Terrorist attack in Stockholm city, Sat. about 16.50
(too old to reply)
Kjell Pettersson
2010-12-12 18:34:31 UTC
Reading the news for the first time since Friday I see that Stockholm
has had a terrorist attack Saturday (suicide bombing). Actually in the
immediate vicinity of my home, but around a corner so I did not hear
the explosions. If you saw anything about the Nobel Prize Friday
evening, you might have seen the blue concert hall where the King
gives the Prize; this is about a block away from either bombing.

Anyhow, enough about me, or royals. Here's a post without Regulus!

Media got notice of the bombings ”within minutes” after, and the
bombings were very close in time. The bomber moved only like two
blocks away from his bombed car before the explosives he carried

Within minutes after was 16.52 Swedish time. I have erected a chart,
and the Ascendant practically stands still at 18 CAN (17°00—17°59),
being in the same degree for at least five minutes, so the only point
which may change degree seems to be the MC, which is likely to be
somewhere between 2°00 and 4°00 Pisces.

Nothing in particular in the chart seems to make of this a terrorist
attack. However, except for the bomber, who died, ”only” two people
were hurt, so perhaps that is why it does not show?

Or am I missing something?

I have noted these things in the chart:

The Moon at 29 AQU, within degrees of MC in early Pisces and ruling
Cancer is likely to give whatever transpires right here some fleeting
moments of fame before fading away.

Mars conj. N.Node at 3 CAP, in the sixth house, really should be a
good thing, and made even better with a benign Saturn ruling.

Rulerships etc:
Venus in SCO, Mars in CAP, Jupiter in PIS, Sat in LIB.


News source:

If the above link does not work (subscription may be required), try
this one:

Chart data:
Stockholm (city), Sweden, 16.50 (UT 15.50)

MC circa 3 PIS

Sun 20 SAG
Moon 29 AQU
Mer 6 CAP Rx
Ven 7 SCO
Mar 3 CAP
Jup 25 PIS
Sat 16 LIB
Ura 27 PIS
Nep 27 AQU
Plu 5 CAP

Chi 27 AQU
Vx 27 SCO
2010-12-12 18:59:57 UTC
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Reading the news for the first time since Friday I see that Stockholm
has had a terrorist attack Saturday (suicide bombing). Actually in the
immediate vicinity of my home, but around a corner so I did not hear
the explosions. If you saw anything about the Nobel Prize Friday
evening, you might have seen the blue concert hall where the King
gives the Prize; this is about a block away from either bombing.
Anyhow, enough about me, or royals. Here's a post without Regulus!
Media got notice of the bombings ”within minutes” after, and the
bombings were very close in time. The bomber moved only like two
blocks away from his bombed car before the explosives he carried
Within minutes after was 16.52 Swedish time. I have erected a chart,
and the Ascendant practically stands still at 18 CAN (17°00—17°59),
being in the same degree for at least five minutes, so the only point
which may change degree seems to be the MC, which is likely to be
somewhere between 2°00 and 4°00 Pisces.
Nothing in particular in the chart seems to make of this a terrorist
attack. However, except for the bomber, who died, ”only” two people
were hurt, so perhaps that is why it does not show?
Or am I missing something?
The Moon at 29 AQU, within degrees of MC in early Pisces and ruling
Cancer is likely to give whatever transpires right here some fleeting
moments of fame before fading away.
Mars conj. N.Node at 3 CAP, in the sixth house, really should be a
good thing, and made even better with a benign Saturn ruling.
Mars approaching a conjunction with Pluto? 2 degrees is tight enough
for me... But I have no idea how you'd predict two bombings in any
particular place on the planet.

The only other things I'd be tempted to check are how this transit
chart fits into the charts of the city and the country.
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Venus in SCO, Mars in CAP, Jupiter in PIS, Sat in LIB.
If the above link does not work (subscription may be required), try
Stockholm (city), Sweden, 16.50 (UT 15.50)
MC circa 3 PIS
Sun 20 SAG
Moon 29 AQU
Mer 6 CAP Rx
Ven 7 SCO
Mar 3 CAP
Jup 25 PIS
Sat 16 LIB
Ura 27 PIS
Nep 27 AQU
Plu 5 CAP
Chi 27 AQU
Vx 27 SCO
cfa at alt dot net
Kjell Pettersson
2010-12-13 00:22:35 UTC
Post by CFA
Mars approaching a conjunction with Pluto? 2 degrees is tight enough
for me...
Well, yes and not yes. I'd say its close enough for quite a lot, but
when it starts to scale, I think there should be more to it. And even
though only the bomber was killed, it has had already had an enormous
effect on security talk, police efforts, international attention etc.
Had he been a couple of meters closer to the shopping street (he was a
few meters off) and the explosives had had maximum impact, there would
have been loss of many lives and even more wounded. Had he gotten to
the main subway hub, a hundred meters away or so, results could have
been positively catastrophic.

