Pinpointing the Moment
Starting with a single indication in a single chart, seeking
confirmation in other charts I have sought to go from a general time
window into one particular and specific point in time. A final and
revised prediction should not simply point to the date when the
progressed wedding chart reaches the eclipse. Having taken other
charts into consideration, and looking into how these charts fit with
the transiting stars at the time, in my last post I arrived at a date
soon after the solar eclipse in late Leo, 2017.
Extra-Astrological Information
Ultimately, an interpretation, especially so a prediction, must always
take into account the lives and stories of the people involved in the
prediction. Had the analysis we have been doing been about quite other
people, none of them royal, no amount of aspects to Regulus would have
led to a prediction regarding succession. A prediction must depend
upon what is possible in the lives of those concerned. It need not
seem likely, but it must be within the realm of the possible.
So far I have said that I predict a succession, and I have pinpointed
relatively exactly when I think things will happen. But, exactly what
is it that I predict will happen at this time? Here we need to look at
the real-life context. And in a real-life context, succession does not
happen from one day to the next (unless there is a death involved,
which I specifically do not think will be the case here).
The Alternatives
If we look back to when Charles XVI Gustaf succeeded the previous
monarch, his grandfather Gustave VI Adolf, we see that there were
really two points in time. One when the old King died, one when he
formally ascended to the throne. We may meet a similar thing in 2017;
the King stepping down at one point in time, or announcing that he
will do so, and the Crown Princess ascending to the throne at another
point in time. As the tradition has been to have succession with death
and I predict a change in tradition, we do not really know how such a
change will look. But this is what I think will happen:
1. The King announces his retirement. This will happen soon after the
eclipse that conjuncts Regulus in 2017. The chart events that occur
before this will happen in the private sphere, perhaps only in the
King's own mind even.
2. The actual stepping down and the Crown Princess ascending to the
throne will however not, I believe, happen at this time. And now I
rely upon extra-astrological information. In 2018 it will be 200 years
since the first Bernadotte, Charles XIV John, ascended to the throne,
and I believe the Royal Court will choose to let this year be the year
when the Crown Princess becomes queen. (Royals are very much for
combining dates like this. The 2010 marriage was obviously planned to
coincide with the 1810 arrival of the first Bernadotte to Sweden.)
Also, besides the wishes and the protocol of the Royal Court, there is
also that this is a state matter. Things like these are not done away
with from one day to the next.
And this is really my take on it. We will have the *announcement* of
the stepping down in our time window, and the astrological processes
we have looked into are about that stepping down, and the mental and
emotional preparations for that, for all concerned. The machinery, or
mechanics, so to speak. When things are finally made public, all the
mental and emotional processing is already past.
To summarize my idea about the actual succession; the Crown Princess,
I believe, wont actually ascend to the throne until in 2018, which is
the jubilee of Karl Johan XIV ascension to the throne. That makes the
most sense from an extra-astrological perspective, taken into
consideration how I believe a Royal House is likely to think and plan
about a matter such as this. But if I am correct, that is another
story, yet to be investigated, yet to be told!
Post by Kjell PetterssonEclipses
The impetus to investigate a variety of horoscopes came from noting an
eclipse one week after the wedding of TTRRHH Crown Princess Victoria
and Prince Daniel. I made a tentative prediction, but felt it needed
to be qualified. Investigating the transits of 2016 and 2017 I found
out there is an eclipse that may be related to my prediction.
In August, 2017, there will be an eclipse in late Leo, where most now
living have their Regulus placed, natally. It is a solar eclipse,
occurring at a New Moon. The eclipse itself is of some interest to the
newsgroup since it is in the same Saros series as the eclipse of 1998
which decided the Ascendant of our chart. It stands to reason that an
eclipse on our Ascendant will have some effect on the group!
However, our topic is succession in the Swedish monarchy. From what we
have seen, during 20162017 three progressed Suns are strongly
relating to Regulus. The King of Sweden has his conversely progressed
Sun opposing Regulus, the Crown Princess has her progressed Sun
conjunct Regulus, and so is the dynastic progressed Sun too.
I have come across the idea that eclipses don't really *change*
anything or add anything to a situation that is not already there.
They merely get things moving, but the things moving are already in
place. I have no authority to refer to and do not know if this is an
idea embraced by consensus but IF it is so, it seems reasonable to
assume that the eclipse of 2017 will lead to things happening. That
is, if they have not already done so.
The eclipse of 2010, visible in the progressed marriage chart,
culminates in mid-May 2017. (On the birthday of HRH Prince Charles
Philip!) It seems reasonable to assume that no matter how many
indicators we have before that date, nothing will change with regards
to succession before this date. Something need to activate the whole
situation, a trigger.
In principle, I guess the trigger could activate the eclipse of 2010,
present in the marriage chart, but it seems more likely that an
activation should relate directly to the charts involved, rather than
If that assumption is correct, it is the late Leo/early Libra versus
late Aquarius/early Pisces-axis and Regulus that stand first in line.
This position relates to both the King, the Crown Princess, the
dynasty and the subject matter (Regulus being connected with royalty).
The first activation after mid-May IS the eclipse of August 2017.
However, eclipses in themselves need to be activated for the changes
they speak of to become visible. That happens quite soon though, with
transiting Mars conjoining the eclipse degree within a very short
I will return with an interpretation of the above, and the preceding,
in the next post.
