I have noted these things in the chart:
The Moon at 29 AQU, within degrees of MC in early Pisces and ruling
Cancer is likely to give whatever transpires right here some fleeting
moments of fame before fading away.
Mars conj. N.Node at 3 CAP, in the sixth house, really should be a
good thing, and made even better with a benign Saturn ruling.
Rulerships etc:
Venus in SCO, Mars in CAP, Jupiter in PIS, Sat in LIB.
News source:
If the above link does not work (subscription may be required), try
this one:
Chart data:
Stockholm (city), Sweden, 16.50 (UT 15.50)
MC circa 3 PIS
Sun 20 SAG
Moon 29 AQU
Mer 6 CAP Rx
Ven 7 SCO
Mar 3 CAP
Jup 25 PIS
Sat 16 LIB
Ura 27 PIS
Nep 27 AQU
Plu 5 CAP
Chi 27 AQU
Vx 27 SCO
has had a terrorist attack Saturday (suicide bombing). Actually in the
immediate vicinity of my home, but around a corner so I did not hear
the explosions. If you saw anything about the Nobel Prize Friday
evening, you might have seen the blue concert hall where the King
gives the Prize; this is about a block away from either bombing.
Anyhow, enough about me, or royals. Here's a post without Regulus!
Media got notice of the bombings within minutes after, and the
bombings were very close in time. The bomber moved only like two
blocks away from his bombed car before the explosives he carried
Within minutes after was 16.52 Swedish time. I have erected a chart,
and the Ascendant practically stands still at 18 CAN (17°0017°59),
being in the same degree for at least five minutes, so the only point
which may change degree seems to be the MC, which is likely to be
somewhere between 2°00 and 4°00 Pisces.
Nothing in particular in the chart seems to make of this a terrorist
attack. However, except for the bomber, who died, only two people
were hurt, so perhaps that is why it does not show?
Or am I missing something?
I have noted these things in the chart:
The Moon at 29 AQU, within degrees of MC in early Pisces and ruling
Cancer is likely to give whatever transpires right here some fleeting
moments of fame before fading away.
Mars conj. N.Node at 3 CAP, in the sixth house, really should be a
good thing, and made even better with a benign Saturn ruling.
Rulerships etc:
Venus in SCO, Mars in CAP, Jupiter in PIS, Sat in LIB.
News source:
If the above link does not work (subscription may be required), try
this one:
Chart data:
Stockholm (city), Sweden, 16.50 (UT 15.50)
MC circa 3 PIS
Sun 20 SAG
Moon 29 AQU
Mer 6 CAP Rx
Ven 7 SCO
Mar 3 CAP
Jup 25 PIS
Sat 16 LIB
Ura 27 PIS
Nep 27 AQU
Plu 5 CAP
Chi 27 AQU
Vx 27 SCO