It is perhaps an odd thing to say, but we who live here should feel
blessed that nothing worse happened. Living in the immediate area, I
myself certainly do.

Regarding that there should be more to it, I am thinking something
along the lines of an eclipse being triggered, which cannot be ruled
out in this case (that old June 26th eclipse again) or the Saturn/
Pluto-square being released by Mars.

The latter is not improbable actually. I have checked the positions
for the exact square and they were 1°43, 2°56 and 4°41 in LIB/CAP.

As of yesterday, Mars conjunct NN at 2°47 and 2°48 and Pluto at 4°21
may well be considered to have triggered two out of the three exact
contacts. And the degree of Pluto is, of course, the degree of the
June lunar eclipse, so it does get into the picture as well.
Post by CFA
But I have no idea how you'd predict two bombings in any
particular place on the planet.
They were so close in time and space that for practical purposes it
can be regarded as more or less the same event, IMHO. It is also a
relatively common strategy in countries where there are a lot of
suicide bombings that the perpetrator first blows up a car to create a
crowd, and then blows himself up in that crowd, for maximum effect.
Post by CFA
The only other things I'd be tempted to check are how this transit
chart fits into the charts of the city and the country.
I'll see what I can find. Stockholm has no known foundational date
though. For Sweden one can use either the chart of HM the King


or that of the latest change to the constitution, going effective

January 1, 1980, at midnight.

I haven't checked either yet, but I'll report if I find anything.

2010-12-13 11:01:22 UTC
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Post by CFA
Mars approaching a conjunction with Pluto? 2 degrees is tight enough
for me...
Well, yes and not yes. I'd say its close enough for quite a lot, but
when it starts to scale, I think there should be more to it. And even
though only the bomber was killed, it has had already had an enormous
effect on security talk, police efforts, international attention etc.
Had he been a couple of meters closer to the shopping street (he was a
few meters off) and the explosives had had maximum impact, there would
have been loss of many lives and even more wounded. Had he gotten to
the main subway hub, a hundred meters away or so, results could have
been positively catastrophic.
Perhaps that illustrates the gap between the two planets- that the
effects were less than what was possible?
Post by Kjell Pettersson
It is perhaps an odd thing to say, but we who live here should feel
blessed that nothing worse happened. Living in the immediate area, I
myself certainly do.
Sounds quite normal an observation.
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Regarding that there should be more to it, I am thinking something
along the lines of an eclipse being triggered, which cannot be ruled
out in this case (that old June 26th eclipse again) or the Saturn/
Pluto-square being released by Mars.
The latter is not improbable actually. I have checked the positions
for the exact square and they were 1°43, 2°56 and 4°41 in LIB/CAP.
As of yesterday, Mars conjunct NN at 2°47 and 2°48 and Pluto at 4°21
may well be considered to have triggered two out of the three exact
contacts. And the degree of Pluto is, of course, the degree of the
June lunar eclipse, so it does get into the picture as well.
I'm not sure there 'should' have been more to it. I know there 'could'
have been, but I'm thinking the transit I mentioned was rather closely
represented by events.
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Post by CFA
But I have no idea how you'd predict two bombings in any
particular place on the planet.
They were so close in time and space that for practical purposes it
can be regarded as more or less the same event, IMHO. It is also a
relatively common strategy in countries where there are a lot of
suicide bombings that the perpetrator first blows up a car to create a
crowd, and then blows himself up in that crowd, for maximum effect.
Harder to defend against someone who's willing to die in the event.
Post by Kjell Pettersson
Post by CFA
The only other things I'd be tempted to check are how this transit
chart fits into the charts of the city and the country.
I'll see what I can find. Stockholm has no known foundational date
though. For Sweden one can use either the chart of HM the King
or that of the latest change to the constitution, going effective
January 1, 1980, at midnight.
I haven't checked either yet, but I'll report if I find anything.
cfa at alt dot net
Kjell Pettersson
2010-12-15 20:28:20 UTC
Post by CFA
Perhaps that illustrates the gap between the two planets- that the
effects were less than what was possible?
That is a possible explanation. A very possible one, indeed.
Post by CFA
As of yesterday, Mars conjunct NN at 2 47 and 2 48 and Pluto at 4 21
may well be considered to have triggered two out of the three exact
contacts. And the degree of Pluto is, of course, the degree of the
June lunar eclipse, so it does get into the picture as well.
I'm not sure there 'should' have been more to it. I know there 'could'
have been, but I'm thinking the transit I mentioned was rather closely
represented by events.
After going through midpoints etc (in another post), I think there
must be an explanation why things did not go worse, because there
certainly seems to have been ingredients present for something much
more serious than what actually happened.