Post by Kjell PetterssonI apologize for the double posting. I hope the moderator does not shut
me out, as repeat postings are not allowed according to the Charter.
In case he will, I hurry to make another post before he does so!
(Please mr Moderator, I promise to behave from now on.)
Back to topic.
The Science of Origins
One basic idea in astrology is the idea that origins matter. The
starting point encapsulates the story that will be told. Ultimately,
our fates are tied up with where and when we were born, as if we were
extensions of the planet itself.
However, origins matter not only to people. Events have origins too,
and the origin of an event can tell us about the history that follows
from that particular event. Take, for instance, the event of someone
becoming a monarch. That event will speak of the subsequent era of
that monarch. In the case of the monarch also being the first of a
dynasty, the event will speak of the entire era of that dynasty.
The Bernadottean Era
The first Bernadotte monarch was Charles XIV John, King of Sweden and
Norway. He effectively became the new king upon the 1818 death of his
successor, Charles XIII. The event chart for this moment should speak
to us about the Bernadottean dynasty following upon Holstein-Gottorp,
which Charles XIII was the last of.
The event chart itself is interesting since it is a New Moon chart.
The Moon has passed the Sun by just a few degrees. That the New Moon
makes sense since the chart is supposed to describe the beginning of
something entirely new. It is also symbolically adequate that the Moon
is past the Sun, as the Crown Prince Bernadotte had already been
ruling the country de facto.
Confirmation or Not?
However, we shall not dwell upon this chart but look upon what it
might say about the time frame we are interested in; 20162017. Doing
so we find something I consider highly relevant; the progressed Sun of
the chart for 1818 is in mid-2016 at about 29°30 LEO. Incidentally,
this is the same position as the progressed Sun of HRH Crown Princess
Victoria, the difference only a fraction of a degree.
This also means that the progressed Sun will reach Regulus (current
position) about the same time as the progressed Sun of the Crown
Princess does so. If the progressed Sun of the Bernadottean era itself
reaches Regulus that does not in itself speak of a change of ruler.
However, it seems to me to speak of some kind of elevation of status
to the dynasty itself. I do not know how to interpret this, but it
does not seem to go against my earlier interpretation.
My conclusion: whatever the exact meaning of this is, it does seem to
point to something important and of royal character coming up within
our time-frame.
1. As the progressed Sun of the 1818 chart is synchronized with the
progressed Sun of the Crown Princess, it follows that when the Crown
Princess was born, the progressed Sun of the 1818 chart, the dynastic
chart, was conjunct her natal Sun.
This position is also the position of the radical Sun of the 1319
chart for Sweden.
Post by Kjell PetterssonIt seems the post I made yesterday has been swallowed up by the great
void that is between the Internet and the Usenet, so I repost it.
First, the chart of the King tells us that a change related to his
status as monarch seems to be in the wings, forthcoming probably
between mid-May 2016 and mid-May 2017. (Conversely progressed Sun
opposes Regulus.)
Secondly, comparing his chart with his daughters chart we also see
that this change of status seems to be related to her, personally,
which is again an indicator that we are speaking of succession rather
than a Swedish republic.
Thirdly, if one looks at how his chart is affected by how the skies
look during this time (transits!), there are plenty of indications
that could be interpreted as pointing towards him wanting to leave his
rôle as a monarch behind.
A Confluence of Factors
When there is a confluence of factors, like we have here, and they all
point in the same direction, to my mind that is a sign that a well-
founded decision is about to break through, stimulated both from
within and from without. One single indication might be disregarded,
but if one looks at one person from a multitude of angles and still
sees the same picture emerge, the confluence does give a reasonable
interpretation to go with.
What Next?
Having looked at the individual charts of the two major players in
this drama, and relating them to one another, we are still getting
consonant results. Still, so far we have only been looking at
horoscopes that are inherently personal. Next post will be about a
horoscope that is not personal in the same sense as the ordinary birth
More in the next post!
Post by Kjell PetterssonThe Eclipse of 2010
The eclipse that influences the marriage also has an impact upon the
birth horoscope of the Crown Princess. We may therefore infer that, at
least during the year after the wedding, she would be the one of the
couple most affected by the eclipse. I think it is reasonable to also
infer that this carries over into the later manifestation of the
eclipse, in 2017.
Why was there not a Swedish version of the Arabian Spring? If the
eclipse signified peoples ridding themselves of autocratsand a
monarch would be a kind of autocrat, why not in Sweden? (Let us
disregard for the moment the democratic difference between Sweden
and the Arabian countries that liberated themselves in 2011, and that
monarchs in constitutional monarchies are not really autocrats.)
Looking at this from the viewpoint of this investigation, the
1. The eclipse occurred over the Pacific, where the newly-weds were on
their honeymoon. That is, they were in the area where one would be the
most affected by the eclipse, in contradistinction to the people of
Sweden. The Crown Princess being first in the line of succession, it
makes sense that she would be strongly affected by the eclipse.
However, had the eclipse been speaking of Sweden going republic, the
people would have been as affected as the Crown Princess. This was not
the case, so I side with a change that is about succession rather than
a change in constitution.
2. The eclipse aspects the Moon in the Crown Princess natal chart
(the eclipse Sun...
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