And the explanation that there would have to had to be more strong
aspects in the birth chart itself, not only ”sensitivity”, seems to me
to make perfect sense.

Kjell Pettersson
2010-12-15 20:28:20 UTC
The suicide bomber should have been 29 the day after the bombing. He
was born in Baghdad, 12 December 1981, no time given. I think it is
interesting in so far that the event chart is almost the same as his
never experienced Solar Return.

Back to the event chart. I have looked at what could be sensitive
points in this chart, and found the following.

Saturn has been square Pluto at
1 LIB/CAP 43
4 LIB/CAP 21
2 LIB/CAP 56

16th of August
Jupiter opp. Saturn at
2 LI 27

Eclipse of June 26, Sun opp. Moon at
4 CAN/CAP 47
(with Pluto being at 4 CAP 07)

Midpoints at the time of the bombings
Saturn/Uranus = 4 CAP 03

Venus/Jupiter = 15 CAP 30
A very close square to Saturn at 15 LIB 26.

Finally, stations. Pluto stationed at 2 CAP 47 in September and at 4
CAP 07 in November. Saturn stationed at 4 LIB 39 in January. I am not
certain a Saturn station would be strong enough to give an echo this
long time after, but the placement is conspicuous, so I include it.

The COSI offers the following interpretations.

Saturn/Pluto, negative expressions: ”[A] fanatical adherence to one's
principles once they have been adopted. A martyr. And adds, for the
conjunction: ”Violence (mass murderer).”

Given these, it seems sensible to think that an activation of the
recent Saturn/Pluto-square may be the case. In the event chart, Pluto
activated one of the square degrees and Mars/NN another. Mars in
combination with Saturn/Pluto, speaks of ”brutality, assault or

Next on the list is Jupiter opposition Saturn, activated by Mars and
combined with the Saturn/Pluto-square. That gives us a desire for
drastic and violent changes.

The eclipse in June, in itself, adds to what is happening, though more
in terms of making the event bigger than giving it any particular
nature. Add Pluto to make it explosive.

The Saturn/Uranus midpoint with Pluto (again, on the Sat/Pluto-square
degree): An act of violence.

Saturn squaring the most beneficient midpoint of all, Venus/Jupiter
(”destroyed hopes”), may point to the impulse for the suicide bombing,
though that would have to be speculative.

I would say that all the relationships pointed out, with the possible
exception of the Venus/Jupiter-midpoint square Saturn, fit very well
with what the event chart is supposed to describe.


I have used no more than a degree orb for sensitive points and
midpoints. I generally try to stay within the same degree.
Kjell Pettersson
2010-12-28 02:40:48 UTC
Post by Kjell Pettersson
The suicide bomber should have been 29 the day after the bombing. He
was born in Baghdad, 12 December [...]
There is one fixed star of interest too, upon the Ascendant of the
event chart.

Wasat, 18° Cancer 31. (The star is considered unfortunate and of the
nature of Saturn and Mars.)

”Chemicals, poisons, gas; violence, malevolence, destructiveness as a
first principal; pessimism; clear, authoritative speech; prominence in
public affairs.” *

Considering that gas was used for explosions, I think this one is
pretty close, though it should be remembered that it is upon the
Ascendant once daily.

* http://www.astrologycom.com/fixedstars.html
Kjell Pettersson
2011-01-01 21:42:39 UTC
On Dec 28 2010, 3:40 am, Kjell Pettersson
Post by Kjell Pettersson
There is one fixed star of interest too, upon the Ascendant of the
event chart.
Wasat, 18 Cancer 31. (The star is considered unfortunate and of the
nature of Saturn and Mars.)
Continuing the theme of fixed stars, I found these comments on an
article describing Pluto and Algol and the fact that both are
"eclipsing binaries" (Pluto planet and Algol a star [system], but

Commenter Andrew writes:
”Pluto is the shadow of a star; it was discovered on February 18, 1930
occulting the fixed star Wasat. Robson describes the influence of
Wasat as “connected with chemicals, poisons and gas (and) violence,
malevolence, destructiveness as a first principal,” synonymous with
the influence of Pluto; there results a translation of light (or
shadow, a diminution of light) from Wasat to Pluto.”

Commenter Caroline Allen writes:
”Pluto was discovered in the 18th degree of tropical Cancer.”


Wasat being on the discovery degree of Pluto, and on the Ascendant of
the event, the theme of the event seems to be even more reflected and
reinforced by the chart.

2010-12-13 20:03:23 UTC
Here's the chart, for reference.
As well as Mars and Pluto, Mercury and the NN bulk up the conjunction a bit
further. All are within 3 degrees of each other. I can't off-hand see the
relevance of them being in the 6th House or Capricorn, though. They're all
squared by the explosive combination of Uranus and Jupiter, from the 9th -
religious motives? Do we know what was behind it yet?

As far as pinning it down to Stockholm goes, I suppose Astrocartography
would be worth a try, not that I've ever done any of that myself.

I'll do the chart systematically and report back. I seem to have got out of
the habit of doing event charts - not sure why, I enjoy those. Good to have
one going again.
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
Kjell Pettersson
2010-12-15 20:28:21 UTC
Post by A B
As well as Mars and Pluto, Mercury and the NN bulk up the conjunction a bit
further. All are within 3 degrees of each other. I can't off-hand see the
relevance of them being in the 6th House or Capricorn, though.
Regarding Mars, in particular, it is exalted in Capricorn. It is also
considered (by many, if not all) to be strong in the sixth house.
Furthermore, it is also strengthened by being in conjunction with the
North Node. These three things together make it very easy for Mars to
manifest whatever he is up to, which would be something ”martial”.
Post by A B
They're all
squared by the explosive combination of Uranus and Jupiter, from the 9th -
religious motives? Do we know what was behind it yet?
Everyone seems to be fairly certain it was a suicide bombing for the
greater glory of an Osama bin Laden-oriented organization and also
against the Swede Lars Vilks, who has made some rather controversial
art projects where the prophet Muhammed has been less than seriously
treated. Or, actually, I think he has only talked about possibly doing
these things, but that seems to be enough to alert more sensitive

2010-12-19 00:03:17 UTC
I've just realised that that link I posted for the chart was a dud. Here's
another try:
Here's all I can make of it. I'm only considering the basic chart; I leave
midpoints and so on to people who can do them. Most of my remarks are from
my own limited experience of event charts; I don't know much about the
received opinion. Has anyone any more info about the event itself?

The obvious place to start is the conjunction of Mars, Pluto, the North Node
and Mercury. Mars and Pluto seem fair enough. In theory, I don't believe
in Pluto's significance. It's just a Kuiper Belt object like any other.
But here it is blatantly acting like a planet, AGAIN. Blast it! Or, to be
accurate, blast everything it meets! I'd expect that the other two would
add extra emphasis to the conjunction, irrespective of whatever they mean
specifically. The NN is odd, as it's traditionally a benefic. I remember
someone saying that in a mundane chart it indicated many people - but there
WEREN'T many people, so that's no help. Mercury might represent Lars
Vilks's remarks, which are supposed to have provoked the attack. It could
also be media attention, and/or security ideas and policies. In the same
vein, the 6th could be the military (one of its traditional functions), or
security procedures. If not, I don't know what it is! Capricorn could
strengthen Mars, being its exaltation, and could also indicate restricted
effects. Or perhaps conservatism, on either side.

Square all this are Jupiter and Uranus. Both explosive planets. They, and
their placing in 9th, and the Sag Sun, all suggest religious fanaticism.
Uranus is also the planet of "lone wolves", and surprise events - well,
Stockholm isn't the FIRST place you'd expect this to happen! A loaded 9th
often suggests at least a "nine days' wonder" - it catches popular
imagination. I noticed it in the Hudson plane crash last year, the opening
of Tutankhamun's tomb, and the first step on the Moon as cast for Houston.
It also often indicates high up, but not this time.

The MC always seems important in event charts; but I don't understand it
here, or its conjunction with the Moon and Neptune. Kjell was probably
right about the Moon con MC bringing public attention. And Neptune could
show misguided action, or the dissipation of effort (by the bomb going off
before he reached his target). But why the 8th? Only the bomber died.
Could the Moon possibly mean him? Why?

Venus often seems to protect life, especially when in the 4th. Here it
forms a trine to Moon-Nep-MC and a sextile to Mar-Plu-NN-Mer, presumably
mitigating their effects. The INTENDED scale of the attack, and the general
outcry, were fully as big as the chart warrants - Venus only seems to have
mitigated the injuries, not anything else. In my experience (of no more
than a dozen charts!) she does do that, at least from the 4th.

I've realised that I misunderstood what Astrocartography does. It wouldn't
show anything for Stockholm that wasn't in the Stockholm chart. Pity.

I wonder why, astrologically, it happened exactly then? In one way it might
be neater if Moon and Nep were exactly on the MC, and that would also give a
more appropriate Aquarius MC and Leo IC. But from where it is, the MC does
sextile the Capricorn stellium more exactly. And a bit LATER, the Sun would
be in the fifth, indicating that the bomber acted to glorify himself and his
beliefs. Swings and roundabouts.
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
2010-12-19 03:39:23 UTC
Post by A B
I've just realised that that link I posted for the chart was a dud. Here's
Here's all I can make of it. I'm only considering the basic chart; I leave
midpoints and so on to people who can do them. Most of my remarks are from
my own limited experience of event charts; I don't know much about the
received opinion. Has anyone any more info about the event itself?
The obvious place to start is the conjunction of Mars, Pluto, the North Node
and Mercury. Mars and Pluto seem fair enough. In theory, I don't believe
in Pluto's significance. It's just a Kuiper Belt object like any other.
But here it is blatantly acting like a planet, AGAIN. Blast it! Or, to be
accurate, blast everything it meets! I'd expect that the other two would
add extra emphasis to the conjunction, irrespective of whatever they mean
specifically. The NN is odd, as it's traditionally a benefic. I remember
someone saying that in a mundane chart it indicated many people - but there
WEREN'T many people, so that's no help. Mercury might represent Lars
Vilks's remarks, which are supposed to have provoked the attack. It could
also be media attention, and/or security ideas and policies. In the same
vein, the 6th could be the military (one of its traditional functions), or
security procedures. If not, I don't know what it is! Capricorn could
strengthen Mars, being its exaltation, and could also indicate restricted
effects. Or perhaps conservatism, on either side.
Square all this are Jupiter and Uranus. Both explosive planets. They, and
their placing in 9th, and the Sag Sun, all suggest religious fanaticism.
Uranus is also the planet of "lone wolves", and surprise events - well,
Stockholm isn't the FIRST place you'd expect this to happen! A loaded 9th
often suggests at least a "nine days' wonder" - it catches popular
That's an 8 or 10 degree orb from Jupiter/Uranus to Pluto.

OTOH, the Sun is approaching a square to the pair. (ba-dum-bum)

I'm thinking it's like different grades of gasoline: the lower the
grade, the quicker to fire. With this event, it fired before it
reached full compression - before the Sun squares and before the Mars
conjunction - so it was pinging rather than a full-bore explosion
(perhaps the distinction is the number of people hurt, rather than the
force of the blast).
Post by A B
I noticed it in the Hudson plane crash last year, the opening
of Tutankhamun's tomb, and the first step on the Moon as cast for Houston.
It also often indicates high up, but not this time.
The MC always seems important in event charts; but I don't understand it
here, or its conjunction with the Moon and Neptune. Kjell was probably
right about the Moon con MC bringing public attention. And Neptune could
show misguided action, or the dissipation of effort (by the bomb going off
before he reached his target). But why the 8th? Only the bomber died.
Could the Moon possibly mean him? Why?
Venus often seems to protect life, especially when in the 4th. Here it
forms a trine to Moon-Nep-MC and a sextile to Mar-Plu-NN-Mer, presumably
mitigating their effects. The INTENDED scale of the attack, and the general
outcry, were fully as big as the chart warrants - Venus only seems to have
mitigated the injuries, not anything else. In my experience (of no more
than a dozen charts!) she does do that, at least from the 4th.
I've realised that I misunderstood what Astrocartography does. It wouldn't
show anything for Stockholm that wasn't in the Stockholm chart. Pity.
I wonder why, astrologically, it happened exactly then?
See above for one theory.
Post by A B
In one way it might
be neater if Moon and Nep were exactly on the MC, and that would also give a
more appropriate Aquarius MC and Leo IC. But from where it is, the MC does
sextile the Capricorn stellium more exactly. And a bit LATER, the Sun would
be in the fifth, indicating that the bomber acted to glorify himself and his
beliefs. Swings and roundabouts.
cfa at alt dot net
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